We need to include a category for sorting students with a Gifted Individual Education Plan (GIEP).
Student Profile
User Story
As a user creating/editing a student profile, I need to be able to select/edit a GIEP status for my student, so that I can view this information when creating student supports and evaluating equitable student outcomes.
To select GIEP (Gifted Education Plan), user clicks in the checkbox next to GIEP.
To de-select GIEP, user clicks in the checkbox next to GIEP a second time.
Acceptance Criteria
Given a student is currently set to General Education, that student will have an GIEP Status set to No.
Given I am a user creating/editing a student profile, I will not be required to provide a GIEP Status.
Given a user has selected Gifted Individual Education Plan (GIEP), then at least one accommodation must be selected.
If user selects Gifted Individual Education Plan and then clicks anywhere else before selecting an accommodation, then the error message for accommodations shows. (See image: Error Message from ELL Status Student Profile section)
Individual Education Plan and Gifted Individual Education Plan cannot both be selected.
If user has selected Gifted Individual Education Plan, then Individual Education Plan will not be available for selection.
Given a district has shared IEP status via Clever/Classlink/One Roster integration, we will display that selection here
Given a student is integrated via Clever/Classlink/One Roster, IEP status field will not be locked and can be changed by the user
Admin Reports- Incident Reporting
User Story
Given I am a user viewing the Demographics: Students Graph, I want to see the # of students with incidents reported by GIEP status, so I can evaluate equity in my district
Acceptance Criteria
User Story
Given I am a user viewing the Demographics: Incidents Graph, I want to see the # of incidents reported by GIEP status, so I can evaluate equity in my district
Acceptance Criteria
Admin Reports-Intervention Reports
User Story
Given I am a user viewing the Totals Graph, I want to see the # of students at each tier level for GIEP status, so I can evaluate equity in my district
Acceptance Criteria
User Story
Given I am a user viewing the Interventions Report, I want to see the interventions used for students with GIEP status, so I can evaluate equity in my district
Acceptance Criteria