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In this guide, users will learn the details behind adding, editing, and cancelling appointments in the Rethink Scheduler.




Helpful Information

Creating an Appointment

Navigate to Scheduling

Scheduling Tile.jpg

There are 2 options to create an appointment in Rethink:

Option 1: Dragover your desired appointment date & time

Option 2: Right clickon your desired appointment date & start time and click create appointment

  • Appointments can only be created through the desktop browser OR the mobile browser at Appointments cannot be created from the mobile app.

Choosing the Appointment Type

There are 3 appointment types when scheduling an appointment: Billable, Nonbillable, and Travel.

Scheduling a Billable Appointment:

Complete all required fields marked with an “*”:

Outlined below are the required fields for a BILLABLE appointment:

Once all required fields are entered

Click SAVE

Scheduling a Nonbillable Appointment:

Below are the required fields of a NON-BILLABLE Appointment

Once all required fields are entered

Click SAVE

Scheduling a Travel Appointment:

Here are the required fields of a Travel Appointment

Once all required fields are entered

Select SAVE

Required Field Details for ALL Appointment Types:

  • Type: Billable, Nonbillable, or Travel

  • Date: Date of Service

  • Start & End Time: Scheduled Appointment Time

  • Staff Member: Scheduled Staff Member

  • Pay Code: staff pay code for this specific appointment

  • Place of Service: indicate the place of service necessary for claim processing

Additional Requirements for BILLABLE Appointments:

  • Client: Scheduled Client

  • Service: service options are based on the client’s authorization AND the staff member’s credential - learn more about restricting billing codes by credential here Setting Up Your Funders and Billing Codes.

Additional Requirements for NONBILLABLE Appointments:

  • Tag: Non-billable tags to describe the activity of the session

Additional Requirements for TRAVEL Appointments:

  • Mileage: mileage for the appointment can either be typed in OR will pre-populate if the Driving From & Driving To addresses are entered

Scheduling a Series Appointment

If an appointment recurs in a weekly or monthly pattern, you can set up a recurring or “Series” appointment.

When creating the appointment, click REPEAT

Complete the required fields of the recurrence pattern

Select if this is a weekly or monthly recurrence pattern

Select the days of the week for the appointment series

Select when to end the appointment series

  • Best practice recommendations are to input an end date that does not exceed the end date on the authorization.

    • Creating an series appointment that extends beyond the authorization would allow appointments to be created that are not attached to an active authorization.




Helpful Information

Editing an Appointment

To edit an appointment, first choose Open Occurrence or Open Series on the existing appointment.

With proper permissions, you can edit any appointment field

Select the field and make applicable changes

Select SAVE when complete

When updating a Series appointment, once SAVE is selected the following screen will appear:

Choose whether to save these changes as of specific date OR if these changes apply to the entire series

  • A user will need “Edit Appointments” permission to make any edits to already existing appointment

  • If an appointment is already verified, then a user would need “Edit Verified Appointment” permission to make any changes.

    • For more information on Role Permissions refer toPermissions.

  • Appointment Date cannot be changed if staff verification, parent verification or session note has previously been completed.

Drag and Drop

Users can also change the date/time of the appointment by utilizing the drag and drop feature.

  1. On your desktop, navigate to the Individual Calendar (Week or Month view)

  2. Click and hold on an appointment to drag and drop it to your desired date/time

  3. After you drop the appointment, you will see a pop-up confirming the date and time that the appointment will be moved to

    • To cancel the changes, click ‘Undo’

    • To move the appointment to the new date/time, click ‘Move’


  • You must have permission to Edit Appointments and have access to the assigned client in order to drag and drop an appointment

  • You can drag and drop a single appointment or a single occurrence that is part of a series.

  • Appointment Series may not be dragged and dropped.

  • Drag and Drop functionality is only available on the Desktop application.


For more information on this feature, please refer to the following resource:

Copy of Drag and Drop. Done

Cancelling Appointments



Helpful Information

Cancelling an Appointment

Open your appointment and choose whether the Family Cancelled or the Staff Cancelled the appointment under the cancellation options.

Once selected, the following screen will appear where a cancellation subtype can be chosen and details regarding rescheduling can be entered.

Cancelled appointments will display with a red exclamation point on the calendar views.

  • Cancellation sub-types will only appear at the appointment level if added in the Settings section of Rethink

    • For information on adding Cancellation sub-types refer to Scheduling Settings.

    • Please reach out to your System Admin with questions regarding when to use each sub-type.

  • If you’d like to assign a staff member the task of rescheduling the appointment you can select the staff member & a due date.

Linking a Cancelled Appointment as a Rescheduled Appointment

To link an appointment as a rescheduled appointment, select “This appointment is a reschedule” when scheduling a new appointment.

The below pop-up will appear and will display a list of appointments to choose from under Cancelled appointments

Select the cancelled appointment you would like to link for reporting purposes

Select if you would like to insert the linked appointment’s billing information

When complete

Click SAVE

Uncancelling Appointments



Helpful Information

Uncancelling an Appointment

In a cancelled appointment, user with permission will see a button labeled “uncancel”.

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After clicking the uncancel button, the user will be given two prompts:

Prompt 1: Confirm you want to uncancel the appointment

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Prompt 2: IF user selects “uncancel”, then user will need to select a reason for uncancelling the appointment.

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Then click “Apply”

The system will update the appointment to its previous status before it was uncancelled.


The checkbox for “Uncancelled” will be selected with the reason user selected.

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  • Super Important: When uncancelling appointments you now have the “power” to override any funder scheduling rules that were set to “ Do Not Allow”. The system will inform you when this occurs and you will have the option to not uncancel those appointments.

    • Why is this allowed? So users do not need to send tickets in to request this task be completed by Rethink which could take longer than customers desire.

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