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We need to add account settings to allow districts to customize how the new incident reporting tool will work in their district.




On this screen, users will see the incident report templates and the list of incident settings. Users will have the option of using the Rethink Template or a Custom Template for Incident Reports




  • If a user clicks the box with the +, they will be directed to the Create Template Screen.

  • If a user clicks Edit, they…

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Business Rules


Any user marked “is admin role” will see this section.


The settings will be

  • Rethink Template (default) or Custom Template

  • Allow Local Administrators to Make Changes (default) or Lock Settings


If Custom Template is selected, users must select a custom template or create a new template in order to save changes.


If a user at a parent account selects Custom Template and Allow Changes, the Custom Template selected will apply to all child accounts. Users at the child accounts may select a different custom template or the rethink template. This setting will apply to all user/students within the account.


If a user at a parent account selects Rethink Template and Allow Changes, the Rethink Template will apply to all child accounts. Users at the child accounts may select a custom template. This setting will apply to all users/students within the account.


If a user at a parent account selects Custom Template and Lock Settings, the Custom Template selected will apply to all child accounts & cannot be changed by users at the child accounts. Users at the child accounts will see a message that says "This setting has been locked by an administrator. Please contact an administrator if changes are needed."


If a user at a parent account selects Rethink Template and Lock Settings, the Rethink Template will apply to all child accounts & cannot be changed by users at the child accounts. Users at the child accounts will see a message that says "This setting has been locked by an administrator. Please contact an administrator if changes are needed."

Create New Template


  • When the user clicks the +, they will see the create template modal.

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  • On this screen, we will show all available fields

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  • The user may click the X to remove a field they do not want

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  • The user may use the arrows to move a field up or down in the list

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  • If the user clicks “Add additional field,” they will see the following options:

    • Custom Short Text

    • Custom Long Text

    • Custom Checkbox

    • Custom Signature

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  • If the user clicks on one of these options, it will be added to the template with the field type (text, text area, checkbox, signature)

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  • The user will need to click where it says “Enter a Label” to add a label for the custom field

  • The user may click Cancel to exit without saving changes or Save to exit and save the changes.

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Business Rules


Only the highest level admin roles will have access to create a new template. For accounts with multiple levels, only admins (marked “is admin role”) with access to all buildings will have permission to create a new template. For accounts without multiple levels, any admin role (marked “is admin role”) will have permission to create a new template.


also need to reorganize account settings if this has not yet been completed.