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New Mobile App Feature!!!

Important Changes*

1.Moving from baseline to intervention requires targets to have been added to the program. This move can be completed on either the web browser in the clients profile or on the mobile app within the program itself.

Few things to note:

  • Ability to switch from Baseline to Intervention/Teaching can


  • only be done with Internet Connection


  • Entering Baseline or Intervention data can be entered for a program (not both) within a session when syncing



  • Only 1 target will be preselected vs. all targets when switching and starting a program


  • Autophase Change Lines will be placed on the graph when switching from baseline to intervention

RBT Guide: Switching from Baseline to Intervention on the Mobile App (RBT Guide)


Details & Images

Good to Know!

When using

To move out of baseline on the mobile app, you

can now make the switch from baseline to teaching (skills) and baseline to intervention (behaviors) without using the website.

You can enter baseline or teaching/intervention data. Within one session you are only able to enter one data collection mode and sync the data. Tips for this are under Good to Know!


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Image Removed*This feature is only accessible if you have internet connection (online


only). Details on how to use the feature for offline session are listed below.




Program Set Up

  1. First, select your client’s skills and behaviors for your session.

  2. Next, View all skills and behaviors to determine if there are skills or behaviors that need to switch from baseline to intervention/teaching.

Select your skills and behaviors:

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Determine if you need to switch from baseline to teaching for skills:

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Determine if you need to switch from baseline to intervention for behaviors:

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Using the “Select All” check box feature for skills and behaviors will save you time if you are running all skills and all behaviors.


  • Once you begin your session, you will see which skill programs are in baseline for teaching skills indicated by a B ( baseline) or T (teaching).

  • You will see which skill programs are in baseline or teaching for skills, make the switch from baseline to teaching on any skill acquisition programs if needed.

  • When a program is in baseline, it will be highlighted in white, tap on the teaching button to make the switch.

  • You will also see what mode of data collection you are in by looking a the “Currently Collecting” statement.

If you need to switch from baseline to teaching for any skills programs, follow these steps:

1.Tap on the settings icon.

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2.You will now see both baseline and teaching tabs. Tap on the teaching tab.

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3. Confirm that you want to make the switch to teaching by pressing Yes.

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You will then have confirmation that you have switched data collection mode.

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4. Select any additional teaching targets needed for your session.

  • Target Selection Improvement - Only the first target is preselected!

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5. Save your changes to begin data collection.

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If you review the functionality of the data collection modes and what the requirements are for switching, take on the “select data collection mode” button to learn more for switching from baseline to teaching for skill acquisition programs.

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New! When you are in baseline data collection mode, you will now be able to see your teaching targets. The targets are in VIEW ONLY & GRAYED OUT until you switch to teaching.

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If you need to review the data before making the switch, tap on the Data tab at the top of the settings to review previous data entered as well as the graph.

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*Once you make the switch from baseline to teaching, an automatic phase change line will be added to the graph (after you sync).

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Other important functionality when switching from baseline to teaching with skill acquisition program:

  1. The baseline to teaching switch is similar to how it functions on the website.

  2. In order to make the switch from baseline to teaching, goals/objectives and targets are required on the website.

  3. When you switch from baseline to teaching any baseline data entered prior to the switch during that session will be cleared/discarded.

  4. If data wasn’t entered for teaching at any point, you can switch back to baseline if needed.

  5. If you have entered teaching data and attempt to switch back to baseline, you will receive an error message. This is not a current function of this feature.


When you tap on behaviors. you will see which behavior goals are in baseline or intervention. Make the switch from baseline to intervention on any behavior reduction goal needed.

If you need to switch from baseline to intervention for any behavior programs, follow these steps:

1.Tap on the settings icon, you will now see Baseline and Intervention tabs.

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2. Tap on the Intervention tab to switch from Baseline to Intervention.

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the toggle option located within the program itself.

First, use the orange gear icon to the left of the program name.

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Within settings, you will see both the toggle option at the top.

  • For skills it says baseline vs teaching

  • For behaviors it says baseline vs intervention

Tap on the word Teaching or Intervention to toggle out of baseline

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Confirm that you want to make the switch

to Intervention



selecting Yes


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You will then

have confirmation that you have switched data collection mode.Image Removed

4.Tap the back arrow to begin intervention data collection for the behavior.

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  • In order to make the switch from baseline to intervention, goals and/or objectives are required on the website - Steps 1 and 5.

  • When you switch from baseline to intervention, any baseline data entered prior to the switch during that session will be cleared/discarded.

  • If intervention data wasn’t entered at any point in time, you can easily switch back to baseline if needed.

Both baseline and intervention data collection looks identical, you will now see a B for baseline, and an I for intervention to help you to determine which data collection mode you are currently in.

If you need to understand the functionality of the data collection modes and what the requirements are for switching, tap on the “select data collection mode” button to learn more for switching from baseline to intervention for behavior reduction programs.

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If you need to review the data before making the switch, tap on the Data tab at the top of the settings to review previous data and the graph.

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*Once you make the switch from baseline to intervention, an automatic phase change line will be added to the graph (after you sync).

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Autophase Change Lines when switching from Baseline to Teaching & Intervention

Once you make the switch from baseline to teaching/intervention with skill acquisition and/or behavior reduction and sync your teaching data, a phase change line will be shown on the graph (website and mobile app).


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Once you have made the switch from baseline to teaching/intervention and entered teaching/intervention data, prior to the sync you will see a red - draft phase change line on the mobile app. This let’s you know what the phase change line will look like once you sync.

Previous data + autophase change line

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Graph with previous data and autophase change line (red)

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Syncing data

After you enter data, complete your session note with all verifications needed before syncing your data.

Once you make the switch from baseline to teaching and enter data, when you sync your data, the details will be reflected as teaching or intervention data.

With scheduling and clinical:

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Clinical Only:

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If you switch from baseline to teaching or baseline to intervention and then sync your data, teaching/intervention data will be shown in your session note, daily data summary, and your graph.

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Invalid Data: If 2 staff members are entering data on baseline at the same time and staff A makes the switch from baseline to teaching/intervention and saves/syncs the data. Staff B then continues to enter baseline data and syncs their data on the app. The data that staff B synced will be shown as invalid and the supervisor can decided if they want to save/discard the invalid data. This applies to both skills and behaviors.


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Details & Images

Good to Know!

Switching with Connection:

If you know that you will be completing a session in offline mode. Prior to the session, log into he app with connection to change any programs (skills/behaviors) from baseline to teaching/intervention.

1.Follow the steps above for making the switch from baseline to teaching or baseline to intervention

2.Once you make the switch for a behavior or skill, log out.

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As an admin it is recommended to remind staff to sync offline mode data as soon as possible. Encourage staff members to log in with connection as soon as possible once they have finished their offline session.

Offline Mode:

When you log into your offline mode session, the skills and behaviors that you switched from baseline to teaching/intervention will be available for data collection.

Offline Mode View:

Once switching from baseline to teaching/baseline to intervention, the programs that were switched with connection are reflected in offline mode:

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Enter and Sync your data:

After you enter data, complete your session note with all verifications needed.

Press sync to save your data to your device and sync when you have internet connection.

With Scheduling and Clinical:

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Clinical Only:

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If you made the switch from baseline to teaching or baseline to intervention ad entered data, this will be reflected in your session note when you sync with internet connection.

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receive a Success! notification and targets will be available for the program for data collection

  • For skill programs, it will automatically select the first target in the list, if you would like more targets to be selected, select more from the list within the same settings area

  • For behavior plans, select the back arrow after the success message to begin collecting data

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