Role Permissions
Role permissions determine what functions a user can perform. This guide will provide users with the knowledge to set permissions for any role in their Rethink Account. You can jump to a particular section by using the blue table of contents below (select the section you wish to jump to by selecting the blue word)
Any edits made within a role will APPLY to ALL Staff Member Titles assigned to that role.
2. Role 5 (Parent or Contact role permissions ) enable differently than “staff” role permissions.
3. We recommend logging back into your Rethink account for the permissions to take effect. Users may also need to clear their cache/cookies in order to see the updates. Instructions on this can be found here: Clear your cache on your Windows Computer
1. Company Account
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
This gives users the ability to VIEW ALL sections in the Company Account
Basic Information
Service Lines
Staff Member Settings
Client Settings
ABC Settings
Data Settings
*Billing Kareo Payers
*Kareo Settings
*(self billing /outsourced billing customers only)
Company Account recommended for Super Users
Does not allow access to view ROLES (separate permission is needed)
Modify ALL data in the company account sections with the exception of editing “Role Permissions”.
Additional permission is required.
Company Account recommended for Super Users
Does not allow access to Edit roles (separate permission is needed)
2. Assign Staff Members
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Add Staff to Client
Assign a staff member to a client, or assign a client to a staff member
This works when either in the client profile or the staff profile
Users will not be able to assign a client to a staff member if they do not have access to that client’s profile
This does not rely on the staff info or staff level access to assign a staff member, however, they will not be able to view the profile of the staff unless they have access permissions enabled
Remove Staff from Client
Unassign a staff member from a client
Un-assign a client from a staff member
3. Funder Reports
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View Reports
Open and view funder reports within the client’s profile
Download and Save Funder Reports to Client Filing Cabinet
Add new client report templates to a client and edit ANY existing funder reports (even those created by other users)
Rename the report using the “action” icon
Delete ANY funder report within the client funder report section
Delete Session Notes at the appointment level.
This does not indicate whether a user will be able to see a funder report within the client’s file cabinet, for these permissions, please see “FILE CABINET” below.
4. Rethink Assessment
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Send to Contact
Send Assessments to the parent contact for the parent to view/edit (note: parent portal must have permission below enabled in order to view/edit)
Sending to contact does not send an email--it flags it in the assessment tab (parents will not see things that are not sent to them even if they have “view” enabled)
Open and edit the assessments
If the VBMAPP has been added to a client, they are able to edit/create new assessments for that client
Users are not able to edit “started/unfinished” MNA assessments if they do not have “CREATE MNA” enabled
Open and view the assessments
Does not allow for changes to be made
Must be enabled in order to edit or send to contact
Does not allow for “view” of MNA, see separate permission below.
Apply VB-MAPP License to Client
Apply the purchased VBMAPP license to a client
Users must purchase a VBMAPP license from the “Company account page prior to being able to apply the license
This role permissions does NOT grant access to purchase the license
View Medical Necessity Assessment
View the MNA
Create Medical Necessity Assessment
Create a new MNA for the client or edit an unfinished MNA
**This is in relation to the “assessment” tab of the client profile, users will need to have access to the client within the client access permissions and be able to view client info in addition to any permissions above. |
For Parent accounts (or ROLE 5): If VIEW and/or EDIT are turned on for this role, users will not be able to see the assessments unless the assessment has been “SENT TO CONTACT”. If the assessment has not been sent to contact, the parent will see a blank assessment tab. |
5. Client Program
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View Goals & Videos
View the client skill acquisition programs in the client program tab
View the goals, mastery criteria, and any additional materials
Print/download the lesson plan
Move/duplicate the program.
Would need to be enabled in order for users to see the program details in the app as well
Edit Goal Details
Edit or customize the client’s programs (in the client program tab). Including: adding targets, edit goals/objectives
6. Goal Library -(Program library Permissions)
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View programs from within the program library and supporting documents
Add Custom Goal
Add custom programs to the program library for the entire agency to utilize
Edit & Delete Custom Goal
Edit custom programs AND delete custom goals
Edit a Rethink program to Create a custom program based on the Rethink Template
If a program has been added to a client, a custom program cannot be deleted
Any edits that they make within a custom program will have an effect on the client’s program
Add Goal to Clients
Add programs from the program library to the client’s profile
Remove Goal from Clients
This is a legacy permission and no longer valid.
If users are able to ADD GOALS to a client, they will be able to REMOVE GOALS from a client.
7. Data Entry
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Enter Data
Enter data
Delete their own data
Master targets/objectives within the data entry page
Must be enabled in order for users to collect data on the app
**If Role 5 has this enabled, at this time, we cannot differentiate which programs they have access to vs which they do not have access to. If they do have this enabled, they will be able to “view data” for the programs. If they do not have this enabled, they will need to have “run reports” in analyze data enabled to view the program data.
Reorder Programs
Reorder the programs within the data entry page (reorder the view
Can only do within the data entry page
Delete Data Collected By Others
Delete Collected data collected by other users
Users will always have the option to delete their own data, this role permission is not needed to delete OWN data
8. Analyze Data
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Run Reports
Access the analyze data tab, run graph reports, download graphs and save graphs to file cabinet
This permission needs to be enabled for Role 5 if data entry is not enabled in order for the users to view graphs
Pertains to the Analyze Data tab: DOES NOT require enablement to run funder reports
Edit/Save Reports
This is a legacy permission and no longer valid.
Delete Reports
This is a legacy permission and no longer valid.
9. File Cabinet (Client Filing Cabinet)
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View files in the client filing cabinet
To perform ANY of the additional permissions below, users will need “view” enabled.
Additionally, will need access to the client profile: see client info and client access below
View function on mobile device will actually download the file to the users device.
Move & Copy Files
Move and copy files within the file cabinet to other (or same) folders within the client’s file cabinet
Download Files
Download files from the file cabinet to their device
Upload Files
Upload outside sourced files to the file cabinet (meaning files from their personal device)
Delete Files
Delete files from the file cabinet
Deleting a saved-to-file cabinet graph/funder report or session note within the file cabinet does NOT delete it from its original source. These reports will be available where they originated from.
Add/Edit/Move Folders
Add additional folders, edit the names of the current folders, or change the placement of folders.
Mark a folder as a shared folder
Billable and Non-Billable Session Note Folders will automatically be added to a Client Filing Cabinet after the first session notes are completed and saved for any client.
If this is enabled, users will only be able to view a folder that has been marked as a “SHARED' folder. They will not be able to view other non-shared folders within the client’s file cabinet
Tip: This is great for parent portals! Additionally, also can be used for staff members (if staff has shared only, they will not be able to view the unshared folders)
The user will still need permission to “view” in order to view the documents within the folder
Rename Files
Allows users to rename the files within the folders
10. Client Report Templates
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View Templates
View the client report templates
When viewing, users are able to pseudo edit (add in filler text), however, they are not able to permanently SAVE their edits unless the permission “Add/Edit/Duplicate Templates” is enabled.
Add/Edit/Duplicate Templates
Add additional template, make edits (add funders, include more fields, add filler text, inactivate templates) create duplicates of the templates
Delete Template
Delete an existing template from the client report template list
11. Reporting Dashboards
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View/Download Client Reports
Access all client reports
Permissions for client access and client info do not apply here
View/Download Staff Reports
View/download staff member reports
View/Download Authorizations
View Download Expiring Authorizations and Authorization Utilization
View/Download Scheduling Reports
View/download the following reports:
View/Download Payroll Export
Grants access to the payroll export
View/Download Billing Export
Grants access to the Billing Export, and BHPN Invoice
View/Download Funder Services
Grants access to view/download the Funder services report
This report is a great way to audit your funder information for auditing rates, staff credentials connected and even rounding rules.
View/Download Parent Verification
Allows users to view/download the Parent Verification form
This form is specifically for CA providers working with Regional Centers
View/Download Staff Credential Report
Provides Access to BOTH View and Download Staff Credential Report.
12. Resources & Training Center
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Access Resources & Training
Must be enabled in order for users to access the Company Resources, the Intro to Autism and ABA training, and the RBT training
Note: For RBT training, within the staff profile, “Show RBT” must be enabled
For Company Resources: The user will also need the “Company Resources” permissions below
If this is enabled for role 5, This role is only able to see the Intro to Autism and ABA training, and the Company Resources (if enabled).
This role is NOT allowed to view the RBT training.
13. Client Info
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View Client Info
Allows users to view the client profile
Must be enabled for opening appointments within scheduling, viewing clients programs, data entry, funder reports, viewing clients on the app etc.
This will need to be turned on in conjunction with a “Client profile Access” permission. If one of these are not turned on, users will not be able to see a client or click into an appointment
Does not affect: Reporting Dashboard
Not able to view client notes unless this is added (see below)
Edit Client Info
Allows users to edit ANY of the fields within the client “client info” tab EXCLUDING: Client Notes (see below separate permission)
Need this enabled to edit a client contact/send an invite to a parents
Add New Clients
Allows users to add in new clients for the account.
Need view and edit enabled in order to add a new client
Delete Clients
Enables users to delete existing client profiles.
They will need to be able to view the client, edit the client and have access to the client info.
Deleted clients can be undelete
14. Client Notes
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View Notes
Allows users to view notes added to the “Notes” section within the client info
If a user creates a note and marks as “Private” only that user and users within ROLE 4 will be able to view that note
This pertains to the general “notes” section within the client’s profile. This does not relate to session notes or funder reports.
Add Notes / Edit Notes
Allows users to add/edit the notes added to the clients “NOTES” section within the client info
Delete Notes
Allows users to delete notes created by anyone.
Will need view notes
15. Client Access
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
All Clients In All Locations
This allows users to view ALL clients within the system
Client Access is a CHOOSE ONE option
Clients assigned to user
Users will only be able to see the clients which have been assigned to their profile
Client Access is a CHOOSE ONE option
All clients within user's Location(s)
Users will only be able to see clients which share their same location.
The locations must MATCH.
Additionally, if this is enabled along with the clients assigned to user, or the clients in all location, this will OVERRIDE the other two options.
The client and the staff must share the same location within their profiles
Client Access is a CHOOSE ONE option
16. Staff Member Info
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View Staff Info
This will allow users to open the staff member profile
Which staff members depend on the staff access settings below
Additionally, this would need to be turned on in order to open another staff member’s appointments within the scheduler
Must be enabled for opening appointments within scheduling,
This will need to be turned on in conjunction with a “staff profile Access” permission
Does not affect: Reporting Dashboard
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17. First decide whose profile they can see, then decide of what in that profile can they see
Edit Staff Info
Allows users to edit information within the staff info tab
Excludes: Payroll, Staff Credentials, Notes,
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17. First decide whose profile they can see, then decide of what in that profile can they see
Add New Staff Members
Allows users to add new staff profiles
View Payroll
Allows users to view staff payroll information added in their staff profile
Will also need access to view the staff profile
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17. First decide whose profile they can see, then decide of what in that profile can they see
Edit Payroll
Allows users to edit staff payroll info in their staff profile
Will need access to view the staff profile and view payroll
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17. First decide whose profile they can see, then decide of what in that profile can they see
View Staff Credentials
Allows users to view the license/credential section of a staff profile
Will need access to view the staff profile
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17. First decide whose profile they can see, then decide of what in that profile can they see
Edit Staff Credentials
Allows users to edit and add staff credentials within a staff profile
Will need access to view the staff profile and view the staff credentials
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17. First decide whose profile they can see, then decide of what in that profile can they see
Dismiss Credential Warnings
Allows users to dismiss the credential warnings (or flags) for the staff member’s credential expiration
Will need access to edit a staff profile and view and edit the staff credentials
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17. First decide whose profile they can see, then decide of what in that profile can they see
17. Staff Profile Access
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
All Staff In All Locations
This allows users to view ALL Staff within the system
This is a SELECT ONE option
All Staff within the user’s location(s)
Users will be able to see staff who share the same location
The locations must MATCH within their profiles
This is a SELECT ONE option
Own Profile ONLY
They will only be able to view their own profile
This is a SELECT ONE option
18. Staff Notes
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
View Notes
Allows users to view notes added to the “Notes” section within the staff profile
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17.
If a user creates a note and marks it as “Private” only that user and users within ROLE 4 will be able to view that note
Add Notes / Edit Notes
Allows users to add/edit the notes added to the staff’s “NOTES” section within the staff info
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17.
Delete Notes
Allows users to delete notes within the “Notes” section of the staff profile made by ANY user
Must be able to view notes
Prerequisite to this section is Staff Profile Access #17.
19. Staff File Cabinet
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Allows users to view the staff file cabinet
Prerequisite to this section is View Staff Info and Staff Profile Access
Move & Copy Files
Allows users to move and copy files within the file cabinet (view must be enabled)
Prerequisite to this section is View Staff Info and Staff Profile Access
Download Files
Allows users to download files from the file cabinet
Prerequisite to this section is View Staff Info and Staff Profile Access
Upload Files
Allows users to upload files from an outside source to the staff file cabinet
Prerequisite to this section is View Staff Info and Staff Profile Access
Delete Files
Allows users to delete files from the staff file cabinet
Prerequisite to this section is View Staff Info and Staff Profile Access
Add/Edit/Move Folders
Allows users to add folders, edit existing folders, and move folders within a staff profile
Prerequisite to this section is View Staff Info and Staff Profile Access
Add/Edit/Move Folders For All Staff Members
Allows user to move folders within the staff profile
Prerequisite to this section is View Staff Info and Staff Profile Access
Rename Files
Allows users to rename files within the staff file cabinet
20. Role Permissions
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Add/Edit Permissions
Allows users to add roles to the company account page and additionally make edits to existing role permissions
Prerequisite is to have access to view the company account page if needing to add/edit permissions
21. Behavior Support
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Allows users to view the Behavior support plans
-is needed to see plan details within app
Add/Edit Behaviors
Allows users to add behavior plans (create behavior plans) and make edits to existing behavior plans
22. Company Resources
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Allows users to view the company resources and the company resource section within the “Resources and Training” center
To view the uploaded actual “company resources” users have to have “download” enabled
Prerequisite is access to Resource and Training Center #12
Move & Copy Files
Allows users to move and copy files within the Company resources folders
Download Files
Allows users to Download files from the Company Resources section
Upload Files
Allows users to upload files to existing folders within the company resources section
Delete Files
Allows users to delete files from the company resources section
Add/Edit Folders
Allows users to add and edit folders within the company resources section
Also allows users to delete folders
23. Scheduler Views
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Grants users access to the “Individual” calendar within the scheduler
This will rely on the “scheduler user drop-down' selected below
If users are only allowed to “view calendar of user and client’s assigned to user” they will only be able to utilize the search bar for their own staff name, or the client’s assigned to them.
By client’s assigned to them, we intend the clients they are able to access in the “client profile access” settings above. Their access to open or make edits to the appointments depends on the settings below in scheduler settings
Grants users access to view the Group calendar within the scheduler.
Their access to the appointments and staff/clients able to be viewed will depend on their staff profile access and client profile access
Appointment List
Allows users to access the appointment list
Also allows users to download appointments in the form of an excel
The ability to search by clients depends on the client profile access granted above.
The ability to search by staff depends on the “scheduler drop-down” listed below
Users will not be able to see other staff member’s appointments if they have “calendar of user and clients assigned to them” enabled
24. Scheduler
Permission Allows Users To Description (Good To Know)
Drop-down menu: Two options
Calendar of user and client’s assigned to them
-they are only able to see their own appointments and those of clients which are assigned to them (please refer to client profile access above)
-Users are able to access All staff and all clients
View Calendar
Required to view the scheduler and also required to view appointments within the app
Verify Appointments
Allows users to add staff signatures, parent signatures, and session notes
Note: Parent portals (ROLE 5) will not be able to add session notes with this permission
Add Appointments
Allows users to add/create appointments or appointment series
Edit Appointments
Allows users to edit the appointment details of an Unverified appointment
Also needed to cancel appointments
Examples of edits: Scheduled start/end time, date, service line, location, paycode, client/staff member
Note: Users do not need this to edit session notes, they are able to edit their own session notes at any time
Delete Appointments
Allows users delete Unverified appointments
Edit Verified Appointments
Allows users to edit verified appointment details
Including: Staff verified time, service line, locations
Note: Once an appointment has a session note, or staff signature or parent signature, the date of the appointment is not allowed to be changed, please reach out to Rethink Support
Delete Verified Appointments
Allows users to delete verified appointment details
Note: Deleting a verified appointment does not delete a session note from the file cabinet. Users will need to delete the session note from the file cabinet with a “delete files” permission above
View Appointments
Must be enabled to view appointments and to see appointments within the app
View Verification Address
Allows users to view the verification address on the staff and parent signatures
Must be enabled to add appointments
Bulk Verify
Allows users to bulk verify:
Staff signatures (needs ability to edit appt)
Parent signatures, (needs ability to edit appt)
Cancellations (needs ability to edit appt)
Deletions (needs ability to delete appt)
Would need to have ability to Edit appt, delete appt and verify appt
We do NOT Recommend giving this to parent profiles, this may cause some issues as parents would be able to accidentally verify the incorrect appointments.
Approve EVV Appointments
Allows users to approve appointments for Tellus
Override Clock In/Clock Out for EVV Appointments
Allows users to verify EVV appointments on the browser and attach a reason code
Access Session Note Drafts
Allows users to access the session note drafts.
This is required if users need to access drafts of previous session notes
To learn more check out the tutorial
How to Access and Recover Previously Saved Draft Sessionsarchived