Versions Compared


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We need to show the number of targets, objectives, and goals mastered for each of the sel lesson areas.

General Concept


  • When the user selects SEL lessonsis on the Progress tab and selects Social Emotional Learning in the drop down, they will see a table detailing progress for SEL.

  • We will also show a filter for Grade. The grades available are:

    • All Grades

    • Pre-K

    • Kindergarten

    • Grade 1

    • Grade 2

    • Grade 3

    • Grade 4

    • Grade 5

    • Grade 6

    • Grade 7

    • Grade 8

    • Grade 9

    • Grade 10

    • Grade 11

    • Grade 12

  • We will show a tab for each region/building/role/team member selected

  • The table will show a row for each of the 30 5 lesson areas in the 5 domains (and a row for total):

    This report will be available
    • All Topics

    • Awareness of Self & Others

    • Emotions

    • Growth Mindset

    • Learning Skills

    • Self-



    • Values

    • Wants and Needs

      Social Skills

    • Social Awareness

    • Self-Management

      • Focus

      • Goal Setting

      • Problem Solving

      • Resilience

      • Self-Control

      • Stress Management

    • Social Skills

      • Conflict Resolution

      • Cooperation

      • Fairness

      • Friendship

      • Relationships

      • Respect

    • Social Awareness

      • Actions and Consequences

      • Cultural Competence

      • Empathy

      • Safe and Ethical Behavior

      • Social Contributions

      • Support Systems

      • Healthy Boundaries

    • Self-Care

      • Mindfulness

      • Optimism

      • Self-Advocacy

      • Self-Compassion

      • Self-Efficacy

  • And a column for

    • # of students mastering targets

    • # of targets mastered

    • # of students mastering objectives

    • # of objectives mastered

    • # of students mastering goals

    • # of goals mastered

    • # of students making progress

  • The user needs to be able to sort the list by any column

Business Rules

    • Care

  • And a column for

    • Targets Mastered

    • Objectives Mastered

    • Goals Mastered

    • Quiz Average

  • Each column will be split into Students | Totals

  • The user needs to be able to sort the list by any column

Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected filter options have access to SEL student licenses

  • Grade

    • We will default the grade filter to All Grades.

    • This filter is a single select filter.

    • Selecting a grade will filter to show progress based on the grade of the students

  • By default, we will sort alphabetically by domain. However, users should be able to sort by any column

  • The columns and sub-columns (i.e. Students | Targets) need to remain static as a user scrolls down the page

  • Targets Mastered

    • This column will only show if any of the selected filter options ALSO have access to Skills

    • We will show Students | Targets

    • Students will show the number of unique students who mastered a target for a lesson in the domain within the specified date range

    • Targets will show the number of targets mastered for lessons within the domain within the specified date range.

  • Objectives Mastered

    • This column will only show if any of the selected filter options ALSO have access to Skills

    • We will show Students | Objectives

    • Students will show the number of unique students who mastered an objective for a lesson in the domain within the specified date range

    • Objectives will show the number of objectives mastered for lessons within the domain within the specified date range.

  • Goals Mastered

    • This column will only show if any of the selected filter options ALSO have access to Skills

    AND SEL lessons
    • We will show Students | Goals

    • Students will show the number of unique students who mastered a goal for a lesson in the domain within the specified date range

    • Goals will show the number of goals mastered for lessons within the domain within the specified date range.

  • Quiz Average

    • We will show the % of correct answers for quizzes within the domain within the specified date range

    • We will calculate % of correct answers as questions correct/questions attempted x 100


  • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for the currently viewed tab

  • When the user clicks the print button, we will print based on the currently viewed tab