Create a Client Report Template

This article describes how to create a report template for your staff to use when generating a client report. For directions on how to use the template to run a report for a specific client, see the following article: Run a Client Report.

Step-by-step guide

A) On your main account page, click on the menu option Client Report Templates:

B) Click Add New Client Report Template:

C) Select the Form Type and Funder. Type in the Template Name of your choice:

Note: You can add multiple funders to a template. To do so, hold the CNTRL key and click on the funder(s) you wish to add to the tempalte.

D) Click Create Funder Template:

E) Create your template with preferred or required fields. Drag any selection from the menu on the right into the Client Report Template:

F) Create custom fields by using Default fields (first tab at the top). Click on the field name to customize your Label, DescriptionPlaceholder Text and make a field Required:

  • The Label is able to be edited and customized with your preferred label for the field.
  • The Description will be added below the text field and viewable when printing the report.
  • The Placeholder Text is for text that can be edited by staff when running a report or note.  This is typically used if text is standard for specific fields and will save staff time when running reports or notes.
  • The Required Checkbox will produce Red asterisk for a field marked as required, staff are required to fill out that field prior to saving any report or note.


G) To add in progress fields and graphs for a Report: (FOR TREATMENT REPORTS ONLY)

1) Click on Client

2) Drag and drop Skill Acquisition Progress

3) Drag and drop Behavior Reduction Progress

H) To add in Recommended Goals for Authorizations and Re-authorizations, drag and drop Recommended Goals (these goals need to be entered into Rethink in the Client Program Future Plan):


Select, drag, and drop additional fields needed in your template for Client, Staff, Provider, Funder, and Billing:

I) Adding Billing Code / Modifier

  • To add Billing code and Modifier to report template, drag and drop and user will be able to see Modifier# 1 Modifier# 2 Modifier# 3 Modifier# 4 and Billing Code. 

J) Adding in a custom image or graph:

  • To add custom images to a report, drag and drop the field Upload Graph, located under "Custom".  
  • Rename the label, if a specific label is needed for the custom image upload.
  • To add in a custom image, it's important to save the image as a jpeg first to your computer.  Once the image has been saved, upload it to your report.

K) Preview and/or Save your template by clicking on the blue Preview and/or Save button at the top of the template.  Your template will be saved under Client Report Templates:

  • Changes to the template may be made at any time by selecting the template and editing.
  • Other changes to the template include Renaming, Duplicating, Deactivating, Deleting, and Managing Funders by selecting the shortcut button (lightning bolt on right hand side under actions).

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