We need to create a way for users to be notified when students trigger a Behavior Tracking alert.
User Stories:
As an user, I want to be alerted when students trigger the alert criterion for Behavior Tracking, so that I can identify these students ASAP.
As an user, I want to know what the alert criteria is when I am alerted, so I understand why I’m receiving this message.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts AND who belongs to a classroom where at least 1 student has triggered an alert, I will receive a notification.
Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS Interventions and WITHOUT permission to receive alerts AND who belongs to a classroom where at least 1 student has triggered an alert, I will NOT receive a notification
Given I am a user WITHOUT access to Behavior Support MTSS Interventions and who has permission to receive alerts AND who belongs to a classroom where at least 1 student has triggered an alert, I will NOT receive a notification
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=19899%3A230300
Section 1:
User clicks on Alerts from side navigation to view alert settings.
User selects from drop down fields or types to edit default criteria for Alert settings.
If User edits alert setting criteria, the User’s name and date are included with the word: Edited.
To receive alerts through a school email, the User clicks inside the box.
To eliminate edits made to alert criteria, the User clicks on Discard Changes button.
To save edits made to alert criteria, the User clicks on Save button.
Business Rules:
Default Alert Criteria:
Alert me after 2 weeks of no progress.
Alert me after 80% of behavior objectives are mastered.
Alert me after 90% of behavior goals are mastered.
If a User edits alert criteria, we will include the word: Edited
If a User edits alert criteria, we will include the User’s name and date the edit was made.
What permission levels to Users have to have to set up/edit Alert criteria?