Behavior Dashboard | MTSS Training | MTSS Suite

We need to create a short cut from Tier 1, 2, and 3 screens to the relevant MTSS PD areas.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to access relevant training materials while working on behavior, so I can feel confident in what I am doing

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user on the Tier 1 screen of the Behavior Dashboard AND I have access to the Tier 1 Behavior category of MTSS PD, I will see the Training block

  • Given I am a user on the Tier 1 screen of the Behavior Dashboard BUT I DO NOT have access to the Tier 1 Behavior category of MTSS PD, I will NOT see the Training block

  • Given I am a user on the Tier 1 screen of the Behavior Dashboard and I click on View Training, I will be taken to the Tier 1 Behavior category of MTSS PD

  • Given I am a user on the Tier 2 screen of the Behavior Dashboard AND I have access to the Tier 2 Behavior category of MTSS PD, I will see the Training block

  • Given I am a user on the Tier 2 screen of the Behavior Dashboard BUT I DO NOT have access to the Tier 2 Behavior category of MTSS PD, I will NOT see the Training block

  • Given I am a user on the Tier 2 screen of the Behavior Dashboard and I click on View Training, I will be taken to the Tier 2 Behavior category of MTSS PD

  • Given I am a user on the Tier 3 screen of the Behavior Dashboard AND I have access to the Tier 1 Behavior category of MTSS PD, I will see the Training block

  • Given I am a user on the Tier 3 screen of the Behavior Dashboard BUT I DO NOT have access to the Tier 1 Behavior category of MTSS PD, I will NOT see the Training block

  • Given I am a user on the Tier 3 screen of the Behavior Dashboard and I click on View Training, I will be taken to the Tier 1 Behavior category of MTSS PD


Tier 1


  • When the user is on the Tier 1 screen for behavior dashboard, they will see a bucket for Training.

  • Clicking on View Training will take the user to MTSS Training Series and Filter to Tier 1 → Behavior

Business Rules

  • This box will appear for users with access to Tier 1 Behavior category of MTSS PD

Tier 2


  • When the user is on the Tier 2 screen for behavior dashboard, they will see a bucket for Training.

  • Clicking on View Training will take the user to MTSS Training Series and Filter to Tier 2 → Behavior

Business Rules

  • This box will appear for users with access to Tier 2 Behavior category of MTSS PD

Tier 3


  • When the user is on the Tier 3 screen for behavior dashboard, they will see a bucket for Training.

  • Clicking on View Training will take the user to MTSS Training Series and Filter to Tier 3 → Behavior

Business Rules

  • This box will appear for users with access to Tier 3 Behavior category of MTSS PD