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We need to add settings in Account Setup so that admin can add and modify a list that team members will see in a dropdown in the Student profile and MTSS Student Risk Report area. so that they can tag students that are receiving accommodations and services.

Settings Design:

Student Profile Design: Student Risk Report Design:


User Story

As an admin, I want to be able to add and modify a list of services and accommodations so that we can document and better serve our students who have physical, cognitive, and emotional needs.

UIDefault list of services and accommodations

  • To select Accommodations and Services, user clicks on Accommodations / Services from side navigation.

  • To change tabs for IEP, GIEP, 504, ELL, user clicks on each of the tabs at the top of the page.

Image Added

Acceptance Criteria

As a role 7 admin or highest admin role for a building with any product besides Vizzle, I can add or delete a list of accommodations and services in the account settings.

As a role 4 with any product besides Vizzle, I see the list of accommodations and services that the role 7 or highest admin role for district set up in the student profile.

  • Adding and removing custom Accommodations and Services will work the same way as in Incidents. (See Incident Settings)

    • We will only need short and long text for adding accommodations and services.

  • The user may click the remove (X) to remove a field they do not want

  • The default list for each accommodation and service is in alphabetical order.

  • The user may use the arrows to change the order of the fields

  • The user may click Remove all to remove the default list. Clicking Undo will return the list to the state it was in before clicking Remove all

  • Clicking Discard Changes exits without saving changes.

  • Clicking Save changes saves the changes user made.

The following selections contain Accommodations and Services:

  • IEP (Individual Education Plan-Special Education)

  • GIEP (Gifted Individual Education Plan

  • 504

  • ELL (English Language Learning)

The default dropdown for ELL Accommodations contains the following:

  • Preview vocabulary / Vocabulary instruction

  • Graphic organizers

  • Reduced reading load

  • Read aloud when not assessing reading skills

  • Support for native language literacy

  • Extended time on assignments and assessments

  • Access to dictionaries / glossaries

  • Provide multiple means of expression

  • Allow for wait time

  • Simplification / repetition of instructions as needed

  • Simultaneous user of oral and written instructions

  • Use of visual cues

  • Custom text entry field

The default drop down for 504 accommodations contains the following:

  • Preferential seating

  • Scheduled movement breaks

  • Extended time on assignments and tests

  • Reduced classwork or homework

  • Verbal, visual, or technology aids

  • Modified textbooks or audio-visual materials

  • Behavior management support

  • Adjusted class schedule or grading

  • Verbal testing

  • Excused lateness, absence, or missed classwork

  • Pre-approved nurse’s office visits and accompaniment to visits

  • Separate set of books for home

  • Has own set of supplies (crayons, scissors, tape) vs. using community supplies

  • Scheduled bathroom breaks / use of low traffic bathroom

  • May leave class a minute early to avoid hallway congestion

  • Custom text entry field

The default drop down for GIEP accommodations contains the following:

  • Extension activities

  • Tiered assignments

  • Open-ended questions on assignments / assessments

  • Self-directed activities

  • Allow student to set their own pace

  • Flexible grouping for assignments

  • Custom text entry field

The default drop down for IEP accommodations contains the following:

  • Alternate instruction format

  • Use digital tools / assistive technology

  • Testing accommodations

  • Adding resources to class

  • Preferred seating

  • Extra time for assignments

  • Alternate assignments

  • Sensory tools

  • Outlines, notetakers, and recordings

  • Environmental accommodations

  • Related service: Occupational therapy

  • Related service: Physical therapy

  • Custom text entry field

Student Profile

User Story

As team member with a class of students, I want to be able to select from a list of accommodations and services or custom enter a specific service/accommodation the student is receiving so that we can document and evaluate the supports given to each student.


  • To select accommodations / services, user clicks on their selection(s) within the drop down.

  • To de-select an accommodation / service, user clicks a second time on their selection(s) within the drop down.

  • To custom enter an accommodation / service, user clicks on the box for other and begins typing.

Acceptance Criteria

As a role 4 w, I see the optional field with a list of accommodations and services in the student profile that the role 7 or highest admin role for district set up.

  • Accommodations and Services are multi-select with no limit to the number of selections.

  • Given other is selected, Other disappears as user begins to type a custom entry. (See image: GIEP Example)

  • Given a custom entry has been entered and user de-selects the checkbox containing their custom entry, their text entry is removed and Other is returnedthe user will be able to remove the entry by clicking the “X” opposite the field.

  • Given a user has added a custom entry to Accommodations and Services, then a new Other will be provided.

    • There will always be an option for other and there are no limits on the number of custom entries.

    • Custom entries have a character limit of 60 characters.

    • If a text entry is longer than 60 characters, we will truncate the response.

Save for Future Development--MTSS Student Risk Report

User Story

As team member with a class of students, I want to be able to quickly view the accommodations and services from the MTSS Student Risk Report so that I have a clear picture of the supports in place to help each student.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Save for future development

As a role 4 w, I see the optional field with a list of accommodations and services in the student profile that the role 7 or highest admin role for district set up.