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We will modify the existing Manage Team Members area to fit the new design of account setup.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user who has access to Skills, Behavior, SEL, or Mental Health Lessons AND I have permission to setup team members, I will see setup in my top navigation bar

  • Given I am a user who DOES NOT HAVE have permission to setup team members, I will NOT see setup in my upper nav

  • Given I am a user who does not currently have any team members, I will see the empty state

  • Given I am a user who has permission to setup team members, I will see the Add Team Member button

  • Given I am a user who DOES NOT HAVE permission to setup team members, I will NOT see the Add Team Member button

Add Team Member:

View Team Member:

Edit Team Member:



  • Users may click in the search bar to search for a team member by name

  • Status filter allows the user to filter the list of team member by status (active, archived, deleted)

  • Account filter allows the user to filter the list of team members by district/region/building

  • Role filter allows the user to filter the list of team members by the role they are currently assigned

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Add/edit team members will have access to the team member area

  • Users will be able to search across all accounts they have access to

  • Users will be able to search across all roles that exist for the accounts they have access to

  • Custom roles will show by the name of each custom role and not as a generic label of "custom role"

Add Team Member


  • Users will click Add Team Member to add a team member to the platform

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Add/edit team member will have access to add team members

Team Member Info


  • Once the user clicks to add a team member, they will see the add team member screen

  • Required fields are labeled

  • First Name is a text box (required)

  • Last Name is a text box (required)

  • Email is a text box (required)

  • Phone Number is a text box

  • By default, we will show a profile pic that can be changed once the user clicks Upload a photo

  • If a user clicks Upload a photo, they can select to upload a photo file from their computer. This will be the new photo for the team member.

  • The user will then have the choice to Save and close, returning them to the Manage Team Member area

  • Once the user has filled out the profile, login credentials, selected the building, and role, the user will need to select either save and close or Assign Students at the bottom of the screen

  • If they select Save and Close, the information selected and inputted will be saved and they will return to the Manage Team Member page

  • The team member added will show up in the list of team members on the Manage Team Member page

Business Rules

  • Required fields are

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email

  • Accepted photo files are .pngs and .jpgs

Assign a role


  • We will show a drop-down menu of roles

  • The user will select a role for the team member from this list

  • If a user hovers on a role name, we will show a pop-up listing all permission settings. We will only show the permission settings that are checked off for that role. (Future version)

Business Rules

  • Roles will populate based on the accounts selected

  • If a user is assigned to the district, we will see the following roles as options

    • Supervisor/Director

    • Any custom role added at district level

  • If a user is assigned to at least 1 region but not the district, we will see the following roles as options

    • Special Ed. Supervisor

    • Any custom role added at region level

  • If a user is assigned to multiple buildings, we will see the following options

    • Special Ed. Supervisor

    • Multi-Account Lead Teacher

    • Multi-Account Teacher

    • Multi-Account Parent/Home Caregiver

    • Any custom role added at district or region level

  • If a user is assigned to one building only, we will see the following options

    • Administrator

    • Case Manager

    • Lead Teacher

    • Teacher

    • Related Service Provider

    • Paraprofessional/1:1 Aide

    • Training Center

    • Parent/Home Caregiver

    • Any custom role added at building level

Assign to an organization


  • Users may search for an organization by name

  • We will show a list of accounts with a slider

  • When the slider is to the right, the account is selected

Business Rules

  • Users will see all organizations they have access to

  • If the user is only assigned to 1 building, that building will be auto-selected

  • Users may search for any account/building they have access to

  • Team Members may be assigned to multiple buildings/regions

  • If District is selected, we will auto-select all regions/buildings.

  • If a region is selected, we will auto-select all buildings underneath that region.

  • Accounts will be listed alphabetically

Create their login credentials


  • The user will type a username for the new team member

  • The user will type a password for the new team member

  • The user will confirm the password for the new team member

Business Rules

  • All fields are required

  • Usernames must be unique

  • Passwords must be strong

    • Minimum of 8 characters

    • Use a combination of upper and lower case letters

    • Use at least 1 numeric and/or special character

Main Display Area

Assign Products


  • We will show a list of all products with a slider

  • When the user slides the button to the right, they have assigned that product to the team member they are creating.

  • Users may search for products by name

  • We will show the number of products assigned to the team member

  • Product List

    • Skills

    • Behavior

    • Social Emotional Learning (Lessons)

    • Basic ABA

    • Advanced ABA

    • Disability Awareness (Staff)

    • Disability Awareness (Peers)

    • Disability Awareness (Home)

    • Disability Awareness (Community)

    • Disability Awareness (Educators)

    • Fundamentals of SPED

    • Neurodiversity

    • Social Emotional Learning (PD)

Business Rules

  • Accounts must be selected before a user can select a product for the team member

  • We will show the products allocated to at least 1 of the accounts selected

    • It is possible for a multi-account team member to be assigned to Skills even if Skills is only allocated to one building. This team member would ONLY have access to Skills for students in the building where Skills is allocated.

  • Team members may be assigned to multiple products

  • Team members may be added without being assigned products.

  • We will count against licenses

    • District level team members

      • Team members assigned at the district level will utilize a license from the district account. If all licenses have been allocated to the buildings and there are no remaining licenses for the parent account, we cannot assign a product to the team member.

      • Role 7 will be auto-assigned to all products allocated to the district. This cannot be changed.

    • Multiple Region level team members

      • Team members assigned at the region level for multiple regions will utilize a license from the district account. If all licenses have been allocated to the buildings and there are no remaining licenses for the parent account, we cannot assign a product to the team member.

      • Role 6 will be auto-assigned to all products allocated to the regions selected. This cannot be changed.

    • Single Region level team members

      • Team members assigned at the region level for a single region will utilize a license from the region account. If all licenses have been allocated to the buildings and there are no remaining licenses for the region account, we cannot assign a product to the team member.

      • Role 6 will be auto-assigned to all products allocated to the region. This cannot be changed.

    • Multiple building-level team members

      • Team members assigned at the building level for multiple buildings from multiple regions will utilize a license from the district account. If all licenses have been allocated to the buildings and there are no remaining licenses for the district account, we cannot assign a product to the team member.

        • Role 6 will be auto-assigned to all products allocated to the regions selected. This cannot be changed.

      • Team members assigned at the building level for multiple buildings from one region will utilize a license from the region account. If all licenses have been allocated to the buildings and there are no remaining licenses for the region account, we cannot assign a product to the team member.

        • Role 6 will be auto-assigned to all products allocated to the buildings selected. This cannot be changed.

    • Single building team members

      • Team members assigned at the building level for a single building will utilize a license from the building account.

      • Role 5 will be auto-assigned to all products allocated to the building. This cannot be changed.

    • If there are no remaining licenses for a product, that product will be greyed out and unable to be assigned.

SEL Education Type


  • The user will select the SEL education type for the team member they are creating by selecting an option from the drop-down menu. This option dictates which SEL libraries the team member will have access to.

    • General Education

    • Special Education

    • Both General Education and Special Education

Business Rules

  • This section will ONLY show if Social Emotional Learning (Lessons) is assigned to the team member

  • We will default to both general education and special education

Assign Students Without Classroom


  • Once the user has clicked Assign students on the bottom of the Team Member profile page, the user will see the Assign Students & Classrooms page

  • The user will select a building if they have multiple buildings assigned to their account

  • If the user does not have multiple buildings, they will not see the Now Viewing Heading or the Building dropdown. They will instead just see their building name.

  • The user will click on a student name and select whether they would like to assign students without a classroom

  • The user will not be able to assign a student to a classroom until they Create a new classroom or they add existing classroom

  • The user can multiselect students before assigning the students

  • If the user selects Assign Student (no classroom), the name will appear in the Assigned Students (no classroom) column and a copy of the name will also remain in the Available Students Column

  • The user may search for a student by name

Business Rules

  • Students will be listed alphabetically by last name

  • There is no cap on the number of students a team member may be assigned to

Assign Students to Classrooms


  • If no classrooms have been created, the user will be able to create a new classroom by clicking Create Classroom

  • Once clicked, the user will see the Create a new classroom popup

  • Users will be able to select the icon of their choice or add their own image

  • Once users click Upload your own, they will be able to select an image from their computer files

  • Once the classroom name is inputted in the text box, the user will be able to save the classroom

  • If the user clicks save without inputting a Classroom name, the error message “Please type in a classroom name to save.”

  • Users can save without an icon selected or uploaded

Business Rules

  • Classroom name is a required field

  • Selecting an icon or uploading an icon is not required

  • .pngs and .jpgs will be acccepted as image files- Can the users crop with an outside api?

  • Students will be listed alphabetically by last name

  • There is no cap on the number of students a team member may be assigned to

Add Existing Classroom


  • We will show a list of available classrooms once users click add existing classroom.

  • The user may click on a classroom to see the students associated with the classroom

  • Once the user clicks add button the classroom name changes color and the add button is replaced by a subtraction sign

  • If the user clicks the subtraction button, the classroom name is no longer selected and the name and button return to starting state

  • Users can add multiple classrooms at once

  • Once users click save, the classrooms will add to the classroom column

Business Rules

  • Users should see all existing classrooms for their given building

  • Locked classrooms will not be able to be added or modified

  • Classrooms can be multiselected

Classroom Selected


  • Once the Classroom has been added, the first one in the list will be highlighted with a star

  • If the classroom has not been added and therefore can not be selected, the option to assign to Selected Classroom will not be shown in the Available students column area

  • If the user would like to select another classroom, they can click another in the list and it will be highlighted with a star

  • Once a classroom has been added, the user can click on the student name or multiple student names and select Assign to Selected Classroom

  • All the students selected will be added to the student column

  • Once the user is done, they can click save and either click done or manage team members to go back to the Manage team member list where they should see the team member that was added

Business Rules

  • Students will be listed alphabetically by last name

  • There is no cap on the number of students a team member may be assigned to

  • Classrooms will be listed in alphabetical order

  • The user may be assigned to multiple classrooms

  • We will show the classrooms associated with the selected buildings

  • Classrooms section will show if the user is assigned to Skills, Behavior, or SEL lessons.

Manage Team Members


  • For each active team member, users will see their:

    • Name

    • Role

    • Email address

    • phone number

  • Clicking View will reveal the View Team Member Page (See below)

  • Clicking Edit will reveal the Edit Team Member Page (See below)

  • Clicking Assign Students will reveal the Assign Students Page

  • Team Members will be listed alphabetically by last name

Business Rules

  • Team Members will show based on filter selections. By default, users will see all active team members of any role in all accounts the user has access to.

  • Team Members will be listed alphabetically by last name

  • We will only show this step if the team member has been assigned to Skills, Behavior, or SEL Lessons.

View Team Member


  • The user will see the team member page when they click View next to a given team member:

    • Photo

    • Name

    • Email address

    • Phone Number

    • Role

    • Login credentials

    • Names of assigned buildings

    • Names of classrooms the team member is assigned to

    • Number of students the team member is assigned to

  • Clicking on edit will open the edit team member page (same as create team member page)

  • Clicking the Manage Team Members back arrow will take users back to the Manage Team Members page

Business Rules

  • All saved profile information will show on the view team member page

Edit Team Member


  • The user will see the Edit team member page when they click Edit next to a given team member:

    • Photo

    • Name

    • Email address

    • Phone Number

    • login credentials

    • Role

    • Names of assigned buildings

  • Clicking on Save and Close will save any changes and return the user to the Manage Team Member page

  • Clicking the Manage Team Members back arrow will take users back to the Manage Team Members page

  • Clicking on the Assign Students will take the user to the Assign Students Page

Business Rules

  • .pngs and .jpgs will be accepted for upload

  • All possible roles will show given the users permissions

  • All buildings connected to the users account will show in the list to assign

  • No labels