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We need to provide an overview page which contains a current snapshot of how the student is performing and also includes tabs to view Intervention Plans, iReady ELA and iReady Math

The functionality remains the same for: Tier Notices, Approaching/At Risk indicators, Intervention Plan Buttons


User Story

As a teacher viewing the Student MTSS Dashboard, I need to see the overall picture of a specific student’s background information including the Student Details, Academic Needs and Other Details so that I can quickly “get to know” the student before responding to the needs in each of the categories (ELA, Math, SEL, Behavior, Attendance).


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Acceptance Criteria

iReady Fields:

  • See Mutual Content Fields and Integration Fields for complete list.

  • See also Settings for Tier selections.

  • From Mutual Content fields see: most_recent_diagnostic_y_n, completion_date

    • Most recent diagnostic indicates with a value of Yes or No to indicate which test is the most recent if the student has taken more than one assessment.

    • Given a student has multiple testing opportunities, we populate the graphs with just one one value: most recent diagnostic

iReady Specifics

  • We change the tabs to read: iReady ELA and iReady Math.

  • Given a student takes an assessment multiple times within the same testing window, we will update the graphs and chart beneath to reflect the most recent assessment results.

User Story

As a teacher viewing the top section for student information, I need to see the overall picture of a specific student’s background including Demographics, Academic Needs and Other Details so that I can quickly “get to know” the student before responding to the needs in each of the categories (ELA, Math, SEL, Behavior, Attendance).


  • To view the Accommodations and Services selected for a specific Academic Needs, user clicks on or hovers over Details button.


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Acceptance Criteria

User Story

As an educator viewing the Student MTSS Dashboard Report, I need to navigate between school years and areas so that I can see how the student in doing in Reading, Math, SEL, Behavior, and Attendance throughout their school career.


  • To change the school year, user clicks on the school year drop down and makes a selection.

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Acceptance Criteria

Tier Notices and Approaching and At Risk Indicators

User Story

As a teacher user, I need to be alerted when a student’s tier status is a 2 or 3 and there is no intervention in place so that I don’t need to take time sifting through data to discover a need.UI

Acceptance Criteria

User Story

As a teacher or admin viewing the Overview Report, I need to analyze assessment results to determine if an intervention exists or if one is needed for students who are approaching or at risk of a tier status change so that I can make sure that student who are close to benchmarks are getting the services they need to be successful.


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Acceptance Criteria

Intervention Buttons

User Story

As an admin or teacher user who is considering creating a new intervention plan, I need to view current and past intervention plans so that I can assess the effectiveness of past supports to help me determine the best course of action moving forward.


  • To view an intervention plan, the user clicks on the Intervention Plan button and is taken to view the intervention plan.

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Acceptance Criteria

Empty State

User Story

As a user viewing the Student MTSS Dashboard, I need to see an empty state of the MTSS Dashboard when there is no data available from RethinkEd or integrations so that I know what data will come in (ELA, Math, SEL, Behavior, Attendance).

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Acceptance Criteria

iReady Specific:

  • We will change the tabs to read: IReady ELA and IReady Math

  • We will rename Not Applicable to No Data

  • We will change 4 Grade Reference to read: Building Name: All 4th Graders. Grade