We need to show the number of targets, objectives, and goals mastered as well as the % of correct responses for skills activities for each of the skills lesson domains.
General Concept
When the user is on the Progress tab and selects Special Education Skills in the drop down, they will see a table detailing progress for Skills.
We will show a tab for each region/building/role/team member selected
The table will show a row for each of the 19 lesson domains (and a row for all domains):
All Topics
School Readiness
Daily Living
Expressive Language
Receptive Language
Social Communication
Group Participation
Study Skills
Peer Interaction
And a column for
Targets Mastered
Objectives Mastered
Goals Mastered
Each column will be split into Students | Totals.
If the user clicks on the numbers within a column, they will see a pop-up listing the names of the students who made progress for that domain.
The user needs to be able to sort the list by any column
Business Rules
This report will be available if any of the selected filter options have access to Skills
By default, we will sort alphabetically by domain. However, users should be able to sort by any column
The columns and sub-columns (i.e. Students | Targets) need to remain static as a user scrolls down the page
Targets Mastered
We will show Students | Targets
Students will show the number of unique students who mastered a target for a lesson in the domain within the specified date range
Targets will show the number of targets mastered for lessons within the domain within the specified date range.
If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all students who mastered a target for this domain within the date range.
Objectives Mastered
We will show Students | Objectives
Students will show the number of unique students who mastered an objective for a lesson in the domain within the specified date range
Objectives will show the number of objectives mastered for lessons within the domain within the specified date range.
If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all students who mastered an objective for this domain within the date range.
Goals Mastered
We will show Students | Goals
Students will show the number of unique students who mastered a goal for a lesson in the domain within the specified date range
Goals will show the number of goals mastered for lessons within the domain within the specified date range.
If a user clicks on the numbers in this column, we will see a list of all students who mastered a goal for this domain within the date range.
When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for the currently viewed tab
When the user clicks the print button, we will print based on the currently viewed tab