SEL Progress (Lesson Domains)

We need to show the number of targets, objectives, and goals mastered for each of the sel lesson areas.

User Story:

  • As an admin, I want to see the quiz average for each lesson area, so I can ensure our students understand the SEL topics

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am an admin at an account that has purchased SEL SEL, I will see this report

  • Given I am an admin at an account that has NOT purchased SEL SEL, I will NOT see this report

  • Given I have selected multiple regions/buildings/roles/team members/students, I will see a tab detailing usage for each selection I have made

  • Given I have clicked on the export button on the main report, I will have the option to export as CSV or Excel

  • Given I have exported the main report, I will see a file containing the data from all tabs/selections

  • Given I have printed the main report, I will see a PDF of the currently viewed report

  • Given I am viewing a district, region, or student report, I will not have access to the pop-up modal

  • Given I have selected a particular grade, I will only see quiz averages based on students in that grade level

  • Given I have expanded a domain, I will see all lesson areas within that domain listed below


General Concept


  • When the user is on the Progress tab and selects Social Emotional Learning in the drop down, they will see a table detailing quiz averages for SEL.

  • We will also show a filter for Grade. The grades available are:

    • All Grades

    • EI

    • Pre-K

    • Kindergarten

    • Grade 1

    • Grade 2

    • Grade 3

    • Grade 4

    • Grade 5

    • Grade 6

    • Grade 7

    • Grade 8

    • Grade 9

    • Grade 10

    • Grade 11

    • Grade 12

    • NA

  • We will show a tab for each region/building/role/team member selected

  • The table will show a row for each of the 5 lesson domains:

    • All Domains

    • Awareness of Self & Others

    • Self-Management

    • Social Skills

    • Social Awareness

    • Self-Care

  • And a column for

    • Quiz Average

  • For each domain, we will show a button to expand. Clicking this button will reveal a row for each lesson area within the domain. Clicking this button again will collapse this view

  • The user needs to be able to sort the list by any column

  • If the user clicks on the numbers within a column, they will see a pop-up listing the names of the students in the selected grade who completed a SEL quiz for that domain/area, as well as each students' average quiz score for that domain/area


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected filter options have access to SEL lessons

  • By default, we will sort alphabetically by domain. However, users should be able to sort by any column

  • All Domains row will show the number of unique students who completed a quiz from any domain and the average quiz score across all domains, based on filter selections

  • The columns and sub-columns (i.e. Students | Average) need to remain static as a user scrolls down the page

  • Any cell with 0 or NA will not be clickable.

  • Grade

    • We will default the grade filter to All Grades.

    • This filter is a single select filter.

    • Selecting a grade will filter to show quiz average based on the grade of the students

  • By default, we will sort alphabetically by domain. However, users should be able to sort by any column

  • The columns and sub-columns (i.e. Students | Targets) need to remain static as a user scrolls down the page

  • Quiz Average

    • We will show the average score for quizzes completed within the domain/area within the specified date range

    • All domains will show the average quiz score for all domains, based on filter settings

    • If a user clicks on the number in this column, we will see a list of all students in the selected grade who completed a quiz for that domain/area within the date range and the average score the student received for all tests completed for that domain/area

    • This column will not be clickable at the district, region, or student level


  • Main Report

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all tabs (using tabs in Excel)


    • Print

      • When the user clicks the print button, we will print based on the currently viewed tab

      • We will print the table as shown on the screen based on selections

      • We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu

      • We will show a title on the report of Social Emotional Learning Quiz Average for INSERT GRADE by Domain from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE

      • We will show a sub-title detailing the filter selections

  • Pop-Up Modal

    • We will export the full list of students who completed at least 1 quiz, based on filter selections

    • For each student, we will show their average score per domain/lesson area


    • We will print the report as it shows in the modal




  • When filtered by district, we will show all results on one screen. There will be no tabs

  • Cells will not be clickable & Pop-Up Modal will not exist


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if the district or any of it’s child accounts the user has access to have been allocated SEL SEL student licenses.

  • We will calculate progress for all students active within the date range

  • Quiz Average

    • We will show the average score for quizzes completed by students in all buildings in the district the user has access to within the domain/area/grade within the specified date range

    • This column will not be clickable


  • Export

    • We will export the data as it is displayed on the screen.

  • Print

    • Same as above

    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district




  • When filtered by region, we will show a tab for each selected region

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular region, they will view the report for that region only

  • Cells will not be clickable & Pop-Up Modal will not exist


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected regions or any of their child accounts the user has access to have been allocated SEL SEL student licenses.

  • We will calculate quiz average based on all students active at the selected region within the date range

  • Quiz Average

    • We will show the average score for quizzes completed by students in all buildings in the selected region the user has access to within the domain/area/grade within the specified date range

    • This column will not be clickable


  • Export

    • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all regions selected (using tabs in Excel)

  • Print

    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the region




  • When filtered by building, we will show a tab for each selected building

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular building, they will view the report for that building only

  • Clicking on a cell will produce the pop-up modal


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected buildings have been allocated SEL SEL student licenses.

  • We will calculate averages for all students active at the selected building within the date range

  • Quiz Average

    • We will show the average score for quizzes completed by students in the selected building within the domain/area/grade within the specified date range

    • If a user clicks on the number in this column, we will see a list of all students in the building in the selected grade who completed a quiz for that domain/area within the date range and the average score the student received for quizzes in that domain/area


  • Main Report

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected buildings (using tabs in Excel).

    • Print

      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the building

  • Pop-Up Modal

    • Export

      • hen the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected buildings (using tabs in Excel).

    • Print

      • We will print the report as it shows in the modal




  • When filtered by role, we will show a tab for each selected role

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular role, they will view the report for that role only

  • Clicking on a cell will produce the pop-up modal


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any users with the selected roles belong to a building that has been allocated SEL SEL student licenses.

  • We will calculate averages for all students active who are assigned to users with the selected role within the date range

  • Quiz Average

    • We will show the average score for quizzes completed by students assigned to team members with the selected role in all buildings the user has access to within the domain/area/grade within the specified date range

    • If a user clicks on the number in this column, we will see a list of all students assigned to team members with the selected role in all buildings the user has access to, in the selected grade who completed a quiz for that domain/area within the date range and the average score the student received for quizzes in that domain/area


  • Main Report

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected roles (using tabs in Excel)

    • Print

      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the role

  • Pop-Up Modal

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected roles (using tabs in Excel)

    • Print

      • We will print the report as it shows in the modal


Team Member


  • When filtered by team member, we will show a tab for each selected team member

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular team member, they will view the report for that team member only

  • Clicking on a cell will produce the pop-up modal


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected team members belong to a building that has been allocated SEL SEL student licenses.

  • We will calculate averages for all students active who are assigned to the selected team member within the date range

  • Quiz Average

    • We will show the average score for quizzes completed by students assigned to the selected team member in all buildings the user has access to within the domain/area/grade within the specified date range

    • If a user clicks on the number in this column, we will see a list of all students assigned to the selected team member in all buildings the user has access to, in the selected grade who completed a quiz for that domain/area within the date range and the average score the student received for quizzes in that domain/area


  • Main Report

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected team members (using tabs in Excel)

    • Print

      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the team member

  • Pop-Up Modal

    • Export

      • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected team members (using tabs in Excel)

    • Print

      • We will print the report as it shows in the modal




  • When filtered by student, we will show a tab for each selected student

  • When the user clicks on a tab for a particular student, they will view the report for that student only

  • Cells will not be clickable & Pop-Up Modal will not exist


Business Rules

  • This report will be available if any of the selected students belong to a building that has been allocated SEL SEL student licenses.

  • Quiz Average

    • We will show the average score for quizzes completed by the selected student within the domain/area/grade within the specified date range


  • Export

    • When the user clicks the export button, we will export the data for all selected students (using tabs in Excel)

  • Print

    • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the student