Define School Year Settings

We need a way for users to define the start and end date of the school year so that we will have a clear delineation between school years for future product offerings. This setting cannot be missed by the user.




User Story

As a current or new client with RethinkEd, I need a way to be notified that I need to define my school year in settings.


Entered School Year Calendar Previous Year

  • When the district/school Leader logs in July 1st or later they will see the Confirm School Year Calendar modal.

  • If they cancel, they will see it again each time they log in until an admin (highest level admin) enters it for the building or district.





  • To make changes to the Quarter(s) Start/End user clicks in field and selects the start and end dates from the calendar.

  • The start date will populate in the Quarter Start Date

  • The end date will populate in the Quarter End Date

(Calendar Image)
  • To include Extend School Year, User clicks in Add Extended Year Time Period check box.

  • To change the default settings for extended Year, user clicks inside field and selects the date range for Extended School year from the calendar.

  • To save updates to school year, user clicks on Save.

  • To Cancel updates to school year, user clicks on Cancel

Did Not Enter School Year Calendar Previous Year

  • When the district/school Leader logs in July 1st or later they will see the Confirm School Year Calendar modal.

  • If they cancel, they will see it again each time they log in until an admin (highest level) enters it for the building or district.



Acceptance Criteria

School Year Start/End

Entered School Year Calendar Previous Year (See image: Quarters)

  • Given user has entered School Year Calendar information the previous year, then we will show their same information for the fields:

    • Label for time periods

    • Number of time periods

    • Extended year checked and in dark print if it was included previously OR Extended year unchecked and in light print if is was not included previously.

  • Given user has entered School Year Calendar information the previous year, then we will advance their dates to the next year and auto-fill the fields.

  • Given user edits and selects Save button, then the new dates will become active.

Did Not Enter School Year Calendar Previous Year (See image: Quarters)

  • Given user has not entered School Year Calendar information the previous year, then we will show the default information for all fields. (See next section: Default Settings and Restrictions)

  • If user selects Save without making any changes, then the Default settings are applied.

  • Given the user clicks Cancel, they will see the pop-up with the School Year Calendar modal the next time they log in to the platform.





Default Settings and Restrictions

User Story

As a current or new client with RethinkEd who has not made the changes prior to the default School Year Start Date, I need to have the most flexibility as possible to make changes so that I can have RethinkEd report my data as expected.


  • User sees the default setting by clicking on Settings > School Year Calendar.

  • This modal will appear as a pop-up to the district admin user upon logging in to the platform.






Viewing Past Year(s)

  • To view past year’s settings, user clicks on the year drop down and selects the year.



Acceptance Criteria

  • School year start date in this area is the school year start for both non-integrated and integrated accounts.

  • Given the user has an integrated account for Academic Testing or Attendance/ Behavior (Example: Renaissance, Powerschool), then the dates chosen in Define School Year Settings will take precedence over any dates for start of school year and end of school year fields that may be contained within the integration.

Viewing Past Year(s)

  • Given the user has set previous school year calendars, then we will show those school year(s) in the drop down in order of most recent to least recent in chronological order.

  • Given user selects a year in the past, then it is only a view screen and user cannot edit from a previous year.

  • We will default with the current school year showing in the drop down.

Left in Default state

  • We show a default for School Year Start Date as: August 26, 2023.

    • Given we are into subsequent years with MTSS Dashboard, then the date will remain the same but we will update the year to reflect the passage of time.

  • We will show the default for School Year End Date as: June 15, 2024.

    • Given we are into subsequent years with MTSS Dashboard, then the date will remain the same but we will update the year to reflect the passage of time.

  • We will see the Label for Time Periods as: Quarters

  • We will see the Number of Time Periods as: 4

  • We will see Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4

    • Start and end dates are mutually exclusive for each of the Quarters.

    • The Start Date of Quarter 1 is the same as the School Year Start Date.

    • The End Date for Quarter 4 is the same as the School Year End Date.

    • We divide the total number of days between the start and end date by 4 to auto-fill Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4 with equal distant dates.

  • The user can modify the start and end dates for the time periods.

    • The user can modify the end date of a time period (quarter in this example) until the end of the day of the end date.

  • Extended School Year time period box is unchecked in default.

  • The default settings will lock as the dates occur.

    • The user cannot modify the time periods after the time period dates have passed.


School Calendar Default settings changed before first testing window

  • Given the user edits after the School Year Start Data has occurred but before the first ScreeningWindowStartDate they may change:

    • the School Year End Date

    • the label for the Time periods

    • the number of Time periods so long as they can be divided into equal parts that DO NOT contain an End Date that has passed.

    • the start dates for the Time periods selected with the exception of the first one.

    • the end date for the Time periods selected with the exception of the first one IF that that date has passed.

    • the selection or de-selection of Extended School Year

School Calendar Changes made after the first testing window

  • Given user edits the School Year Calendar after the the first testing window they may change:

    • the start date and end dates for the Time periods IF those dates have not passed

    • the selection/deselection of Extended School Year and the dates for Extended School Year.




Changing Default Settings

User Story

As a current or new client with RethinkEd, I need a way to clearly establish the parameters of the school year including start and end dates and the name and number of the time periods contained within the school year so that the products I purchase will be defined by these parameters.


Changing Start and End Dates

  • To change the Start Date and End Dates, user clicks on School Year Start Date and End Date fields and selects date(s) from the calendar.

Label for Time Periods

  • To select the label for Time Periods, user clicks on Time Periods field and selects from drop down.

  • Labels and dates become the cut off throughout the MTSS Dashboard


Number of Time Periods

  • To select the number of time periods, user clicks on the drop-down selection to select the number.

Acceptance Criteria

School Year Start Date and School Year End Date

  • User selects from the calendar.

    • Start Date cannot be after End Date

    • Given user selects a start date that is after an end date, then they will see an error message: The school year start date must come before the school year end date.

Label for Time Periods (See image: Label for Time Period Drop Down)

  • These selections become the labels and dates which populate throughout MTSS Dashboard and are used to identify cut off dates.

The dropdown selections are:

  • Semesters

    • There are exactly 2 semesters

    • Semester 1, Semester 2

    • Abbreviations include: Sem 1, Sem 2

  • Trimesters

    • There are exactly 3 semesters

    • First Trimester, Second Trimester, Third Trimester

    • Tri 1, Tri 2, Tri 3

  • Quarters

    • There are exactly 4 quarters

    • Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4

    • Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

  • Seasons

    • There can be a minimum of 2 seasons and a maximum of up to 4 seasons

    • Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

    • Number of Time Periods > 2: Fall, Spring show

    • Number of Time Periods > 3: Fall, Winter, Spring show

    • Number of Time Periods > 4: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer show

  • Grading Periods

    • There can be up to 6 grading periods

    • GP1, GP2, GP3, GP4, GP5, GP6

  • Marking Periods

    • There can be up to 6 marking periods

    • MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MP5, MP6

Number of Time Periods

  • We will lock Semesters to 2

  • We will lock Trimesters to 3

  • We will lock Quarters to 4

  • There will be a dropdown selection to choose how many Seasons, Grading Periods, and Marking Periods.

  • Given Semesters is selected from the Label for Time Periods, then we will show 2 in the Number of Time Periods field.

  • Given Trimesters is selected from the Label for Time Periods, then we will show 3 in the Number of Time Periods field.

  • Given Quarters is selected from the Label for Time Periods, then we will show 4 in the Number of time Periods field.

  • Given Seasons is selected from the Label for Time Periods, then we will show the options as: 2, 3, 4 in the drop down

  • Given Grading Periods is selected from the Label for Time Periods, then we will show the options as: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in the drop down.

  • Given Marking Periods is selected from the Label for Time Periods, then we will show the options as: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Dividing the School Year

User Story

As a current or new client with RethinkEd, I need to clearly establish the dates for the divisions of the school year so we can use data to drive instructional decisions for our students within the time periods we set.



  • The user selects Semesters for label for time period

  • The Number of Time Periods is locked at 2

  • The dates are automatically populated in an even distribution between the two semesters based on the start/end of school year




  • The user selects Trimesters for label for time period

  • The Number of Time Periods is locked at 3

  • The dates are automatically populated in an even distribution between the three trimesters based on the start/end of school year


  • The user selects Quarters for label for time period

  • The Number of Time Periods is locked at 4

  • The dates are automatically populated in an even distribution between the four quarters based on the start/end of school year



  • The user selects Seasons for label for time period

  • The Number of Time Periods: 2, 3, 4

  • The dates are automatically populated in an even distribution between the seasons based on the start/end of school year

Grading Periods

  • The user selects Grading Periods for label for time period

  • The Number of Time Periods: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  • The dates are automatically populated in an even distribution between the Grading Periods based on the start/end of school year


Acceptance Criteria


  • Given user has selected Semesters, then we will show boxes for Semester 1 and Semester 2. (See image: Semesters)


Given user has selected Trimesters, then we will show boxes for Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3. (See image: Trimesters)


  • Given user has selected Quarters, then we will show boxes for each Quarter and title each as: Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4.


  • Given user has selected Seasons (See image: Seasons. Notice 3 is selected), then we will show boxes for the number of seasons the user selects (3 or 4) and title each as:

    • Fall

    • Winter

    • Spring

    • Summer (if applicable)

    • 2 Selected: Fall, Spring

    • 3 Selected: Fall, Winter, Spring

    • 4 Selected: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Grading Periods

  • Given user has selected Grading Periods (See image: Grading Periods), then we will show boxes for the number of grading periods the user selects ( 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Marking Periods

  • Given user has selected Marking Periods, then we will show boxes for the amount of Marking periods included in the Number of Time Periods Field (2, 3, 4, 5, 6).