We need to provide a quick way for users to deduct points for students in the whole classroom. The idea is they will have a list of all student names, current balance, and a spend button.
Select Spend Points Tool
On a classroom or group page, the user will click “Spend Points”
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=15959%3A186373
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am a user with allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system and have permission to Manage Data/ Points, I will see the Spend Points button under Behavior Support for students in my classroom
Given I am a user with allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system and do NOT have permission to Manage Data/ Points, I will NOT see the Spend Points button under Behavior Support for students in my classroom
Getting to Manage Points Tool
In Points under Behavior Support, users will click a Spend points button
From the classroom, users can select Rewards
and then Manage Points
Business Rules
MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system, that account will have access to Point System
Users with permission to Manage Data/Points (Behavior Support) will see this button.
Select Whole Classroom
Once users select, Manage Points, the user will need to select whether they would like to spend points for a student, group of students, or the whole class
The user will skip students selection when recording / spending points from individual student dashboard. The name will automatically be selected to match the student from the dashboard.
If the user selects whole classroom, they will see the point balances of all the students
The user can remove a student or students by clicking the x
Business Rules
Users can either select a student, multiple students, or select whole class
Once the students select whole classroom, they will see all student balances and names from the classroom
If the user is coming from the student dashboard, the student selection will happen automatically.
Spend for whole class/group
The user may quickly deduct the same number of points for all students in the class/group be entering an amount next to Entire Classroom/Group & clicking Spend.
The spend box for the entire classroom will show the maximum amount of points that can be spent.user can look at the class balances to make sure they are not spending more points than what students have
Once they click to spend they will see the confirmation message:
If the user selects no, the points will not be deducted.
If the user selects yes, they will see the Success Message
All students in the group will have the points deducted and will apply to their individual balances and transactions
If the user enters an amount that is greater than any student’s individual point balance, they will see an error message that states "1 or more students
We will highlight the students who do not have enough points for this transaction. You may view each student's current point balance in the list."
Business Rules
We will show the name of the classroom or group at the top of the screen
The text will show Entire Classroom if clicking this option from the classroom screen. It will show Entire Group if clicking this option from the group screen.
When points are spent for the entire classroom or group, the number of points entered will be deducted from each student within the classroom or group.
The maximum number of points for the entire classroom is equal to the point balance of the student with the lowest number of points.
Spend for individual students
Below the class/group spend option, the user will see a list of all students within the classroom or group, their current point balance, and a place to enter points spent.
The user may browse the list or search for a student by name
When the user clicks “spend,” all points entered will be deducted from the student(s)
Business Rules
Points spent must be entered as a positive whole number greater than 0
Points spent will be deducted from the current balance.
Students will be listed alphabetically by last name (but names will be displayed as first name last name)
When the user clicks the print button,
a printable PDF will show
This document will show the Rethink logo in left header, school and district name in center header, and date report was printed right header.
Below this and centered, we will show the point range for the classroom
Below this, we will show each student in the classroom and their current point balance
We will show page numbers in right footer
Business Rules
We will print the date the report was printed
The low end of the point range will be equal to the point balance of the student with the least amount of available points
The high end of the point range will be equal to the point balance of the student with the most available points
When the user clicks the export button, they will export an excel doc
The excel doc will show a column for each student and a column for each students' point balance
Business Rules
We will export the current point balance for all students