Select Behavior | Create Behavior | Data Tracking | MTSS Suite

We need a way to begin the process of defining behavior and selecting a data collection method that will be the springboard screens for Behavior Tracking.

User Stories:

  • I am a teacher who needs to select specific behaviors for my tier 2 student to track so that my student will have a clear understanding of the goals and a customized support plan to achieve them.

  • I am a teacher who needs explanations and options for data collection so that I can be assured I will select the best data collection option(s) for my student.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a User who has selected a behavior from the drop down, I will see an auto-filled definition box with my selected behavior contained within.

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit behaviors, I will be able to select a behavior from the drop down menu.

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support > Add/Edit behaviors, I will see the +add new behavior option in the drop down.

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support > Add/Edit behaviors, and I select +add new behavior, I will see the the pop up to add a new behavior.

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support > Add/Edit behaviors, and I have selected a behavior, I will see the define the behavior text field.

  • Given the student has existing behavior(s) from any of the following: MTSS Interventions, IEP, Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), Self-monitoring, Behavior tracking, those behaviors will appear in the drop down menu for select behavior.

  • Given the user selects +add a new behavior from the behavior selection drop down, the custom entry add behavior box is shown.

  • Given the user has added a custom entry behavior, that new behavior is added to the list in the drop down menu for select behavior.

  • Given I am a user who has selected NO to track intensity, define intensity levels will not show.

  • Given I am a user who has selected YES to track intensity, the first two intensity levels will not show an X next to them indicating that they cannot be deleted.

  • Given I am a user who has created 5 intensity levels, the +add new level will no longer appear.

  • Given I am a user who clicks on the X next to an intensity level, that intensity level will be deleted.

  • Given I am a user who has NOT completed all required fields in the Create Behavior(s) to track process, the Print Data Sheets, Record Data, View Data buttons remain inactive.

  • Given I am a user who has selected the X to close the modal and I have unsaved updates from my session, the pop-up message will show.

  • Given I am a user who select Save & Close from the modal, all of my unsaved updates from the current session will save and then the modal will close.

  • Given the user selects NO from the modal, all unsaved work will remain unsaved and then the modal will close.

  • Given the user select X from the modal, the pop-up will disappear and the screen beneath it is active.



Section 1: Behavior Definition


  • The sees Behavior definition tab selected.


Add Behavior and Delete Behavior From Behavior Bank:

  • The User will select a Behavior from the drop down menu.



  • To add a new behavior, the User clicks on the checkbox for Other and text enters new behavior.

  • To remove a custom entered behavior, the user clicks on the X next to the custom entered item in the behavior bank.



  • Once the User has selected a behavior, the Define the behavior box will show. The User clicks inside the box and types.





  • The user will select increase or decrease (See Section 2).


  • User will select if there is an existing plan.



Bottom Navigation Buttons

  • To continue to the next screen where the data type is selected, user clicks on Continue button.


Business Rules:

  • From multiple access points through Behavior, Classroom and Student dashboard, the user lands on Behavior definition tab active when Create New Behavior is clicked.

  • Users can move between Behavior Definition and Data settings by clicking on the tab.

  • In order to save behavior tracking, user must select a data type. Selecting a data type makes the behavior tracking active.

  • Active behavior tracking can be connected to Behavior Plan.

Add Behavior and Delete Behavior From Behavior Bank:

Behavior Bank

  • Behavior list will contain the list of default behaviors plus any custom behaviors previously entered for this student via MTSS Intervention Plans, Self Monitoring (See Self-monitoring for additional information on Add Behavior Drop Down), or Behavior Contract.

  • Custom entered behaviors (those created through the use of Other field by the creator of Behavior Tracking) are linked to the student only.

  • We will show x symbol next to each custom entered behavior.

  • If x is selected by user, the Warning Pop-up shows. (See image: Warning)

    • If yes is selected, then the custom entered behavior goal is deleted.

    • If No or X is selected then the custom entered behavior goal remains.

  • All sections on this screen are required.

  • Behavior definitions entered by the user for each specific behavior will show in the behavior definition box and the User can edit.

  • If the User clicks on checkbox next to Other from drop down, they will see a blank add definition box.

    • User types inside field for other from the drop down and the blank definition box on the Create screen.

    • User’s typed entry on Behavior drop down becomes part of the list for that student.

    • Selecting X, cancels the typed entry.

  • Define the behavior box appears as once user has selected a behavior.

    • The field auto- populates Users' typed entry.

  • Increase/Decrease entry field has a default setting of Decrease and contains an arrow drop-drop with the choices of:

    • Decrease

    • Increase 

  • Plan Selection Field is a multi-select. (See image: Plan Selection Field)

  • The Default is No plan.

  • Plan menu include:

    • MTSS

    • IEP

      • If IEP is selected, then it works in the IEP filter in Progress Report.

    • Behavior Intervention Plan

    • No Plan

  • If the User Saves & Goes Back before selecting a Data Type (next screen), the behavior will show on their list of active behaviors but will not show in Data Express or the App.


Bottom Navigation Buttons

  • Upon entering Behavior Tracking for the first time, Save and Exit is deactivated until user selects data method.






Section 2: Data Collection-Select Measurement Tool


Select Decrease

  • Given User has selected Decrease, the following data types will show:


  • If user selects Frequency, Duration or Frequency & Duration, then we will show the the question: Would you like to track intensity?

  • If user selects Yes from the question Would you like to track intensity? then we will show the fields for Define Intensity Levels.


Select Increase

  • Given User selects Increase, the following data types will show:


  • User hovers or clicks on the information icon to learn more.


Selecting No from Intensity Field

  • User selects No to not include intensity tracking.



Selecting Yes from Track Intensity Field:

  • User selects Yes to include intensity levels.



  • To define intensity level the User clicks inside the text field for each of the levels and types a description.

  • To remove an intensity level, the user clicks the x.

  • To reorder the intensity level definition, the User clicks on the up/down arrows.


  • To add an intensity level, the User clicks on +Add new level.

  • To Save and exit the modal, user clicks Save and exit button.

  • To Continue to Baseline Slide, User clicks on Continue button.

  • To go back to the previous slide, user clicks on Go back button.


Business Rules:

  • All sections of this screen are required.

  • Data type selection works as a toggle coloring the circle next to the selection blue.

  • The User can make only one selection.

  • Hovering or clicking on the information icon reveals definition. (See image: Hover/Click)

    • Frequency reads: The number of times a behavior occurs.

    • Duration reads: The length of time the behavior occurs.

    • Interval reads: The percentage of intervals or percentage of the day that the behavior occurs.

    • Frequency and Duration reads: The number of times AND the length of time the behavior occurs.

    • Checklist reads: A response of Yes or No to the question: Did the behavior occur?

    • Rating Scale reads: A rating of the behavior occurrence. Example: Not at all, Sometimes, or Most of the time.

Decrease Selected

  • If the User selects Decrease or leaves the default setting, than Frequency, Duration, Interval and Frequency & Duration will show. (See image: Decrease selected)

  • If user selects Frequency, Duration, or Frequency & Duration, then we will show the question Would you like to track intensity?

    • Given the user selects Yes for Would you like to track intensity?, then we show Define Intensity Levels. (See image: Define Intensity Levels)

    • Given user selects No for Would you like to track intensity?, then we will not show Define Intensity Levels.

  • If user selects Interval, then we will not show the question Would you like to track intensity?

    • See section: Interval Selected at the bottom of this page for more information about Interval.

  • Intensity:

    • Intensity field contents:

      • No

      • Yes

    • No is the default

Increase Selected

  • If the User has selected Increase than Frequency, Duration, Interval, Checklist, Rating Scale and Frequency & Duration will show. (See image: Increase selected)

  • Follow same rules for showing question Would you like to track intensity? as is shown for Decrease selected.

  • If user selects Interval, Checklist or Rating Scale, then the question Would you like to track intensity? is not shown.


  • Intensity Levels:

    • We will lock down intensity levels right after the first data point is collected for baseline. At that point, user will no longer be able to add/remove/edit intensity levels.

    • By default, we will show 3 levels

      • If the User clicks x next to the intensity level, the level will be removed and the intensity level fields adjusted.

      • If the User click +Add new level, an additional level is created and the levels are adjusted to include the addition.

    • At least 2 levels must be selected

      • The X to remove an intensity level will disappear from the final two levels.

    • No more than 5 levels may be included

      • + Add new level to add an intensity level will disappear once 5 levels have been included.

    • Definitions are required for each intensity level.

    • Clicking on the Up or Down arrows reorders the intensity level definitions.

      • Example: If I move the definition for level 2 up, that definition will now apply to level 1.

    • Definitions will not be stored and repurposed for other areas


  • If the clicks on Save and exit button, the behavior will show on their list of active behaviors and will show in Data Express or the App but will not contain any data.

  • If the User selects go back button, they are returned to the Behavior definition screen.

  • Clicking Continue button takes the User to Baseline Screen.




Section 3: Top buttons and Tags


Creating a New Behavior to Track

  • User enters Behavior Definition for the first time to create a new behavior to track.




  • Print Data Sheets, Record Data and View Data buttons are inactive until the user selects a data type.

  • The Delete button is active.



  • Users can delete the behavior tracking they are creating anytime while the behavior tracking is in the Draft status (Behavior Definition and Data Type-Unselected) by clicking Delete and completing the confirmation pop-up message.



  • Clicking on Delete shows the following pop-up.

  • Clicking on the X or cancel returns the user to the screen beneath it.



  • User clicks on Delete to delete their Behavior Tracking and confirmation message shows.

  • User selects close or X to remove confirmation message.




  • To change the status of an Active Behavior Tracking, user clicks on Change Status Button.



  • To change the status from Active to Archived, user clicks on circle next to Archive and then the Change status button.

  • Confirmation message is shown.



  • To delete the active behavior tracking, user clicks on circle next to Delete and then the Change status button.

  • Confirmation message is shown.


  • To cancel the request, user clicks on Cancel or X to close.

Business Rules:

Creating a New Behavior to Track

  • In order to save the Behavior tracking for the first time and make it Active, the user needs to select a Data type.

  • Button set (Print data sheets, Record Data, View Data, Delete) are shown on the behavior definition screen and on the select data type before a data type has been selected. (See images: Behavior Definition, Data Type-Unselected)

    • If user is opening Create behavior for the first time to enter a new behavior to track, they will see only the Delete button as active.

  • The Delete button is active on the first two slides of Create Behavior. (See image: Delete Pop-up)

    • If the user clicks on the Delete button, then the delete pop-up shows.

    • If user clicks on Delete it on the pop up, their work on the Behavior tracking is deleted and confirmation message shows. (See image: Confirmation message)

  • If the user clicks on the X on the pop up, then the behavior tracking is not deleted and screen beneath it is shown.

Active Status

  • Once a data type is selected, the behavior tracking is in the Active Status.

  • If no data has been entered and no goals have been created, then the Delete button remains active for an Active Status Behavior Tracking.

  • If data has been collected (baseline), then the Change Status button replaces the Delete button. (See image: Data Type Selected-Active Status-Change Status Button)

  • If Change Status button is selected for an Active Behavior Tracking, then Pop-up shows. (See image: Change Status Pop-Up)

    • Confirmation messages are shown for selection made from Pop-Up. (See images: Archive Confirmation and Delete Confirmation)


Section 4: Close Pop-up message


  • To close out the modal, the User clicks on the X at the top right of the screen.


  • A pop-up message appears as a result.


  • To save and close the modal, the user clicks on Save & Close Button

  • To remove the pop-up and return to the screen beneath it, the User clicks on the X in the top right of the pop-up

  • To close the modal without updating the work on the screen, the user clicks on No.

Business Rules:

  • The X to close the modal is on all slides throughout the Create Behavior(s) to track.

  • The pop-up message is active for all slides throughout Create Behavior(s) to track if the clicks on the X and has unsaved work.

  • If the user clicks on the X and they have unsaved changes on the screen they are working on or any other previous screen that they did not save during their session, the pop-up message will appear.

  • If the user clicks on Save & Close button, their work will be saved for the screen they are working on and any others that they did not save during their session and the modal will close.

  • If the User clicks on Save & Close button, their work is saved as Active Behavior Tracking. (See Student Behavior Tracking Area)

  • If the user clicks on NO, then the work they have completed but did not save for the screen they are working on and any others that they did not save during their session, will not be saved and the modal will close.


Interval Selected

  • User selects Decrease behavior and then Interval.


  • User has selected Increase behavior and then Interval.


  • To pick an interval type from either of the above, user clicks on drop down arrow in Select interval type field and makes a selection by clicking on it.

  • To pick the interval amount and units of measure, user clicks on the drop down arrows for Select interval amount and clicks on their choice.


  • Given user has selected Decrease behavior and then Interval, they will see Select Interval type and Select interval amount fields. (See image: Decrease Behavior)

  • Given user has selected Increase behavior and then Interval, they will see Select Interval type and Select interval amount fields. (See image: Increase Behavior)

  • Select Interval Type includes:

    • Partial

    • Whole

    • Momentary sample

  •  Select Interval amount includes:

    • 15

    • 30

    • 60

    • Other

    • Custom entry (other) is greater than 0 and less that 121.

  •  Time units include:

    • seconds

    • minutes

    • hours