Legacy Skills User Research (Internal - Amanda)

Met with Amanda on 05/30/24.


Phase 1: Legacy Skills/MTSS Strategy Card Implementation and Data Integration

Data Tracking

  • Current Functionality:

    • Data tracking presets attached to each strategy card in a modal.

    • Amanda likes having everything prepopulated and customizable for individual students.

  • Requested Features:

    • One recommended data tracking setup, including categories and customization.

    • Ability to create custom goals/tracking.

    • Trend indicator and last data point entered.

    • Way to report out a percentage of progress towards the goal (considering differing data collection methods and mastery criteria).

Intervention Plans/Intervention Groups

  • Current Functionality:

    • Lesson Plan is the strategy card.

    • Targets are all available for Strategy Cards.

  • Requested Features:

    • Ability to look at different cards in the intervention library.

    • One strategy card has one type of data collection method.

Competitive Analysis

  • Examples:

    • Goal Book: Excel is embedded in Goal Book.

    • Clark County School District: Majority of their contract is Legacy Skills.

    • Inglewood School District: Contract is Legacy Skills, later transitioned to Goal Book.

Phase 2: Legacy Skills to MTSS Dashboard

  • Brainstorming Ideas:

    • Special Ed Tab

    • Progress Reports for Skills Insights tied to MTSS/BEH District Level Dashboard

    • IEP Tracking

Additional Ideas Mentioned

  • Existing Areas Collection:

    • Dashboard > Student Plans:

      • Shows the number of plans for skills and behavior.

    • Dashboard > Student Progress:

      • Shows students with progress on skills and behavior.

    • Dashboard > Students (top navigation) > Select Student > View Progress (drop-down selection) > Progress Report (side navigation):

      • Shows library collection name (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition) details with goals, progress updates (3/5 Objectives mastered), status (dropdown selection: not initiated, no progress, limited progress, partial progress, progress, substantial progress, goal met or exceeded, mastered, Other (specify)).

  • Usage:

    • Items from the progress report could be used to communicate to admin/higher view showing overall progress being made; a great summary for IEP kids.

Special Education Specifics

  • Distinctions:

    • Special Education (IEP/504) is not an intervention plan.

  • Considerations:

    • Inclusion, Abilities, and Transitions libraries and where these items may go.

    • Reporting to teachers/admin for both General Ed and Special Ed.

    • Goal history shown to teacher/admin; collects the history of goal/intervention/outcomes from previous years, who created it, when created (repository attached to the student).

    • Provide a high-level view of how Intervention/IEP is progressing; suggest using what is currently available with intervention plan and IEP for plan progress statuses.


  • Special Education Integration:

    • What to do about the place for Special Education where the existing goal/intervention bank incorporates ELA/Math goals from Legacy and also Abilities, Transitions, and Inclusion?

    • May need additional functionality for a SPED tab or a way to indicate IEP that would ‘rename’ the Intervention Plan---IEP needs determined at the beginning of the flow.