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We need a way for Admin users who have integrated iReady Assessment data to see a view of the district by ELA so that they can make informed decisions for MTSS Interventions for both the staff and the students in their district.

User Story:

As a district level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to view my building or district through an ELA only lens.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same permission sets, navigation, drop down contents as shown in ELA | District View | MTSS Dashboard

  • Multiple Testing Opportunities (Resolved with Ren data)

    • iReady Assessments can be taken multiple times within the same testing window.

      • We will include the most recent testing data within the graph for this page.

    iReady Fields: (See: Mutual Content Fields | iReady | MTSS Dashboard)

    • completion_date

    • other fields to be added here. --Remember also the iReady norm referencing dates for when students take the fall, winter and spring tests and which completion date falls within the time frame for each test. It is updated yearly and would need to be maintained.--

      • Suggestion is to use Define School Year as the start of the Fall and end of the Spring Testing window. We need to determine when the Fall test will end, the Winter test will begin and end, and when the spring test will begin or refer to iReady testing dates.

      • iReady does not have ScreeningWindowStartDate and ScreeningWindowEndDate like Ren data. They only use completion_date. There are accompanying fields to help distinguish Fall, Winter, Spring such as most_recent_diagnostic_y_n and number_of_diagnostics_completed_in_the_window

  • Consider: Tier Selections and grade specific placement ranges (3-5)

    • If we allow different tier selections for each test, then the circle graphs will not be the same for each grade level. We will need to explain the contents of each graph with a hover.

User Story

As a district level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to select past ELA scores and see suggested Tiers at that point in time.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Same issue as above for grade level placements (3-5 placement levels) where the graphs may contain different tier selections and/or placement levels for each test.

    • Suggested solution: include hover to explain the contents of each.

    • Need to think also about the chart beneath and the implications of different selections of tier/placement levels within the chart.

User Story

As a district level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to click on a classroom and view the report for that classroom and then return to the last report I was looking at with same filters engaged.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same permission sets, navigation, drop down contents as shown in ELA | District View | MTSS Dashboard

  • Same issues for tier level/grade level placements being different. Same solution for a hove