Unique Logins


Options are:

  • Graph
  • List

Business Rules

  • Default will be Graph


  • We will export and print the data reflected on the report. Meaning, if we have selected a specific user in the filter, we will export and print the login information for this user.



  • Line graph showing the number of unique users logging in.
  • Hovering on a data point displays # of unique logins (i.e. 48 Unique Logins) for the given school and month
  • Able to view line graph by the following views:
    • District
    • Region
    • Building
    • Role
    • Team Member
    • Student

Business Rules

  • If cumulative was selected at top layer, this carries over to second layer. This can be changed on the second layer if they so choose.


  • Export
    • We will export the data reflected on the report. Meaning, if we have selected a specific user in the filter, we will export the login information for this user.
    • Cumulative

    • Non-Cumulative


  • We will print the graph based on selections. Meaning, if we have selected a region report and selected non-cumulative, this is the view we will print
  • We will not print the filter, side panel, or pill tabs
  • Print in landscape
  • Show logo at top of page
  • Graph should fill the page
  • We will show a title of Login Report from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
  • We will show a sub-title listing the filter selections 



  • One line appears on the graph
  • Hovering on a data point displays # of unique logins (i.e. 48 Unique Logins)

Business Rules

  • This view shows number of unique logins for all users at the district and child accounts the user has access to within the date range
    • This view includes logins for Roles 6 & 7
  • Multi-Account team members will only be counted once. Meaning, if Team Member B is a multi-account teacher belonging to Region 1, 2, and 3, that team member's login activity will only be counted once for the entire district.


  • We will export one row of usage data
    • Cumulative

      • Non-Cumulative

    • Print

      • We will print the graph based on selections. Meaning, if we have selected a region report and selected non-cumulative, this is the view we will print
      • We will not print the filter, side panel, or pill tabs
      • Print in landscape
      • Show logo at top of page
      • Graph should fill the page
      • We will show a title of Login Report for INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a subtitle listing the name of the district



  • When multiple regions are selected, each region should be represented by a different colored line on the graph
  • A district total should appear on the graph
  • Hovering on a data point displays the number of unique logins (i.e. 48 Unique Logins)

Business Rules

  • This view shows number of unique logins for all users at the selected region(s) and child accounts the user has access to within the date range
  • If Team Member A belongs to Region 1 in the month of September then moves to Region 2 in the month of October, Team Member A's logins will be counted for Region 1 for September and Region 2 for October
  • Multi-Account team members will be counted for each region they belong to. Meaning, if Team Member B is a multi-account teacher belonging to Region 1, 2, and 3, that team member's login activity will be show for Regions 1, 2, and 3.


  • We will export a row of usage data for each region selected and the district total
    • Cumulative

      • Non-Cumulative

    • Print

      • We will print the graph based on selections. Meaning, if we have selected a region report and selected non-cumulative, this is the view we will print
      • We will not print the filter, side panel, or pill tabs
      • Print in landscape
      • Show logo at top of page
      • Graph should fill the page
      • We will show a title of Login Report for INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a sub-title listing the names of the selected regions



  • When multiple buildings are selected, each building should be represented by a different colored line on the graph
  • A district/region/building total line should appear on the graph
  • Hovering on a data point displays the  # of unique logins (i.e. 48 Unique Logins)

Business Rules

  • This view shows the number of unique logins for the selected building(s)
  • If Team Member A belongs to Building 1 in the month of September then moves to Building 2 in the month of October, Team Member A's logins will be counted for Building 1 for September and Building 2 for October
  • Multi-Account team members will be counted for each building they belong to. Meaning, if Team Member B is a multi-account teacher belonging to Buildings 1, 2, and 3, that team member's login activity will be show for Buildings 1, 2, and 3.


  • We will export a row of usage data for each building selected. If we are showing the Region total, we will show a line of usage for the region total. If we are showing the District total, we will show a line of data for the district total.
    • Cumulative

      • Non-Cumulative

    • Print
      • We will print the graph based on selections. Meaning, if we have selected a building report and selected non-cumulative, this is the view we will print
      • We will not print the filter, side panel, or pill tabs
      • Print in landscape
      • Show logo at top of page
      • Graph should fill the page
      • We will show a title of Login Report for INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a sub-title listing the names of the selected buildings



  • When multiple roles are selected, each role should be represented by a different colored line on the graph
  • A district/region/building total line should appear on the graph
  • Hovering on a data point displays the number of unique logins (i.e. 48 Unique Logins)

Business Rules

  • Number of unique logins for users assigned to the selected role(s)
  • If Team Member A is assigned to Role 1 in the month of September then is reassigned to Role 2 in the month of October, Team Member A's logins will be counted for Role 1 for September and Role 2 for October.
  • If all roles selected are assigned to the same building, we will show the total number of logins for the building. If roles selected belong to more than 1 building but the same region, we will show the total number of logins for the region. If selected roles belong to multiple regions, we will show the total number of logins for the entire district.


  • We will export a line of data for each role selected. If we are showing the Building Total, we will export a line for Building Total. If we are showing the Region Total, we will export a line for Region Total. If we are showing District Total, we will export a line for District Total
    • Cumulative

  • Non-Cumulative

    • Print

      • We will print the graph based on selections. Meaning, if we have selected a region report and selected non-cumulative, this is the view we will print
      • We will not print the filter, side panel, or pill tabs
      • Print in landscape
      • Show logo at top of page
      • Graph should fill the page
      • We will show a title of Login Report for INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a sub-title listing the names of the selected roles

Team Member


  • When multiple team members are selected, we will show one line on the graph
  • A district/region/building total line should appear on the graph
  • Below the graph, we will list the names of the team members selected.
  • Hovering on a data point displays the # of unique logins (i.e. 48 Unique Logins)

Business Rules

  • Number of unique logins out of the users selected.
    • This will be displayed as one line.
  • If all team members are assigned to the same building, we will show the total number of logins for the building. If team members selected belong to more than 1 building but the same region, we will show the total number of logins for the region. If selected team members belong to multiple regions, we will show the total number of logins for the entire district.
  • Team Members assigned to more than one building (either because they moved or because they are multi-account teachers/leads) will only display one line on the graph per team member. Meaning Team Member A will only ever show one line on the graph, regardless of how many buildings they were assigned to within the selected date range


  • We will export a line of data for all team members selected. If we are showing the Building Total, we will export a line for Building Total. If we are showing the Region Total, we will export a line for Region Total. If we are showing District Total, we will export a line for District Total
    • There will be two lines of data
    • Cumulative

      • Non-Cumulative

    •  Print
      • We will print the graph based on selections. Meaning, if we have selected a region report and selected non-cumulative, this is the view we will print
      • We will not print the filter, side panel, or pill tabs
      • Print in landscape
      • Show logo at top of page
      • Graph should fill the page
      • We will show a title of Login Report for INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
      • We will show a sub-title listing the names of the selected team members



  • The following views exist
    • Team Members who have logged in
    • Team Members who have not logged in

Business Rules

  • The default view will reflect any previously applied filters. If no filters were applied, we will show results for whole district.


  • We will export information based on what is shown on screen.
  • We will print based on filter selections

Logged In View
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Number of logins
    • Date of last login
  • Team Members should be organized by region/building/role

Business Rules
  • There will be a sort feature that allows users to sort the table by name, # of logins, or date of last login in ascending or descending order.
  • This view will display all team members who have logged in to the site or mobile app within the specified date range
  • Users should be ranked in order of logins, with those users with the most logins at the top of the list. If two users have the same number of logins, the user with the most recent login date should appear first. If this date is also the same, users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
  • Multi-Account Team Members should appear under each building they are assigned to
  • If a team member moves buildings, they should appear under all buildings assigned to within the selected date range


  • We will export data based on what is showing on filter selections

  • Print
    • We will print the report for the tab displayed on screen. Meaning, if we are on the Region A tab, this is the view we will print.
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill page
    • Do not print area in red x (mock-up had drop-down menu showing)
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the filter selections for the current tab



  • No separate tabs
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Number of logins
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • Displays all team members at the parent and child accounts the user has access to who have logged in at least 1 time within the date range


  • We will export all user data on one excel sheet
  • Print.
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title that reads District



  • Separate tab for each region selected
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Number of logins
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • For each Region selected, we will display a separate tab
  • Under each tab, we will display all team members at the region and child accounts the user has access to who have logged in at least 1 time within the date range
  • Multi-Account Team Members should appear under each region they are assigned to within the date range
  • Team Members who moved between regions during our date range should show under each region they were assigned to


  • We will export exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are clicked on the Region A tab, we will export the data for Region A only.
  • Print
    • We will print the report for the tab displayed on screen. Meaning, if we are on the Region A tab, this is the view we will print.
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the filter selections for the current tab (i.e. Region A)



  • Separate tab for each building selected
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Number of logins
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • For each Building selected, we will display a separate tab
  • Under each tab, we will display all team members at the building who have logged in at least 1 time within the date range
  • Multi-Account Team Members should appear under each building they are assigned to within the date range
  • Team Members who moved between buildings during our date range should show under each building they were assigned to


  • We will export exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are clicked on the Building A tab, we will export the data for Building A only.
  • Print
    • We will print the report for the tab displayed on screen. Meaning, if we are on the Building A tab, this is the view we will print.
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the filter selections for the current tab (i.e. Building A)



  • Separate tab for each role selected
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Number of logins
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • For each Role selected, we will display a separate tab
  • Under each tab, we will display all team members with the selected role at all at the buildings the user has access to who have logged in at least 1 time within the date range
  • Team Members who changed roles during our date range should show under each role they were assigned to


  • We will export exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are clicked on the Lead Teacher tab, we will export the data for Lead Teachers only.
  • Print
    • We will print the report for the tab displayed on screen. Meaning, if we are on the Role A tab, this is the view we will print.
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the filter selections for the current tab (i.e. Role A)

Team Member


  • All selected team members will show on one report with no separate tabs
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Number of logins
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • We will display all team members out of those selected who have logged in at least 1 time within the date range selected.


  • We will export exactly what is shown on screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title stating the names of the selected team members

Not Logged In View


  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • Team Members should be organized by region/building
    • This view displays all team members who did not log in to either the site or mobile app within the specified date range
    • Users should be listed in order of last login date, with the user who has logged in most recently showing at the top. If two users have the same login date, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
    • Only team members who have products assigned will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to the platform, but not assigned any products, this individual will not appear in the list.
    • Multi-Account Team Members should appear under each building they are assigned to
    • If a team member moves buildings, they should appear under all buildings assigned to within the selected date range


  • We will export exactly what is shown on screen

  • Print
    • We will print the report for the tab displayed on screen. Meaning, if we are on the Region A tab, this is the view we will print.
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Not Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the filter selections for the current tab



  • No separate tabs
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • Displays all team members at the parent and child accounts the user has access to who have NOT logged in at least 1 time within the date range


  • We will export all user data on one excel sheet
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Not Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title stating District



  • Separate tab for each region selected
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • For each Region selected, we will display a separate tab
  • Under each tab, we will display all team members at the region and child accounts the user has access to who have NOT logged in at least 1 time within the date range
  • Multi-Account Team Members should appear under each region they are assigned to within the date range
  • Team Members who moved between regions during our date range should show under each region they were assigned to


  • We will export exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are clicked on the Region A tab, we will export the data for Region A only.
  • Print
    • We will print the report for the tab displayed on screen. Meaning, if we are on the Region A tab, this is the view we will print.
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Not Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the filter selections for the current tab (i.e. Region A)



  • Separate tab for each building selected
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • For each Building selected, we will display a separate tab
  • Under each tab, we will display all team members at the building who have NOT logged in at least 1 time within the date range
  • Multi-Account Team Members should appear under each building they are assigned to within the date range
  • Team Members who moved between buildings during our date range should show under each building they were assigned to


  • We will export exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are clicked on the Building A tab, we will export the data for Building A only.
  • .
  • Print
    • We will print the report for the tab displayed on screen. Meaning, if we are on the Building A tab, this is the view we will print.
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Not Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the filter selections for the current tab (i.e. Building A)



  • Separate tab for each role selected
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • For each Role selected, we will display a separate tab
  • Under each tab, we will display all team members with the selected role at all at the buildings the user has access to who have NOT logged in at least 1 time within the date range
  • Team Members who changed roles during our date range should show under each role they were assigned to


  • We will export exactly what is shown on screen. Meaning, if we are clicked on the Lead Teacher tab, we will export the data for Lead Teachers only.
  • Print
    • We will print the report for the tab displayed on screen. Meaning, if we are on the Role A tab, this is the view we will print.
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Not Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title listing the filter selections for the current tab (i.e. Role A)

Team Member


  • All selected team members will show on one report with no separate tabs
  • Displays the following fields:
    • Team Member Name
    • Date of last login

Business Rules

  • We will display all team members out of those selected who have NOT logged in at least 1 time within the date range selected.


  • We will export exactly what is shown on screen
  • Print
    • We will not print the filters, side panel, or pill tabs
    • Print in landscape
    • Show logo at top
    • Report should fill the page
    • We will show a title of Team Members who Have Not Logged In Between INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
    • We will show a sub-title stating the names of the selected team members


  • Role 7 will have access to all login information across the entire account (all sub-accounts & parent account)
  • Role 6 will have access to all login information across the sub-accounts they are linked to
  • Role 5 will have access to all login information for the sub-account they are linked to
  • Custom roles may have access to login information if entered as an admin role or if admin reports were selected during customization. These roles will have access to all login information for the sub-accounts they are linked to.
  • No other roles will have access to this report.
  • All account types (Skills Platform, Behavior, SEL, Training Center) will have access to this report.
  • This report should include logins from the site and mobile app.