We need to allow districts to change the list of default locations for the behavior tool.
User Stories:
As a district admin, I want to set district-wide locations, so I can ensure reports are consistent across the district
As a user, I want to view the locations, I can understand what our defaults are
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a user marked “is admin role” and I have permission to view settings, I will see this section
Give I am a Role 7 user, I will have permission to edit the locations
Given I am a Role 6, I will have permission to view the locations but not edit the locations
Given I am a Role 5 user at a district with multiple levels, I will have permission to view but not edit the locations
Given I am a Role 5 user at a district with a single level, I will have permission to edit the locations
DESIGN: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=12673%3A134711
In Account Settings, a user will click on Location Settings.
From here, the user will see the list of default locations.
The user may click Edit to modify the list of locations
Here, the user may add, remove, or reorder the locations.
Clicking Save will save the changes and close the modal. Clicking Discard Changes will not save the changes.
Business Rules
Any user marked “is admin role” will see this section
Only the highest level admin roles will have access to edit locations. For accounts with multiple levels, only Role 7 users will have permission to edit locations. For accounts without multiple levels, Role 5 users will have permission to edit locations.
The default locations are:
Community/Field Trip
Social Studies
Default location contains the options to add an additional field if user selects +Add additional field
There are no limits to the number of customs additions. +Add additional field always shows.