This document reviews ABC Settings, Mastery Criteria, Prompt Hierarchy, Custom Domains, and VB-MAPP settings within the Company Account.

ABC Settings

ABC Settings will be the default options when clinical staff collect ABC Data on a behavior. The option underneath each section will be visible to each staff to select to provide information about the incident of behavior for ABC Data collection. Customize these options to be specific to your organization (i.e. what types of contexts will your staff be in, typical antecedents, etc.) Some things to consider:

Clinical Settings

Mastery Criteria

Mastery Criteria can be set at the company level, however, it can be changed at the client program level. What displays here will automatically populate for each program with the capability to be changed further.

Prompt Hierarchy

Prompts can be added to the company account as default options when writing programs for clients. Only one prompt hierarchy can be made within this area.

o   Example: Independent, Gestural, Verbal, Model, Partial Physical, Full Physical.

Custom Domains

Custom Domains can be used at the organization level to assist with categorizing programming for different reasons (E.x. multiple service lines, funder requirements, parent training goals, etc.). Rethink Domains are defaulted to the account, but you can choose to use Custom Domains and create your own.

To learn more about USING Custom Domains within the account, see: Using Custom Domains

Custom Domains can be found within the Clinical Settings tab:

To add your own Custom Domains, select ADD CUSTOM DOMAIN

Purchasing the VB-MAPP

VB-MAPP is an assessment tool that is integrated directly with Rethink. This section will review adding licenses of VB-MAPP to your Rethink account. This is required prior to running the assessment with a client.

To learn more about running a VB-MAPP assessment with a client, see VB-MAPP Assessment

To purchase a license, select the quantity you’d like to purchase and confirm your purchase. Purchases will then be added to Rethink invoices. You can refer back to this section to purchase more licenses, see how many you’ve purchased and how many you have remaining.

The cost per license is referring to “per client”. You do not share licenses amongst clients or transfer licenses to other clients if a client no longer receives services from you. You can run the VB-MAPP with whom you apply the license as many times as you’d like. Licenses purchased do not expire.


NOTE: Be sure to adjust your Role Permissions so that your staff members will have the ability to Activate, Edit, View, and/or Send the VB-MAPP Assessment to a Contact (if needed):