Student Progress (Lesson Topics)

We need to add a table detailing student progress per domain for both Skills and SEL Lessons.

User Story:

As an admin, I want to view a report detailing progress per lesson domain, so I can ensure our students are making progress in all areas.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to Skills (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic) or SEL SEL, I will see this report

  • Given I am a user with access to Skills (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic), I will see Special Education Skills in the filter

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT access to Skills (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic), I will NOT see Special Education Skills in the filter

  • Given I am a user with access to SEL SEL, I will see Social Emotional Learning in the filter and this will be my default view

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT access to SEL SEL, I will NOT see Social Emotional Learning in the filter and this will be my default view


General Concept


  • When a user clicks on the Progress pill tab, they will see a table detailing student progress

  • Above the table, the user will see a filter. The two options are:

    • Special Education Skills

    • Social Emotional Learning

  • If the user selects Special Education Skills, they will see the Skills Progress report. If the user selects Social Emotional Learning, they will see the SEL Progress report.

Business Rules

  • Users will see this report if any of the buildings in the filter selection have been allocated Skills or SEL Lessons for students.

  • If any of the buildings in the filter selection have been allocated Skills, Special Education Skills will show in the filter

  • If any of the buildings in the filter selection have been allocated SEL lessons, Social Emotional Learning will show in the filter and will be the default view.

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