We need to create an area where the teacher can set up the tool for the student(s) to self-monitor.
User Stories:
As a teacher, I want to add some positive behaviors for my student to work on, so that my student knows which behaviors to focus on improving
As a teacher, I want to customize the display of the self monitoring tool so that my younger students will be scaffolded with visuals or visuals with text and my older students will have just text.
As a teacher, I want to select an appropriate form of data collection for all behaviors, so I can ensure my student and I are comfortable tracking the data
As a teacher, I want the option to turn on data collection for myself, so I do not have to re-enter this information elsewhere.
As a teacher, I want the option to select from a list of existing behaviors, so setup is easier
As a teacher, I want the option to enter a custom behavior if nothing in the menu appeals to me, so I can ensure I am tracking the correct behaviors for my students
As a teacher, I want to use the same behaviors that are contained within the student(s) Behavior contract so I can keep all aspects of the plan consistent.
As a teacher whose class travels to related arts classes, I want a self monitoring tool that will collect data for the student(s) self-monitoring plan from all of their related arts classes so that I may compare my student(s) behavior throughout the day.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given the user has access to the Self-Monitoring within the Behavior suite and selects Self-monitoring from the left navigation, the user can open the Create a Self-monitoring tool.
Given the individual student has an existing behavior contract(s), the list appears beneath Create a Self-Monitoring Tool in order of the most recent first and have access to view.
Given the student has existing behavior contract(s) clicking Apply preloads the behavior selection items into the field(s) for Select Behavior.
Given the user selects the location field, the drop down list appears and the user selects desired choice with a click.
Given the user is creating a self-monitoring tool for a student within their class roster, the teacher’s name is the the default setting for the Teacher’s Name field.
Given the user selects interval as a measuring tool, Set interval will appear.
Given the user selects Text and Visuals, select image appears.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=17112%3A207285
Go to Create Self-Monitoring Tool
There are 3 ways to navigate to Create Self-Monitoring Tool:
From Behavior
The user will click on Create new tool on the Tier 2 or 3 screens.
Team members with permissions to regions will need to indicate which region, building, classroom, and student they would like to create the Self-monitoring tool for from a selector once they click on Create new tool
Team members with permissions to multiple buildings will need to indicate which building, classroom, and student they would like to create the Self-monitoring tool for from a selector once they click Create
Team members with permissions to multiple classrooms will need to indicate which classroom and student that they would like to create a Self-monitoring tool for
Then the user will start the tool for that student
From a Classroom
From the classroom page, the user will select Behavior Tools from the left-side navigation menu.
Then they will select View monitoring from Tier 2 or 3
Then they will select Create new tool from monitoring page
They will then see a popup where they must select the student
Then the user will start the tool for that student
From My Students - Behavior Support
From Tier 2 or 3, the user may click Create new tool
Alternatively, the user may click Self-Monitoring under recommended tools
Team members with permissions to regions will need to indicate which region, building, and classroom they would like to create the Self-monitoring tool for from a selector
Team members with permissions to multiple buildings will need to indicate which building, and classroom they would like to create the Self-monitoring tool for from a selector
Team members with permissions to classrooms will need to indicate which classroom that they would like to create a Self-monitoring tool for
Then the user will start the tool for that student
Business Rules:
Behavior Section:
Any user who has access to MTSS: All tools or Self-Monitoring with permission to Add/Edit Behaviors will have access to the Self-Monitoring Create new tool button.
All non-admin users will see classrooms they are currently assigned to
Classrooms will be listed alphabetically
Classroom/Group Section:
Any user who has access to MTSS: All tools or Self-Monitoring with permission to Add/Edit Behaviors will have access to the Self-Monitoring Create new tool button.
Students Sections:
Any user who has access to MTSS: All tools or Self-Monitoring with permission to Add/Edit Behaviors will have access to the Self-Monitoring Create new tool button.
All fields are required in the popup once they click Create
All regions that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Create new tool
All buildings that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Create new tool
All classrooms that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Create new tool
All students that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Create new tool
A given student can only have one active self-monitoring tool for a given location at a time
Create Self-Monitoring Tool
We will now see the Create Self-Monitoring modal
Clicking the X will close the modal without saving changes.
Clicking Save as draft will save the changes and bring the user to the self-monitoring Classroom list and they will see their draft in the monitoring list with the Draft status
Clicking Delete will delete any work and the from the self-monitoring list
Activate and Print data sheets will only be active once the user has inputted all fields
Save as a Draft will become active once a field has been inputted
Team members can chat with other team members through the chat feature as it works for incident reports
Business Rules:
The user can create create multiple Self-monitoring tools for a single student.
Students can only have one active self-monitoring tool for a given location
Select a location field contains a drop down for a list of locations. The location list is the same as that in Incidents.
. The Teacher(s) name field defaults to the name of the teacher creating the plan after created by.
The student’s name fills in automatically to match the selected student from the modal
Created by/ Created for
Created by will automatically populate with the user’s name
Created for will automatically populate based on the selected student from the popup
Business Rules:
The student and team member name will appear in First name Last name orientation
User clicks into Select a location field to reveal drop down list of locations where a custom entry can also be added.
The user can select multiple locations from dropdown and can type a custom location
If a student already has an active self-monitoring tool for a selected location, they will see the error message
If they click View they will see see the View monitoring tool screen
Business Rules
The dropdown is multiselect
Users can write in their own custom location
Only one monitoring tool can be active for a given location
Locations that the user has added in incidents and in other tools will be saved and shown in this dropdown
This field is required to activate or print data sheets
Select Measurement Tool
The user must select a measurement tool
User selects a measurement tool by clicking in the box
User hovers or clicks on the info icon to reveal more about each measurement tool.
If the user hovers over checklist the info popup will say The student will be asked if the behavior did or did not occur
If the user hovers over rating scale the info popup will say The student(s) rate their behavior on a scale from 0-4.
If the user hovers over interval the info popup will say The student will be prompted to answer questions about their behavior during regular intervals
If the user selects interval, the Set Interval dropdown will appear next to Select Measurement Tool
Business Rules
Selecting/deselecting measurement tools works as a checkbox. Only one measurement tool can be selected.
Users select the measurement tool by clicking inside the box
The info icon is a hover/click select state that reveals more information about each measurement tool.
This field is required to activate or print data sheets
Set Interval
The set interval dropdown will appear if the user selects interval as their measurement tool
User selects from the drop down or enters a custom value for the Set Interval field.
User hovers/selects on the info icon to reveal more about the Set Interval field.
Business Rules:
Only when Interval is selected will the Set Interval dropdown appear.
Set Interval is a drop down that lists options in increments of 5 minutes to 60 minutes with a custom entry listed last.
Users may custom enter Set Interval from 1 minute to 500 minutes.
Set interval contains an info icon when hovered or clicked reveals the following: “The frequency at which the student is prompted to self-assess.”
This field is required to activate or print data sheets if interval is selected
Select Display
Users customize the display for the student monitoring tracker by selecting one of two choices from dropdown: Text Only or Text and Visuals.
If user selects Text and Visuals, the Select Image search field appears.
Business Rules:
Only one option can be selected.
Text and visuals is the default selected answer
This field is required to activate or print data sheets
Select Behavior
Users select a behavior(s) from a drop down menu to include in self-monitoring tool for the student or custom enter their own item.
User can search for the keywords in a given behavior goal
Users have options to select from My Custom Behaviors which appears first and are behaviors previously selected or entered by the user.
The last selected behavior will be at the top of the custom behaviors
Users can add to their customized list by selecting an item from the Behavior List bank.
Users can add another behavior by clicking +Add another behavior below
If the user selects to add behavior, the user will see the Select goal, Select image, Goal %, Number, and Time
Business Rules
Select behavior is a drop down field and an automatic search feature as user types.
Previous user goal selections or custom goals created from Behavior Plans, Intervention Plans carry over and appear first under My Custom Behaviors within the Select behavior drop down.
Users can add additional custom behaviors by selecting the add custom behavior.
Drop down contains the Behavior list bank (this is coming later).
Selecting from the Behavior Bank adds that item to the My Custom Behaviors List within the drop down..
This field is required to activate or print data sheets
Student-facing question
Once the goal is selected, a default student-facing question will show
This field is editable
The default question will be Did I (goal)?
This field is required to activate or print data sheets
% Goal
User selects from the drop down or custom enters a percentage goal for the % Goal field.
User hovers/selects on the circled i to reveal more about the % goal.
Business Rules
% Goal is a drop down that lists the options in increments of 5% to 100% with a custom entry option listed last.
Users may custom enter a % goal within the ranges of 0% to 100%
This field is required to activate or print data sheets
Add Behavior
This field is required to activate or print data sheets
Once the user has made all their selections they will see the preview in the preview box
If the student is prek-5 student, the teacher will see the Prek-5 UI
If the student is grade 6th through 12th student, the teacher will see the 6th-12th UI
Teachers will see the student-facing, student interaction point of the measurement tool
Any changes the teacher makes will be reflected in the preview area
This field is required to activate or print data sheets
UI: Buttons
User selects options for their work by clicking on the buttons.
Selecting cancel opens the warning prompt.
Selecting Preview opens the preview screen for the self-monitoring plan.
Selecting Edit Draft allows the user to edit their work.
Selecting Save draft allows the user to save their work and re-open it at another time.
Activate begins the plan.
Selecting Cancel opens where user can cancel their work on the Create a Self-monitoring tool by selecting Yes, I’m sure or returning to the Create a Self-monitoring tool by selecting Resume.
Business Rules
Buttons trigger the following actions:
Cancel activates the warning pop-up.
Preview opens the preview screen (build this?)
Edit draft makes all the fields available to edit but keeps the previous selections if user makes no changes changes.
Save draft saves the draft as is. (need draft state as a status for self-monitoring tools)
Activate activates the self-monitoring plan.
Selecting Yes, I’m sure from the warning pop-up deletes the work on the Create a Self-monitoring tool screen.
Selecting Resume from the warning pop-up returns the user to the Create a Self-Monitoring tool screen.