Versions Compared


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Step One:

We need to make sure that users review the behavior list in setup before they track the behaviors for the first time. We need to allow users to track behaviors/award points via:

  • Behavior Area

  • Classroom/Group Area

  • Student Area

Step One:

Teacher Record Behaviors Onboarding Design:

Teacher Record Behaviors Design:


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included, I will have access to the point system

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT access to MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System, I will NOT have access to the point system

  • Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I have permission to Record Behaviors, I will will see the Record Behaviors buttons in the behavior, student, and classroom dashboards.

  • Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I do NOT have permission to Record Behaviors, I will not see the Record Behaviors button.

  • Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I have permission to Edit Behavior settings, I will see the Let’s get started screen.

  • Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I do NOT have permission to Edit Behavior settings, I will NOT see the Let’s get started screen.

  • Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I have permission to Edit Behavior settings and I have edited the behaviors list, I will not see the Let’s get started message.

Open the tool


  • In the behavior area, users may click Record Behaviors to open the Behavior Points tool.

  • They must then select a classroom & click select.

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  • From classrooms, the user will click to open the tool by clicking on Record behavior pointsbehaviors

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  • From behavior support section for a specific student, the user may click on Record behaviors (Behavior Points block) for any of the tiers.

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  • Alternatively, the user may click on Points under recommended tools

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  • And then on Record behaviors.

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  • The first time a user clicks to record a behavior for a specific classroom, they will need to select if they would like to use the defaults, copy behaviors from another classroom, or start from scratch.

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    • If entering the tool from a specific student, the user should have the option to select a classroom.

      • Once a classroom is selected, they will see the option to use the defaults, copy behaviors from another classroom, or start from scratch. If a classroom is not selected, the user must use the defaults.

    Business Rules

    Business Rules

    • MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system, that account will have access to Point System

    • Behavior Section:

      • Users with permission to Record Behaviors and access to Behavior Support will see Record behaviors for Behavior Points as an option.

      • All non-admin users will see classrooms they are currently assigned to

      • Classrooms will be listed alphabetically

      • Admins will see a search bar instead of the classrooms list. Admins will need to search for a classroom by name.

      • If entering from behavior area and the user is not assigned to any classrooms, they will see a message stating “It looks like you have not been assigned to any classrooms. Please visit Classrooms or contact your account administrator for support.” Hyperlink to classrooms area.

      Classroom/Group Section:

      • Any user with permission to Record Behaviors (under Behavior Support) will have access to Record behavior points link.

      Students Section:
      • Any user with permission to Record Behaviors (under Behavior Support) will have access to Record behaviors button.

    • Users with permission to Edit Behavior Settings will see the Let’s get started screen. Users who do not have permission to edit behavior settings will bypass this step.

    • Let’s get started screen will only show if no behaviors have yet been recorded for the classroom and no selections have yet been made. Meaning, if a user edits the behavior list but does not record any behaviors for any student in the classroom, this message will no longer show.

    • If entering from a student area, users will only see classrooms to which both they and the student are currently assigned.

    | Use the Defaults


    • When the user clicks “Use default behaviors,” they will be taken to a screen that shows all of the default behaviors

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    • Each behavior will show the symbol for the behavior category, the name of the behavior, and the point value.

    • The user may click the arrows to rearrange the list

    • The user may click in the point value box to change the point value for the behavior

    • The user may click the X to remove the behavior from the list

    • The user may click “+ Add behavior” to add a custom behavior

      • When the user adds a custom behavior, they will need to enter a behavior name, behavior category, and point value

      • If the user clicks the X, the behavior will be removed.

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    From Behavior Dashboard: Let’s get started


    • The first time that the user clicks on record behaviors from the behavior dashboard, they will see the Let’s get started screen

    • Users with multiple classrooms will see all their classrooms and they will need to chose which classroom that they would like to record behaviors for

    • User with one classroom will need to click on their classroom to review the behavior list before recording the behaviors

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    • Once they select a classroom, they will see the Edit behaviors list

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    • Once they save, they will see the Record Behavior Points student/s or whole class selector

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    • Once they make their selection, (See Recording for Student/s and whole class), they can record the behaviors for that student, students, or whole class

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    Business Rules

    • This list will show the current default behaviors for the district

    • We will show the behavior categories set by the district. These can only be changed by highest level admin roles, and can only be changed in account setup.

    • The user may enter a custom behavior name

    • The user must select a pre-existing behavior category

    • The point value will default to 1 point, but the user may adjust this to any positive point value

    • Negative behaviors cannot have a point value associated. The points box will not show.

    • We will not allow any negative point values.

    • Point values can be set to a whole number 0 or higher.

    • Any user with access to the classroom and permission to Edit Behavior Settings may make changes.

    | Copy from another classroom


    • When the user clicks “Copy from another classroom,” they will need to select which classroom they are copying the behaviors from

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    • From here, they will be taken to a screen that shows all of the behaviors for the classroom they selected

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    • Each behavior will show the symbol for the behavior category, the name of the behavior, and the point value.

    • The user may click the arrows to rearrange the list

    • The user may click in the point value box to change the point value for the behavior

    • The user may click the X to remove the behavior from the list

    • The user may click “+ Add behavior” to add a custom behavior

    • When the user adds a custom behavior, they will need to enter a behavior name, behavior category, and point value

    • If the user clicks the X, the behavior will be removed


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    Business Rules

    • We will show the current list of behaviors for the classroom selected.

    • The user may only select classrooms to copy for classrooms for which they are assigned.

    • If a user decides to copy behaviors from Classroom A to Classroom B and then makes changes to the list for Classroom B, this does not impact the list of behaviors for Classroom A.

    • The user may enter a custom behavior name

    • The user must select a pre-existing behavior categoryThe point value will default to 1 point, but the user may adjust this to any positive point value

    • Negative behaviors cannot have a point value associated. The points box will be set to NA and cannot be changed.

    • We will not allow any negative point values.

    • Point values can be set to a whole number 0 or higher.

    • Any user with access to the classroom and permission to Edit Behavior Settings may make changes.

    | Start from Scratch


    • If the user selects “Start from scratch,” they will be taken to a screen where they may create behavior list for their classroom

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    • The user will need to enter a behavior name, behavior category, and point value

    • The user may click the arrows to rearrange the list

    • The user may click in the point value box to change the point value for the behavior

    • The user may click the X to remove the behavior from the list

    Business Rules

    • A behavior name must be entered

    • The user must select a pre-existing behavior category

    • The point value for any behavior tied to a positive behavior category will default to 1 point, but the user may adjust this to any positive point value for a whole number 0 or higher.

    • Behaviors tied to a negative behavior category cannot have a point value associated. The points box will be set to NA and cannot be changed.

    • We will not allow any negative point values.

    • Point values can be set to a whole number 0 or higher.

    • Any user with access to the classroom and permission to Edit Behavior Settings may make changes.

    Select who to record data for


    • Once the user has selected a classroom, they will have the option to record a behavior for an individual student, the classroom, or a group.

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    Business Rules

    • Users with permission to Record Behaviors (Behavior Support) and who have access to Behavior Support will see this screen.

    • Users may only select 1 option: Classroom, Group, or Student

    • Users entering from a student’s behavior support area will bypass this step and move straight to Step 3 to record data for that student.

    | For the whole classroom


    • If the user selects Classroom, they will record behavior for the entire classroom. This means any behavior selected will apply to all students in the classroom

    • This option is only available to users who have entered from the Behavior or Classroom dashboard.

    Business Rules

    • If the user has entered from the Behavior Dashboard or Classroom area, a classroom has already been selected. Selecting this option means we will record the behaviors for all students in the classroom previously selected (classroom name showing on the screen). They will move to Step 3 below.

    • Users who have entered from a group dashboard will not see this option.

    | For the whole group


    • If the user selects group, they will see a list of available groups. Once a group is selected, they will record behavior for the entire group. This means any behavior selected will apply to all students in the group

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    Business Rules

    • If the user has entered from the Behavior or Classroom Dashboard, a classroom has already been selected. Users will only see groups they are assigned to within that classroom. Classroom owners and admins will see all groups within that classroom.

    • Only 1 group may be selected. We will not allow a multi-select.

    • If the user has entered from a Group Dashboard, they will not select a group as the group has already been selected. They will move to step 3 below after clicking on “for a group”

    | For a specific student


    • If the user selects student, they will see a list of available students. The behavior will be recorded for the selected student only.

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    Business Rules

    • If the user has entered from a Classroom or Behavior Dashboard, we will list all students currently assigned to the selected classroom.

    • If the user has entered from a Group Dashboard, we will list all students currently assigned to the selected group.

    • Only 1 student may be selected. We will not allow a multi-select.

    View Record Screen


    • Once a user makes a student/classroom/group selection, they will see a list of all behaviors

    • Each behavior will show an icon for the category it belongs to. NEED DESIGN

    • Icons for positive behaviors are green (#00A79E)

    • Icons for negative behaviors are red (#ED633B)

    Business Rules

    • We will show all behaviors currently set for the classroom

    • If recording for an individual student and no classroom was selected, we will show the default list of behaviors)

    | Complete an Incident Report


    • The user may click on the tab for Incident Report to create a formal incident report.

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    • The Classroom field will populate with the classroom selected on the point tool panel. This cannot be edited.

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    • The user may select a location from the drop-down menu or click “Add new” to enter a custom location name

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    • The user may click the X next to a behavior to remove it from the report.

    • The frequency cannot be edited.

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    • The user may select an action taken from the drop-down menu or click “Add new” to enter a custom action.

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    • The date will show the date entered on the points tool.

    • The user may enter or select a time the incident occurred.

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    • The user may enter any notes they wish to include on the report.

    • When the user clicks “Save + Record Incident,” the data recorded on the points tool will be saved and the incident report will be saved.

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    • If the user does not make any changes to the report, they will see a save button instead. Clicking Save will save the data, but will not save the incident report.

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    Business Rules

    • Users with permission to Edit Report (Incident Reports) will see this tab.

    • The Incident Report options will be based on the district default settings (see Incident Reports for more details)

    • The classroom will populate based on the classroom selected on the top of the points tool. If no classroom was selected, this field will not show. If the user changes the classroom at the top of the points tool, this field will be updated accordingly.

    • Location is not a required field.

    • Locations will be based on the location settings.

    • If the user adds a new location, this location will be saved to the location list for the classroom selected. If no classroom was selected, this location will not be saved to any list.

    • The incident type menu will show all negative behaviors that have been recorded (frequency greater than 0) for the student for this session. No other behaviors will show in this menu. By default, all will be selected. The user may uncheck any behaviors they do not wish to include in the report. This is a required field so at least 1 behavior must be selected.

    • The frequency of each behavior will be pulled from the data recorded in the points tool.

    • Action Taken is a required field.

    • The list of actions will be based on the Incident Settings.

    • If the user adds an action, this action will be saved to the action list for the classroom selected. If no classroom was selected, this action will not be saved to any list.

    • The date will populate based on the date selected at the top of the points tool & cannot be edited here. If the user changes the date at the top of the points tool, this field will be updated accordingly.

    • The time will default to the current time. This is not a required field & can be changed.

    • Notes are not requiredA behavior name must be entered

    From Classroom: Let’s get started


    • The first time that the user clicks on record behaviors from the classroom, they will see the Let’s get started screen

    • Users select between editing the behavior list or Recording behaviors

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    • If they choose to Record behaviors they will see the Record Behavior Points student/s or whole class selector

    • If they choose to edit behavior list, they will see the Edit behaviors list

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    • Once they save, they will see the Record Behavior Points student/s or whole class selector

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    • Once they make their selection, (See Recording for Student/s and whole class), they can record the behaviors for that student, students, or whole class

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    • All non-admin users will see classrooms they are currently assigned to

    • Classrooms will be listed alphabetically

    • Admins will see a search bar instead of the classrooms list. Admins will need to search for a classroom by name.

    • If entering from behavior area and the user is not assigned to any classrooms, they will see a message stating “It looks like you have not been assigned to any classrooms. Please visit Classrooms or contact your account administrator for support.” Hyperlink to classrooms area.

    • Any user with permission to Record Behaviors (under Behavior Support) will have access to Record behavior points link.

    From Student Dashboard: Let’s get started


    • The first time that the user clicks on record behaviors from the student dashboard, they will see the Let’s get started screen

    • Users will see all the classrooms that students are a member of and they will need to chose which classroom that they would like to record behaviors for

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    • Once they select a classroom, they will see the Edit behaviors list

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    • Then they can record the behaviors for that student

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    • Students Section:

      • Any user with permission to Record Behaviors (under Behavior Support) will have access to Record behaviors button.

      • If entering from a student area, users will only see classrooms to which both they and the student are currently assigned.