New Scheduler Permission

New Scheduler Permission

(Calendar of user & clients assigned and/or clients assigned to same user location)

Admin users have the ability to provide staff with permission to schedule appointments for clients they are assigned to as well as clients that are assigned to the same location as staff member.

Ready to make some updates? Learn how below:

Go to Company Account>Roles>Edit Permissions (Any role)


Scroll down to Scheduler Permissions- Select Calendar of User &/or Clients assigned to same user location option

Good to Know:

If staff needs to schedule:

Select the following client access permissions

If staff needs to schedule:

Select the following client access permissions

Clients assigned to user (includes clients assigned to different location) AND Any client within their assigned location


Any client within the staff assigned location


New Warning Message- We all need a little extra help sometimes

When selecting the new permission, if either client access permissions “Clients assigned to user” or “All clients within user’s location is not selected, the system will display a pop-up message:

Hover info label added informing users that the client access permissions control the client appointments users will be able to search, open, and schedule.


Go To Company Account>Roles

Check the client access permissions provided are correct.


If users receive the message below when opening an appointment this means the staff does not have the client access permission needed to open the appointment.