Versions Compared


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  1. Sidebar Layout:

    • The sidebar includes a back navigation link, a lesson title with a long title option, and a button to Collapse Sidebar.

    • A collapse functionality to minimize the sidebar and provide more space for the video player.

    • A back navigation button ("Back") to return to the assignments page.

  2. Video Experience

    • A responsive video player centered on the interface.

    • Player controls: play/pause button, volume control, mute toggle, closed caption, full screen

  3. Post Video Engagement

    • Post-video engagement options prompting the student to:

    • “Rewatch” button to rewatch the video with discussion panel

    • “Close” to close the modal and return to Assignments page in Student Center

      Ready to Submit modal:

      • Heading: ‘Ready to Submit?’

      • Message: ‘Click the Submit button to let your teacher know you completed the activity.’

      • Back button: Returns user to the video player screen.

      • Submit button: Submits the activity to the teacher and the ‘Activity Complete’ animation plays that automatically transitions to the video open in the player with the discussion panel.

User Interaction and Validation Notes
