Jrich | MTSS Training | MTSS Suite

We need to add a new component in jrich to turn MTSS training topics on/off & set the number of licenses for the product.

User Stories:

  • As a Rethink employee, I want to set the number of licenses for MTSS PD, so I can limit the number of users for this product

  • As a Rethink employee, I want to select the topics that should/should not show, so I can ensure my districts only see the relevant content

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user at an account where MTSS PD has been allocated, and I am visiting the My Training area, I will see MTSS PD series

  • Given I am a user at an account where MTSS PD has NOT been allocated, and I am visiting the My Training area, I will NOT see MTSS PD series

  • Given I am a user at an account where topic 1 has NOT been turned on for MTSS PD, and I am visiting the MTSS PD series, I will NOT see that topic

  • Given more users than allocated have accessed MTSS PD, that district will be included in the license overage report

General Concept:


  • We will add a new component called MTSS Professional Development

  • Product will be MTSS

  • Component will be Professional Development

  • When a user clicks to add this component to an account, they will need to set the number of licenses for team members.

  • Licenses may be allocated under team members or additional additional team members.

  • When a user adds this component, they will need to set the number of team member licenses.

  • From here, the user will click the + button to expand the options

  • The user will now have the ability to select All Topics (default) or Specific Topics

  • If the user clicks Specific Topics, they will next select the training topics (categories) and modules they wish to include

  • If the user selects a topic, we will auto-select all modules under that topic. The user may uncheck any they do not wish to enable.

  • We will show the number of selected topics


Business Rules

  • The # of team member licenses allocated will dictate the number of team members who may access MTSS trainings

  • We will allocate team member and additional team member licenses only. Profiles and additional profiles will not be allocated here.

  • When MTSS PD is allocated, the selected MTSS topics (categories) and modules will be available on the site.

  • The number of team member licenses determines the number of users who may access MTSS PD.

  • By default, we will select all topics

  • Topics = training categories

  • If a user selects a topic, we will auto-select all modules within that topic/category

  • Topics will be provided by content team