Release 3/4/2023

Release Type: Regular

Impacted Services: Website, Mobile

New Features / Enhancements


New Features / Enhancements


Ability to add multiple Medicaid Id Numbers


Ability to add multiple Medicaid Ids to Rethink in the following areas to ensure that the information is correct when being sent for billing purposes.

  • Company Account: Basic Information Tab, Medicaid Id field - ability to add multiple ids

  • Company Account: Funder Tab, Medicaid Id area within a funder, abiity select an ID witht he drop down menu

Duplicating Funder Reports


  • When running a funder report, users will have the ability to duplicate a funder report so that they can rename a copy of the report, view all fields duplicated (specifically with progress and recommended goal fields) as well as the full report duplicated. 

  • Users can edit any field that has been duplicated, e.g. text areas, dates of progress, goal status, notes, etc.

  • All signature fields will be cleared when duplicating a funder report

Custom Table Tagging with Treatment Reports


  • Within a treatment report template, the following tags can be used with a custom table and when running a funder report:

    • Client first name

    • Client last name

    • Client full name

    • Client DOB

    • Client age

    • Client gender

    • Client address

    • Client Contact Full Name

Issues Tackled

Ticket #s

Rate and modifier add

00149358; 00149557; 00150149

Unable To Access Clients Due To "Loading"

00151136; 00151379; 00151382; 00151393; 00151406; 00151407; 00151408; 00151413; 00149049; 00149059; 00149678; 00149868; 00149961; 00149982 00151051; 00151075; 00151081; 00151086; 00151106; 00151094; 00151099

No Paycodes Present on Apts for one staff- SK


Session Note Pulling In Wrong Diagnosis- SK


Service on appointment list and the service within the appointment don't match- SK


Signature date changed

00152337; 00152186

Client Order Numbers Missing

00152186; 00144657

Custom Graphs for Clients