Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Top Layer


  • The line graph should show
  • number of unique students with:
    • Skill Progress
    • Behavior Progress
    • Skill & Behavior Progress
    • Any Progress
  • There should be a toggle for cumulative vs non-cumulative

Business Rules

  • Skill Progress
(this # should include
  • includes # of unique students who have mastered a target, objective, or goal for skills lessons only or for both skills & behaviors
  • Behavior Progress
(this # should include
  • includes # of unique students who have mastered an objective or goal for behaviors only, or a target, objective, or goal for skills & behaviors
  • Skill & Behavior Progress
(this # should only include
  • includes # of unique students who
  • mastered targets, objectives, or goals for both skills & behaviors
  • Any Progress
(this # should include
  • includes # of unique students who have
a current plan and
  • have
  • mastered
  • targets, objectives, or goals for either skills
nor behaviors
  • or behaviors
  • By default, we will view cumulative (see unique logins for logic)

Second Layer

Add filter


  • Two graphs
    • Students
    • Totals
  • Filters for:
    • Skills Progress
    • Behavior Progress
    • Skills & Behavior Progress
    • Any
(Skills OR Behavior) - DEFAULT
  • Follow same logic as above
  • Add filter
      • Progress
    • Toggle for cumulative vs non-cumulative
    • Option to show progress for:
      • Targets (
      • will not show
    if Behavior is selected above
      • for behavior progress)
      • Objectives
      • Goals
  • Ability to select multiple options
  • Ability to select all - DEFAULT
  • Add filter for:
    • Totals - This will display the total # of targets/objectives/goals mastered
    • Students - This will display the total # of unique students mastering targets/objectives/goals (DEFAULT)
  • All graphs should be line graphs
  • Add option for cumulative vs. non-cumulative
  • Change "Account" to "Building"
  • Able to select one or multiple buildings.
  • Able to select all buildings - this will be the default.
  • Only buildings with access to the selected platform(s) will appear in the list. If an building does not have access to the selected platform(s), it will not appear.
  • Each building selected
    • Filter by:
      • District
        • Displays one line on the graph
      • Region
        • A menu of regions will appear
        • Search bar
        • Regions will be listed alphabetically
        • Each region will be represented by a different colored line on the graph
        • A district total line will show on the graph as well
        • There will be a key by the graph
      • Building
        • There will be a menu of all buildings
        • Search bar in the menu
        • Buildings will be listed alphabetically
        • Each building will be represented by a different colored line
        • on the graph
        • There will be a
    key below
  • Able to select one or multiple team members
  • Able to select all team members - this will be the default.
  • Only team members with access to the selected platform(s) will appear in the list. If a team member does not have access to the selected platform(s), they will not appear.
  • Need a search feature.
        • district/region total line on the graph
    Team Members Option
        • There will be a key by the graph
      • Team Member
        • A menu of team members will appear
        • Search bar
        • Team Members will be listed alphabetically by last name
        • Each team member will be represented by a different colored line on the graph
        • A district/region/building total line will show on the graph as well
        • There will be a key
  • Able to select one or multiple students
  • Able to select all students - this will be the default
  • Only those students assigned to a team member or classroom will appear in the list
  • Need a search feature
        • by the graph
    Students Option
      • Student
        • A menu of students will appear
        • Search bar
        • Students will be listed alphabetically by last name
        • Each student will be represented by a different colored line on the graph
    There will be a key below
        • A district/region/building total line will show on the graph
        • There will
    not be an option for the students report above
  • Add option to view graph by:
    • Week
    • Month
    • Year
  • Add button for Third Layer Report
  • Third Layer

  • Need to View Report by Progress vs No Progress
    • Progress will report on students with mastery in the specified date range. This will be the default
      • Progress (default) will show:
        • Names of students with targets/objectives/goals mastered during date range
        • Number of targets mastered during date range
        • Number of objectives mastered during date range
        • Number of goals mastered during date range
        • Team members who have entered data for the student
        • Students will be ranked by number of goals mastered, with those students with the most mastered goals appearing at the top of the list. In the event that two or more students have the same # of mastered goals, the student with the most objectives mastered will appear first. In the event that the students in question have the same # of mastered objectives, the students with the most targets mastered will appear first. In the event that two or more students have the same # of targets mastered, the students in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
        • Need to link to View Progress for students
        • Add a message stating "Check it out! The following students have reached mastery from INSERT START DATE to INSERT END DATE. Take a moment to congratulate the students & teaching teams below."
    • No Progress will report on students without mastery in the specified date range.
      •  No Progress will show:
        • Names of students without mastered targets/objectives/goals entered during date range
        • Date of last mastered target. If no mastery has ever been reached, the field will read "No History of Mastery."
        • Date of last mastered objective. If no mastery has ever been reached, the field will read "No History of Mastery."
        • Date of last mastered goal. If no mastery has ever been reached, the field will read "No History of Mastery."
        • Date of last data point entered. If no data has ever been entered for the student, the field will read "No Data Entered".
        • Team members assigned to the student
        • Role of each team member assigned to the student
        • Students will be ranked by last mastered goal date. If two or more students have the same mastered goal date, the students in question will be listed in order of mastered objective date (with the student with the most recent mastered objective date appearing first). If two or more students have the same mastered objective date, the students in question will be ranked in order of last mastered target date (with the students with the most recent mastered target date appearing first). If two or more students have the same last mastered target date, the students in question will be ranked in order of last data point entered (with the student with the most recent data entry date appearing first). If two or more students have the same last data entry date or if students have no history of data, they will be listed alphabetically by last name.
        • Only those students with current plans will appear in the list.
        • Need to link to View Progress for students
        • Add a message stating "The following students have not reached mastery from INSERT START DATE to INSERT END DATE. Take a moment to review this report & offer support to the teaching teams if needed."
  • Need to filter by Building.
    • One or multiple buildings may be selected
    • Select all option - this is the default
    • Only buildings with access to the selected platform(s) will appear in the list. If a building does not have access to the selected platform(s), it will not appear in the list.
    • Only those students assigned to the buildings selected will appear in the report.
  • Need to filter by Team Member
    • One or multiple team members may be selected
    • Select all option - this is the default
    • Only team members with access to the selected platform(s) will appear in the list. If a team member does not have access to the selected platform(s), they will not appear in the list.
    • Need a search feature
    • Only those students assigned to the team members selected will appear in the report.
  • Need to filter by Student
    • One or more students may be selected
    • Select all option - this is the default
    • Only students with current plans will appear in the list. If a student does not have a current plan, they will not appear in the list.
    • Need a search feature.
    • Only those students selected will appear  in the report
  • Need to filter by date range
  • Default is past 90 days
  • Able to adjust date range
        • be a key by the graph

    Business Rules

    • Two graphs
      • Line graph showing number of unique students with mastered targets/objectives/goals
      • Line graph showing number of targets/objectives/goals mastered
    • By default, we will show # of unique students with any progress
    • By default, data will be displayed cumulatively (unless changed on top (overview) level.
    • Users may select the option to view targets, objectives, and/or goals mastered.
      • By default, we will show all
      • If a user unchecked targets, we will not see the number of targets mastered (totals graph) or # of students who have mastered targets (students graph)
      • If we select all, we will see the total number of targets, goals, and objectives mastered on one line (totals graph) or # of students who have mastered a target, objective, or goal on one line (students graph)
    • District View
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
    • Region View
      • Any region active during the specified date range will appear in the menu
      • Able to select from 1-10 regions
      • If regions have not been set up for an account, regions will not appear as a filter option
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
      • If a student belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the student will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2
      • If a student belongs to more than one region (multi-account user), this student will be calculated under each region they belong to.
    • Building View
      • Any building active during the specified date range will appear in the menu
      • If regions were previously selected, only show buildings within the selected regions
      • Able to select from 1-10 buildings
      • If buildings from only 1 region are selected, show the region total line on the graph. If buildings from multiple regions are selected, show the district total line on the graph.
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
      • If a student belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the student will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2
      • If a student belongs to more than one building (multi-account user), this student will be calculated under each building they belong to
    • Team Member View
      • Any team member active during the specified date range will appear in the menu
      • If regions or buildings were previously selected, only show team members within the selected regions/buildings.
      • Able to select 1-10 team members.
      • If team members from only 1 building are selected, show the building total line on the graph. If team members from only 1 region are selected, show the region total line on the graph. If team members from multiple regions are selected, show the district total line on the graph.
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.
    • Student View
      • Any student active during the specified date range will appear in the menu
      • If regions/buildings/team members were previously selected, only show students assigned to the selected regions/buildings/team members.
      • Able to select 1-10 students
      • If students from only 1 building are selected, show the building total line on the graph. If students from more than 1 building but only 1 region are selected, show the region total line on the graph. If students from more than 1 region are selected, show the district total line on the graph.
      • If a student was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this student will still show on the report.

    Third Layer


    With Progress

    • This is a list view showing:
      • Student Name
      • Targets Mastered
      • Objectives Mastered
      • Goals Mastered
      • Student's Team
    • There will be a sort feature
    • Tabs for each region/building/team member selected
    • Filter by progress area
      • Skills
      • Behavior
      • Skills & Behavior
      • Any Progress
    • Filter by:
      • District
      • Region
      • Building
      • Team Member
      • Student

    Business Rules

    With Progress

    • This is the default view
    • We will show information for all students who have made progress(at least 1 target, objective, or goal mastered within the date range)
    • Users will be able to sort by student name (alphabetically by last name), # of targets mastered, # of objectives mastered, # of goals mastered, or # of team members on student's team.
    • By default we will sort by # of goals mastered
    • Student's Team will show the number of team members assigned to the student.
      • If no team members have been assigned, display a 0
      • Clicking on the number will display the names and roles of the team members assigned to the student.
    • Clicking on a student's name will take you to view progress for that student
    • Skills View
      • Displays students with at least 1 target, objective, or goal mastered for a skill
    • Behavior View
      • Displays students with at least 1 objective or goal mastered for a behavior
      • Do not display targets column
    • Skills & Behavior View
      • Displays students with at least 1 target, objective, or goal mastered for both a skill and a behavior
    • Any Progress View (Default)
      • Displays students with at least 1 target, objective, or goal mastered for either a skill or a behavior

    Without Progress

    • This is a list view showing:
      • Student Name
      • Date of Last Mastery
      • Date of Last Data Point
      • Student's Team
    • There will be a sort feature
    • Tabs for each region/building/team member selected
    • Filter by progress area
      • Skills
      • Behavior
      • Skills & Behavior
      • Any Progress
    • Filter by:
      • District
      • Region
      • Building
      • Team Member
      • Student

    Without Progress

    • We will show information for all students who have not made progress (0 targets, objectives, or goals mastered within the date range)
    • Users will be able to sort by student name (alphabetically by last name), date of last mastery, date of last data point, or # of team members on student's team.
    • By default we will sort by date of last mastery
    • Date of last mastery will show the date the student last mastered a target, objective, or goal
      • If mastery has not been reached, display "--"
    • Date of last data point will show the date of the last data point recorded for the student
      • If data has not been entered, display "--"
    • Student's Team will show the number of team members assigned to the student.
      • If no team members have been assigned, display a 0
      • Clicking on the number will display the names and roles of the team members assigned to the student.
    • Clicking on a student's name will take you to the student's learning plan. For behavior view, clicking on student's name will take you to that student's behavior plans.
    • Skills View
      • Displays students without at least 1 target, objective, or goal mastered for a skill
    • Behavior View
      • Displays students without at least 1 objective or goal mastered for a behavior
    • Skills & Behavior View
      • Displays students without at least 1 target, objective, or goal mastered for both a skill and a behavior
    • Any Progress View (Default)
      • Displays students without at least 1 target, objective, or goal mastered for either a skill or a behavior


    • Role 7 will have access to all progress information across the entire account (all sub-accounts & parent account)
    • Role 6 will have access to all progress information across the sub-accounts they are linked to
    • Role 5 will have access to all progress information for the sub-account they are linked to
    • Custom roles may have access to progress information if admin reports were selected during customization. These roles will have access to all progress information for the sub-accounts they are linked to.
    • No other roles will have access to this report.
    • Accounts with Skills or Behavior Platforms allocated will have access to this report. If an account (or sub-account) does not have access to either the skills or behavior platform, this report will not appear.
    • All sub-accounts with the aforementioned platforms allocated will appear in this report. If a sub-account does not have one of these platforms allocated, they will not appear in the report.
    • Only the platforms allocated to a given account (or sub-account) will appear in the report.
    • All users assigned to the skills or behavior platform will appear in this report. If a user does not have one of the aforementioned platforms assigned, they will not appear in the report. RITA - Let's discuss. Thinking down the road to MIS integration. Not sure if this will work until account setup is complete though.
    • Only students assigned to a classroom or a user will appear in the report. If a student has been added to the platform, but has not been assigned to either a user or a classroom, the student will be excluded from the report