Create a modal for the Skills Goals Library that allows the User to customize the goal they selected. Customize includes:
changing the name of the goal
selecting / deselecting / changing the quantity of objectives
changing the text for the objectives
User Story:
As an Admin or Teacher, I need to customize the goal I selected from the Skills bank so that the name of the goal and the quantity of objectives with customize text adequately represent the needs of the student(s).
Project: 205670
UI Description:
reads: Customize Goal
Goal Text with Text Box
title reads: Goal Text
Text box contains the goal selected from previous screen (Browse Skills Goal Library)
Check box (unselected)
label reads: Include Objectives
Upon User entry, Check box is shown as unselected
Checkbox (selected) with Objectives
shown as blue box with white check mark inside
shows 3 editable text boxes labeled: Objective 1, Objective 2, Objective 3
Default objective text is from Objectives connected to the goal chosen