There may be times you need/want to un-master a target or objective that has previously been mastered. This resource will review how to un-master a target and/or objective targets and objectives across both teaching and maintenance conditions. This task can only be completed on the website/web browser.
Un-master an Objective within the Teaching Condition:
Objectives are programmed to move in sequential order (i.e,. objective 1, objective 2, objective 3, etc.). An objective may only be un-mastered if no data is collected in the subsequent objective. After un-mastering an objective, you may then un-master targets within that current objective.
1. Within a client's profile, click on Data Entry
2. Select the program from the program list on the left-hand side of your screen. (This will bring up the data collection panel for your skill) and select VIEW DATA
3. From the tab titled "Intervention", scroll down, locate, and select the un-master objective icon.
4. Return the data entry screen, and you will notice the mastery criteria notification is still shown. This is because mastery criteria for the objective have been met. You may now (1) add a new target to the objective (2) continue collecting data or (3) re-master the objective.
Un-master an Objective within the Maintenance Condition: