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Alerts are triggered by account settings & keep users informed in real-time about anything that might be of concern. For example, a student triggered an alert for lack of progress or involvement in a physical altercation.

Design Link:


User Story

  • As an educator viewing the inbox, I want to see the type of each alert so that I have a clear picture of the student’s needs.


  • The user clicks the Alerts tab in the inbox.

  • The Alerts tab will be underlined and blue to indicate current tab

  • Alerts messages will be shown in both the Alerts inbox tab and the All inbox tab.

  • The type of each alert will be on the top heading line of each alert message:

    • Behavior Tracking Alert

    • Point System Alert

    • Upcoming Behavior Plan Reviews

    • Missed Behavior Plan Reviews

    • Total Incidents

    • In-School Suspension

    • Out-of-school Suspension

    • MTSS Upcoming Plan Reviews

    • MTSS Missed Plan Reviews

    • Upcoming Behavior Contract Reviews

    • Missed Behavior Contract Reviews

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with permission to read/send messages OR approve report OR receive alerts AND I have the MTSS-Intervention component, I will see the Alerts tab underlined and in blue when I click the Alerts tab in the inbox.

  • Given I am a user with permission to read/send messages OR approve report OR receive alerts AND I have the MTSS-Intervention component, I can click the Alerts tab to see all Alerts.

  • Given I am a user with permission to read/send messages OR approve report OR receive alerts AND I have the MTSS-Intervention component, I can switch between tabs easily and quickly without any delays or errors.

  • Given I am a user that wants to view Alerts messages in the inbox, then I will be able to find Alerts messages in both the All tab and the Alerts tab in the Inbox.

  • The Alert inbox messages will follow the format:

    • Alert type in the first heading line

    • STUDENT NAME in the second line

    • STUDENT NAME and ALERT CRITERIA in the third line

  • Given I am a user viewing the Inbox and I have at least 1 unread Alerts message, I will see a red dot next to the Alerts tab

  • Given I am a user viewing the Alerts tab and I DO NOT have at least 1 unread message, I will NOT see a red dot next to the Alerts tab

  • Given I am a user viewing a message in the Alerts tab and I have not yet clicked to read the message, I will see a red dot next to the message

  • Given I am a user viewing a message in the Alerts tab and I have read all messages in the Alerts tab, I will not see a red dot next to the messages

  • Given I am a user viewing the Alerts tab and I have NO messages (read or unread), I will see the empty state (Need an empty state for Alerts)

  • Given the ADMIN user has set up the Alerts inbox messages in the Account Settings, then the educator user will receive the Alerts inbox messages for when a student triggers an alert for a given alert category.

  • The Alerts tab should be displayed in chronological order with the most recent at the top.

  • We will show the following to denote the time the item has been in the inbox.

    • m means minutes ---Example: 2m

    • h means hours ---Example: 1h

    • d means days---Example: 4d

    • w means weeks ---Example 10w

    • y means year---Example 1y

User Story

  • As an educator viewing the Alerts area, I want to remove Alerts, so I can focus on the Alerts I still need to view. (Also need to show when something is removed how it effects the All Tab)


  • The user clicks “Read All” to remove the red dot next to an Alert notification or message.

  • The user clicks “Clear Alerts” in the top right corner of the inbox to remove all alerts from the alerts tab and all tab.

  • The user will see a warning message in the inbox area about Clearing Alerts.

  • The user clicks the Clear All button to remove all Alerts notifications and messages from the Alerts tab and All tab.

  • The user clicks the Cancel button to keep all Alerts notifications and messages in the Alerts tab and All tab.

  • The user clicks the grey “Clear” on a specific message in the inbox to remove the Alert notification or message from the Alerts tab and the All tab.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user who clicks Read All in the Alerts tab in the inbox, then I will no longer see a red dot next to the Alerts notifications and messages.

    • The number next to the word Alerts in the tab area will go to zero (0).

  • Given I am a user who clicks “Clear Alerts” in the top right corner of the inbox, then I will see a warning message before the action is completed.

    • Given I am a user who clicks the “Clear All” button on the inbox warning message, then all the Alerts notifications and messages will be removed from the Alerts Tab and also removed from the All tab.

    • Given I am a user who clicks the “Cancel” button on the warning message, then all Alerts notifications and messages will stay in the Alerts tab and the All tab.

User Story

  • As an educator viewing the Alerts area, I want to view the details of an alert, so I understand the student issues and take the necessary action to resolve the alert.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given admin user has r

  • No labels