We need a way for Admin and non-admin with permission to view reports users to see a view the classroom report by attendance so that they can make informed decisions for MTSS Interventions for both the staff and the students in their district. We need to make sure that if the admin has clicked on a classroom from the admin dashboard that they can easily return to the report that they were looking at before they selected the classroom.
User Story
As a district level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to view the classrooms in my building or district through an attendance only lens.
Admin can view a attendance classroom report by clicking on a classroom row in the attendance report of the admin dashboard.
Admin will then see the state of the classroom from the attendance tab
Absences chart and table information
Tardies chart and information
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I click anywhere on the classroom row from the attendance tab of the admin report, I will see the attendance tab of the classroom report for the selected classroom.
Will we show cumulative Absences/Tardies for the entire school year for the student/classroom/etc if the entire school year is selected and then only the specific quarter if one is selected?
Given I am a user who is viewing the classroom report, I will see the Absences Tier (recommendation), Absence Rate (for the specific student), and the total number of absences for the student.
Given I am a user who is viewing the classroom report, I will see the Tardies Tier (recommendation), Tardies Rate (for the specific student), and the total number of tardies for the student.
Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View Classroom reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I am viewing the Classroom overview, I will see the recommended tier level, absence/tardy rates, and total counts for absences/tardies of individual students who have measured at the Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 level based on the cut score settings on the graph for the given areas for the selected time frame.
Given I am a user who is viewing a classroom report, I will see the yellow/orange Attention icon for a student that is flagged for Tier 2 based on the cut scores.
Given I am a user who is viewing a classroom report, I will see the red Attention icon for a student that is flagged for Tier 3.
The Attention icon shows the user that the student has been marked as in that specific tier level based on the cut scores in the settings area.
Account Settings:
We will show a column Absences Tier and include the Tier assignment as specified in Account Settings. (See image: Absence Selected for Absence Tier column name.)
We will show a column Tardy Tier and include the Tier assignment as specified in Account Settings. (See image: Tardies Selected for Tardy Tier column name.)
We will show an ongoing Absent Rate and the Tardy rate calculation for each absences and tardy recorded as specified in Account Settings.
At Risk Indicator
Given a student is within 2% of the maximum range for Tier 1 or Tier 2 (with standard rounding rules applied), then we will show an At Risk Indicator (Red down arrow)
See: Attendance | Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report for Tiers and the percentage ranges for each tier. (Shown in image: Attendance Settings)
See: Attendance Mapping | Powerschool for fields and calculations.
Fields include:
School year start date provided by customer (see Define School Year Settings), or if that is not available:
SchoolYearStartDate from Renaissance data
How Risk Indicators work for Attendance (Absences and Tardies): Rounding Rules
Absences and Tardies work the same way.
As explained on the page Attendance Mapping | Powerschool, the attendance rate will be rounded to the nearest whole percentage. The information below is to spell out how tiers and At Risk Indicators would work if the attendance rates had two decimal places, for clarity.
Use image: Attendance Settings as example (See left).
Given the absences calculation is below 7.50%, then we will NOT show an At Risk Indicator.
Given the absences calculation reaches 7.50%, then the Tier 2 At Risk indicator will show.
Given the absences calculation is between 7.50% and 9.49%, then the Tier 2 At Risk Indicator remains.
Given the absence calculation reaches 9.50%, then we will show the student as Tier 2. The Tier 2 At Risk Indicator would be removed.
Given the absences calculation reaches 12.50%, then the Tier 3 At Risk Indicator will show.
Given the absences calculation is between 12.50% and 14.49%, then the Tier 3 At Risk Indicator remains.
Given the absences calculation reaches 14.50%, then we will show the student as Tier 3. The Tier 3 At Risk Indicator would be removed.
At this time Attendance does NOT have Approaching Indicator functionality.
User Story
As a non-admin or admin with permission to View Reports I need to be able to view a classroom through an attendance only lens from the Classroom.
Non-admin or admin with permission to view reports can visit a classroom
They can select Overview and click on MTSS or click on MTSS in the side navigation to see the classroom report for the given classroom
The user clicks the Attendance tab to view the Attendance information.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to view reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I select the classroom, then Reports, MTSS, and attendance, I will see the attendance report for that given classroom.
Please see above user story for all details on the classroom report.