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Figma Link: Upload Sample Template Flow

User Story

As an internal employee at RethinkEd, I need to enter an new ELA or Math Assessment with metadata, criteria for benchmarks and field mapping so that we will have a bank of Assessments.


UI Description: Integration Settings-Field Mapping Tab

Field Mapping Tab

  1. Click to Upload


    • Description: Button uploads the heading of the data set selected and prefills the Select field drop down with those headings so User can pick which fields they want mapped

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of input: file

    • Validation Criteria: If completed, show success message that reads: file uploaded

  1. Required Fields List:

    • Description: List of fields required by RethinkEd to show User’s data into MTSS Dashboard

    • Validation Criteria:

      • If Percentile Range is selected from Scoring Type (Benchmark tab) then we show the required fields as: StudentId, CompletionDate, PercentileRank, ScaledScore

      • If Raw Score is selected from Scoring Type (Benchmark tab) then we show the required fields as: StudentId, CompletionDate, RawScore

  2. Show Tooltip:

    • Description: Optional checkbox with default as unchecked

    • Required: No

    • Type of input: Checkbox

    • Validation Criteria:

      • If checkbox is selected, then we show the Tool tip text entry box

  3. Select Field:

    • Description: Dropdown contains the headings from Upload Sample Template

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of input: Dropdown selection

    • Validation Criteria: A selection is made the conforms to criteria for a StudentId, CompletionDate, PercentileRank and Scaled Score

  4. Add Note:

    • Description: An optional selection that provides User a text box to text enter a note about the field that was selected; no character limits

    • Required: No

    • Type of input: Textbox

    • Validation Criteria: None; not required

  5. Add Custom Field:

    • Description: Opens an additional line to Custom enter the Field, optional text entry field description, Show Tooltips checkbox, Select field dropdown, and Add Note.

    • Required: No

    • Type of input: Button input

    • Validation Criteria:

      • If selected, then User needs to Name the field, include a text description, determine if a tooltip will be used, select a field from their data set and determine if Add note will be included

      • If not selected, then no Validation Criteria is need

  6. Save button:

    • Description: Saves all work completed

    • Required: Yes, if User wants the work completed

    • Type of input: button

    • Validation Criteria:

      • If selected, then all work is saved

      • If selected and their are fields that have not been completed, then we show error message around the field that reads: Required field

  7. Cancel button:

    • Description: Removes the most recent completed work.

    • Required: Yes, button is necessary but may not be selected by user

    • Type of input: button

    • Validation Criteria:

      • If selected, then the more current entries are removed and the previous entries shown.

      • If selected and no previous entries have been entered, then the default/empty state is shown.

      • If not selected, then no validation is needed

User Interaction and Validation Notes: Integration Settings-Field Mapping Tab

Start Here

Field Mapping Tab


Upload Sample template button: Required: csv,


  1. Click to Upload

    • Required: csv,

    • We extract the headings from the sample template and use them as options in the Select field dropdown

    • The User selects an item from the dropdown and matches it to the required field.

    • Given no selection has been made to match to a required field when Save button is selected, then we show a pop-up that reads: “One or more of the Required Fields is not mapped and it’s value will not be included in MTSS Dashboard.”

      • Given User selects: View Mapping, they are shown the screen beneath with the missing fields shown in the error state which reads: Please select a field

      • Given User selects: Save updates, then we save the updates as they are with the required field not included.

  2. Required Fields List:

    • Percentile Rank is shown when user selects Percentile Range on Benchmark tab

    • Raw Score is shown when user selects Raw Score on Benchmark tab

    • All required fields show Tool tip option

  3. Show Tooltip: optional, shows text entry box when clicked

    • Given Show Tooltip is selected, then the text box entry is required

    • Textbox entries have no character limits

  4. Select Field: Require, dropdown contains all of the labels from the uploaded sample template

    • User clicks on dropdown arrow to show list of fields and clicks on their selection

  5. Add Note: Optional; shows text entry box when clicked

    • Save selected, then note is shown below Select field

    • Cancel selected, then the note is removed and Add not function is restored

  6. Add Custom Field: optional, if selected shows fields to text enter: Custom Label, Custom Description, Show Tooltip, Select Field, Add note

    • If selected, then Custom Label, Custom Description, and Select Field are required

    • If selected, can be removed by clicking on x to remove the line.

  7. Save button: Save button saves the updates made

    • If Save is not selected, then the updates are not saved and user sees their previous entries or the default state if the entry is new.

  8. Cancel button: Cancels updates made

    • If Cancel is selected, then we show the previous entries made by the user or the default state if the entry is new

Workflow Description

  1. Add New Integration Metadata

    • Users selects the Subject and selects or text enters the company, assessment name and optional description

  2. Establish Benchmark Criteria

    • User enters Quantity, Scoring Type, Benchmark Labels, determines Percentage / Raw score ranges and applies to Tiers

  3. Map Required Fields to Data set

    • User uploads Sample Template and matches data set to required fields. Options to add tooltip, notes and custom fields are also available.

  4. Save New Integration

    • User selects Save button to complete the new integration and new integration is added to the Assessment List page