Student Activity / Resource Player


The Student Activity / Resource Player allows the user to view the content in an easy and accessible manner. The content is the main focus of the activity or resource player, with the goal of making the best use of the screen space for the content and student user experience. The Student Activity / Resource Player will be how students interact with assigned materials and submit their assignments.



Feature 193777: Student Center

Workflow Description

  1. Student navigates to the Student Center.

  2. User selects My Assignments tab from the tab options: My Assignments, Explore, Goal Zone.

  3. User selects a content card and the player for the resource or activity displays on the screen.


Key aspects of the Student Center include:

  • Quiz Activity : The student center’s new quiz module engages learners with a visually appealing leading page, complete with motivational elements and important quiz details. A real-time progress bar enhances the experience by illustrating their journey through the questions. Students navigate using intuitive controls, with question cards dynamically adjusting for content, ensuring a focused and adaptive assessment environment. Upon completion and review, students are smoothly transitioned back to the assignments page.

  • Student Quiz Review : The Student Quiz Review allows the student user to view their answer choices to the quiz, discover correct answers, learn more through the explanation prompts, and communicate with their teacher.

  • Interactive Worksheet Activity : The interactive worksheet feature provides students with a digital platform to complete their assignments. This interactive worksheet is designed to be engaging and user-friendly, incorporating tools that allow for personalized text input and drawing to complete an assignment.

  • Interactive Worksheet Review : The interactive worksheet is a digital tool within the Student Center that allows students complete an Interactive Worksheet activity, whether it was assigned by a teach or selected in the Explore tab. Once the Interactive Worksheet is submitted, the student can send a discussion message to their teacher or Edit the assignment.

  • Video Assignment : The Video player is accessible within the RethinkEd Student Center for assigned videos. The assignment modal will feature a centered video player with a control bar for an interactive learning experience. The accompanying sidebar provides navigational functionality.

  • SEL Self Assessment : The SEL Self-Assessment interface is being revamped to create a more inviting student user experience. The SEL Self-Assessment interface is designed to deliver a 45-question assessment, with features to enhance accessibility and usability for students, such as text to speech and Spanish translations.