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We need a way for Users to view and edit behavior tracking that they have created for individual students.

User Stories:

  • I am a teacher who has created behavior tracking for a student that I need to view so that I can determine if editing is needed before I begin tracking the behavior.

  • I am a teacher who has begun tracking behaviors for a student and need to view my exiting behavior tracking creation to determine if it still meets my student’s needs.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors.

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > View Behaviors

  • Given I am a user who enters View and Edit Behaviors through the Student Behavior Tracking Area by selecting the View button from active or inactive behaviors, the view state will be the landing containing all locked fields.

  • Given I am user who clicks on Reactivate button, the View screen will change to the edit screen where fields are now active for editing.

  • Given I am a user who has saved an active behavior tracking but has not finished the set up, the edit screens will be active from the point I left off.

  • Given I am a user who in the edit screen and has recorded goal or objective data, the intensity field is locked and no intensity level fields are shown.

  • Given I am a user who is in the edit screen and has NOT recorded goal or objective date, the intensity field is unlocked.

  • Given the above statement is true AND the user changes the intensity field from No to Yes, then they intensity level fields are shown.

  • Given the above statement is true, if there are any previous goal and objective fields that have been completed, those fields are now restored to the initial blank state.


Access to View Behavior Tracking


  • When the User selects View for a behavior from multiple locations (Classroom Dashboard, Behavior Dashboard, Student Dashboard) and the behavior tracking is Active, they are taken to the view screens for the behavior tracking selections.

  • To view each screen, the user clicks on continue or the timeline.

Active Status:

Business Rules:

  • If the User has created behavior tracking and selects View from the Student Behavior Tracking Area, they are taken to the beginning screen for Create behaviors to track (Behavior Definition) and follow through the User path for the selections they made in the view state.

  • Navigation between slides is the same as in Create Behaviors to track.

View Mode Buttons


  • The View mode gives the user the ability to Print Data Sheets, Record data, View data, and Change Status.

Print Data Sheets

  • Users can click the Print data sheets button from the view state. see Print Data sheets for more information

Record Data

  • Users can record data for the behavior by selecting Record data once the data method is selected

  • Once they have selected Record data, they will visit data express and see a fillable tracking form for the given behavior and data method.

View Data

  • Once data is collected for the behavior and data method, the view data button will be activated

  • Users can click the View data button to view the inputted data for the given behavior and data method

Change status

Active Status Pop-up

  • To view options for changing the status of the Behavior tracking, user clicks on Change Status button.

  • A status change module will open and the user will need to select between archive and delete.

Business Rules

  • Print Data Sheets button becomes active if:

    • the User has completed all steps in Behavior Tracking for at least one of the data collection methods (Frequency, Duration, Interval, Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency/Duration (combined).

Active Button Set

  • The button set for Behavior Tracking in the Active Status includes:

    • If the user has selected a data type but has not recorded baseline and has not entered a goal, then Record is active, and Delete is in the place of Change Status, Print Data sheets is active and View Data is not active.

    • If the user has selected a data type and has recorded data but not entered a goal, then Record is active, View Data is active, Change status is active and Print Data sheets is active.

      • If user selects Print data sheets without a goal, then the printed version would not include the box for goal. (See: Print Data Sheets)

    • If user has selected a data type, recorded data and set a goal with or without objectives, then Record is active, View Data is active, Record Data is active, Print Data sheets is active and Change Status is active.

  • If the user has started recording goal or objective data, they can edit the behavior definition, change the existing plan field (No plan, MTSS, IEP, Behavior Intervention)

  • If the user has not recorded goal or objective data, they can add intensity, but any goal or objectives they previously wrote will need to be re-written therefore:

    • if intensity is added during editing, the goal and/or objective fields will be active and require editing.

Active Status Pop-Up (See image: Active Status Pop-up)

  • If behavior tracking is in the active status and data has been collected, users will see the Change Status button.

    • If user selects Change Status button, then Active Status Pop-up will show.

    • If user selects Archive and then Change Status button from Pop-up, then active status confirmation will show.

    • If user selects Delete and then Change Status button from Pop-up, then delete confirmation will show.

    • If user selects Cancel or X, then the request is canceled and screen beneath is restored.

  • If behavior tracking is in the active status and data has not been collected, then users will see the Delete button instead of the Change Status button.

  • If behavior tracking changes from Active to Archived, then a phase change line is shown in Data express.

View Behavior Definition

UI Design

  • When users view Behavior Definition in View mode, they will be able to see the headings and answers selected or inputted for behavior, the increase or decrease selection, yes or no to intensity, and whether it is a part of a plan or not

  • The dropdown selections and textboxes will be deactivated in View mode

  • Behavior Definition will be the default tab selected when opening View mode

  • If the user selected Yes to track intensity in the create mode, then the intensity levels will show in the view mode

  • Users can click Next to view the Data Settings or click the Data Settings tab at the top

Business Rules

  • The dropdown selections and textboxes will be deactivated in View mode

  • Answer in create mode will show in View mode


  • Chat is available in View mode

  • Team members can chat with any team members that have access to view behavior tracking

Select Type- Data Settings

UI Design

  • When users view Data Settings in View mode, they will be able to see the headings and answers selected

  • The dropdown selections and textboxes will be deactivated in View mode

  • Select Type will show heading and selected data type

  • Next or Record baseline can be clicked to view Record Baseline

Business Rules

  • The dropdown selections and textboxes will be deactivated in View mode

  • Answer in create mode will show in View mode


  • Chat is available in View mode

  • Team members can chat with any team members that have access to view behavior tracking

Record Baseline- Data Settings

UI Design

  • The answer to the Baseline question will show and not be able to be changes in View moce

  • If the user didn’t select anything, they will see not selected

  • If the user selected no, they will see no and not be able to change it in View mode

  • The dropdown will be deactivated in View mode

  • If the user selected yes in create mode, they will see yes and the additional information that was added about start and end date and averages

  • The dropdown selections and textboxes will be deactivated in View mode

  • If the user selected Yes in Create and Intensity, they will see the selections for averages for each level in addition to start date and end date

  • No changes can be made to answers in View mode

  • User can click Next or Set goal and Objectives at top to access Set goa and objectives

Business Rules

  • The dropdown selections and textboxes will be deactivated in View mode

  • Answer in create mode will show in View mode


  • Chat is available in View mode

  • Team members can chat with any team members that have access to view behavior tracking

Record Baseline- Set goal and Objectives

UI Design

  • When users view Set goal and objectives in View mode, they will be able to see the headings and answers selected/inputted

  • If the user selected Yes to track objectives in the Create mode, then they will see the Objectives inputted

  • User can click Next or Done in top nav to see Success screen

Business Rules

  • The dropdown selections and textboxes will be deactivated in View mode

  • Set Goal, Goal statement including custom text inputted, and yes or no to track objectives will show based on answer during Create mode

  • Added text will show but the words Custom Text will not show if the user did not input custom text before or after locked sentence


  • Chat is available in View mode

  • Team members can chat with any team members that have access to view behavior tracking

Done- Set goal and Objectives

UI Design

  • When users view Done and objectives in View mode, they will be able to see the success message

Business Rules

  • Next will be deactivated

  • X will close module


  • Chat is available in View mode

  • Team members can chat with any team members that have access to view behavior tracking

Archived Status


  • When the User selects View for a behavior tracking from multiple locations (Classroom Dashboard, Behavior Dashboard, Student Dashboard), and the behavior tracking has been archived, they are taken to the view screens for the behavior tracking selection.

  • To view each screen, the user clicks on continue or the timeline.

  • For an archived behavior tracking, users have access to Print Data sheets, View Data and Change Status Buttons.

  • To change the status of an Archived Behavior Tracking, user click on Change Status Button.

Archived to Active

  • To change the status of an Archived behavior tracking to an Active Behavior tracking, user selects Make Active by clicking on the circle next to Make Active and selecting Change Status button.

  • A confirmation message is shown.

  • Remove the confirmation message, the user clicks on Close or X.

Archived to Delete

  • To delete the behavior tracking, user selects Delete by clicking on the circle next to Delete and selecting Change Status button.

  • A confirmation message is shown.

  • User clicks on X or close removes the confirmation message and deletes the behavior tracking.

Business Rules:

  • Archived Behavior Tracking contains the following active buttons: Print Data Sheets, View Data, Change Status.

  • If Print Data Sheets button is selected, user is taken to Print Data section to print data sheets for this behavior tracking.

  • If View Data button is selected, user is taken to Data Express to view the archived data collection.

Archived to Active

  • If Change Status is selected, then the pop-up is shown. (See image: Archived Change Status Pop-up)

    • If user clicks on Make Active and then Change Status button from the pop-up, then a confirmation message is shown and the tag changes from Archived to Active. (See image: Make Active Confirmation)

    • Archived to Active behavior tracking allow user to resume tracking with no changes.

    • If behavior tracking status changes from Archived to Active, a phase change line is shown in Data Express.

Archived to Delete

  • If Change Status is selected, then pop-up is shown. (See image: Archived Change Status Pop-up)

    • If user clicks on Delete and then Change Status button from the pop-up, then a confirmation message is shown and the confirmation message is shown. (See image: Delete Confirmation)

    • Archived to Delete behavior tracking deletes the behavior tracking when user clicks on close or X from confirmation.

Mastered Behavior Tracking


  • When the User selects View for a behavior tracking from multiple locations (Classroom Dashboard, Behavior Dashboard, Student Dashboard), and the behavior tracking has been mastered, they are taken to the view screens for the behavior tracking selection.

  • To view each screen, the user clicks on continue or the timeline.

  • For a Mastered behavior tracking, users have access to Print Data sheets, View Data Buttons.

Business Rules:

  • If a Behavior Tracking is Mastered, then clicking the View Data button takes user to view the data in Data express.

  • If a behavior tracking is Mastered, then clicking the Print Data sheets button takes the user to print data sheets for the mastered behavior tracking.

  • At this time, Mastered behavior tracking cannot be Unmastered or Deleted.

  • At this time, Mastered behavior tracking cannot be edited or made Active.

  • Mastered behavior tracking can only be viewed.

Changing Goals, tracking, or Objectives once data collected

UI: Design

  • IF the user clicks edit and tries to change the goal and there is data that exists for the goal, then the user will see the error message: There is data for this goal. If you make changes and save or continue, you will lose the data for the saved goal.

  • If they save and exit or continue, they will lose data attached to old goal.

  • If the user clicks edit and tries to change to not track objectives and there is data that exists for the objectives, then the user will see error message: There is data for the objective(s). If you no longer track the objectives, you will lose data for the saved objectives.

  • If they save and exit or continue, they will lose data for the objectives.

  • If the user clicks edit and tries to change an objective and there is data that exists for the objective, then the user will see error message: Objective cannot be saved because there is data already collected for it.

  • If they save and exit or continue, they will lose data for the objective.

Business Rules

  • User will lose current data if they make a change to the goals and objectives once data collected past baseline.

Changing from View to Edit


  • To change from View to Edit, user clicks on Edit button from any of the the View screens.

  • User sees Edit screen.

Edit Flow- Frequency Example

Frequency Baseline

  • If user has selected No for recording baseline, then Record Baseline button is shown.

  • To Record baseline, user clicks on Record Baseline button.

Business Rules:

  • If user clicks on Edit from any of the View screens, then Edit is shown.

    • Edit contains active View Data button if data has been collected. (See image: Edit Screen Example)

    • Edit is available for all data collection types.

Edit Flow-Frequency Example

Locked Fields

  • Fields in the view state are locked indicated by the locked symbol and cannot be edited by the User based on progress completion of Behavior tracking set-up.

  • In order to save Behavior Tracking, users must have selected a Data Type.

    • If in the Active Status (Behavior Definition screen complete and Data type selected with no baseline completed) then the user may edit from the record baseline step to the end thus locked symbols are in place for Behavior Definition and Data type selection.

    • If in the Active Status (Behavior Definition screen complete, Data Type selected and baseline completed) then user may edit from Set Goal step to the end of behavior tracking thus locked symbols are in place for Behavior Definition, Data type selection, baseline.

    • If in the Active Status (Behavior Definition screen complete, Data Type selected, baseline complete, Goal set but no data recorded for goal, and objectives screen incomplete-nothing selected), then user may edit from Track objectives to the end thus locked symbols are in place for Behavior Definition, Data type selection, baseline.

    • If in the Active Status (Behavior Definition screen complete, Data Type selected, baseline complete, Goal set and data has been taken beyond baseline and objectives screen incomplete-nothing selected), then user may edit from Track objectives to the end thus locked symbols are in place for Behavior Definition, Data type selection, baseline and Set goal.

    • If in the Active Status (Behavior Definition screen complete, Data Type selected, baseline complete, Goal set, “No” collected as a response to including objectives or objectives added), then all screens are locked if user has recorded data beyond the baseline and objectives are available if no data has been recorded past baseline.

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