Question: Could this be the beginnings of mapping to dashboards?
We need to document fields used to integrate student (West Windsor specific) and assessment information (NWEA for all future NWEA clients) from secondary sources to our MTSS Platform.
West Windsor has NWEA for reading and math grades K-12, Attendance, Behavior and uses Genesis for everything.
Integration Fields (West Windsor)
Rethink Ed Field Name: StudentNumber
West Windsor Field Name: StudentID
Data Area: Attendance
Field Description: child/student identifier
Acceptance Criteria:
The unique student identifier must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform
Rethink Ed Field Name: AttendanceDate
West Windsor Field Name: Attendance Date
Data Area: Attendance
Field Description: date of attendance event, shown as M/DD/YYYY
Note: The date remains the same but the attendance code and attendance code description can change.
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: AttendanceCode
West Windsor Field Name: Attendance Code
Data Area: Attendance
Field Description: code category for different types of attendance events (tardy, absence.
Note Examples: E=Early Dismissal-Excused, U=Tardy Unexcused, EX=Early Dismissal Unexcused, 1=Absent Full day Unexcused, A=Absent Full Day Excused, SRE=Present School Related with Time, ABU=Absent Unverified)
Acceptance Criteria:
1 or A or ABU = absence, U or T = tardy, exclude SRE and 6 and other values not listed here from attendance metrics
Rethink Ed Field Name: Description
West Windsor Field Name: Attendance Code Description
Data Area: Attendance
Field Description: Written info on type of attendance event
Note (See above): How will we show the Attendance Code Description?
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: Student Number
West Windsor Field Name: Student ID
Data Area: Behavior
Field Description: child/student identifier
Acceptance Criteria:
The unique student identifier must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform
Rethink Ed Field Name: IncidentDate
West Windsor Field Name: Infraction Date
Data Area: Behavior
Field Description: Date of behavior incident
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: BehaviorCode
West Windsor Field Name: Infraction code
Data Area: Behavior
Field Description: code categorizing different types of behavior incidents (e.g, disruptive behavior, cell phone use)
Note: Probably going to remove this field
Infraction code has many listed as numbers only with the exception of: FILMING, HIBCONFIRM, KNIFE, ALCOHOL, MARIJUANA. We would have to use another sheet to translate the number codes to the description?
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: Enrolled
West Windsor Field Name: Enrollment Status
Data Area: School enrollment
Field Description: whether student is enrolled; Example: Active
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: Student Number
West Windsor Field Name: Student ID
Data Area: School enrollment
Field Description: child/student identifier
Acceptance Criteria:
The unique student identifier must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform
Rethink Ed Field Name: EntryDate
West Windsor Field Name: Current Entry in District
Data Area: School enrollment
Field Description: Date student enrolled in/entered the district
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: ExitDate
West Windsor Field Name: Current Withdrawal Date
Data Area: School enrollment
Field Description: Date student withdrew from the district
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: SchoolCode
West Windsor Field Name: School Code
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: code identifying school student attends
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: FirstName
West Windsor Field Name: First Name
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: student’s first name
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: LastName
West Windsor Field Name: Last Name
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: student’s last name
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: Grade
West Windsor Field Name: Grade Level
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: student’s grade level
Acceptance Criteria:
Rethink Ed Field Name: StateIdentifier
West Windsor Field Name: State IDNumber
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: child/student state identifier
Acceptance Criteria:
Either this state identifier or the Student ID for this file must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform
Rethink Ed Field Name: StudentNumber
West Windsor Field Name: Student ID
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: child/student identifier
Acceptance Criteria:
Either this student identifier or the StateIDNumber for this file must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform
Rethink Ed Field Name: SpecialEducation
West Windsor Field Name: Spec Ed
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: whether the student receives special education services
Example: No Yes
Acceptance Criteria:
We have different filters in Student Profile: IEP filter drop down contains: IEP, GIEP, All IEP (Check on this)
Rethink Ed Field Name: Gender
West Windsor Field Name: Gender
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: whether the student is Male or Female
Acceptance Criteria:
We have different filters in Student Profile: Gender filter drop down contains: Female, Male, Non-binary, Unspecified (Check on how this is going to work for filters we show the client)
Rethink Ed Field Name: Ethnicity
West Windsor Field Name: Ethnicity Primary
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: student’s race/ethnicity
Acceptance Criteria:
We have different filters in Student Profile: Ethnicity filter drop down contains: (Check on how this is going to work for filters we show the client)
Rethink Ed Field Name: DOB
West Windsor Field Name: Date of Birth
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: student’s date of birth; shown as M/DD/YYYY
Acceptance Criteria:
We have different filters in Student Profile: Ethnicity filter drop down contains: (Check on how this is going to work for filters we show the client)
Rethink Ed Field Name: School Year
West Windsor Field Name: School Year
Data Area: Student export
Field Description: The school year; shown as YYYY-YY Example: 2023-24
Note: This wasn’t included-would we want to include it?
Acceptance Criteria:
This one wasn’t included but would we want it for the year drop down?
Assessment Fields (NWEA-Map specific)
Need to add: maybe Year, School, Enrollment, Last Name, First Name, Demographics? or site theses as “checks” for other integrated fields?
Rethink Ed Field Name: CompletedDateLocal
NWEA Field Name: TBD; Use the date it came it
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: date (and time if available) stamp for when the assessment was completed
Acceptance Criteria:
Essential field (fields marked as essential or optional for academic assessment data only; assume fields for all other data types are essential).
Rethink Ed Field Name: ScaledScore
NWEA Field Name: OverallRITScore
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: scale or raw score for the assessment
Acceptance Criteria:
Essential field
Rethink Ed Field Name: GradeEquivalent
NWEA Field Name: Assessment Grade
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: grade level equivalent based on assessment performance
Acceptance Criteria:
Optional field
note: iReady has a slightly different field than Renaissance
Rethink Ed Field Name: PercentileRank
NWEA Field Name: Test Percentile
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: percentile rank
Acceptance Criteria:
Essential field
Rethink Ed Field Name: BenchmarkCategoryName
NWEA Field Name: use High, High Average, Average, Low Average, Low associated with Tier selection in Settings
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: benchmark category label for student (eg, “Proficient”, “Partially meeting expectations”)
Acceptance Criteria:
Essential field
Rethink Ed Field Name: ScreeningPeriodWindowName
NWEA Field Name: TBD: Month
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: name of screening period (e.g. “Fall 2023”, “Q1 2024”)
Acceptance Criteria:
Optional field
Rethink Ed Field Name: ExtraTime
NWEA Field Name: TBD; nothing so eliminate it.
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: whether student was given extra time to complete the assessment
Acceptance Criteria:
Optional field
Note: Renaissance and iReady have a different field. We are looking for some measure of time the student used to take a test; Duration or just noting that the test time was longer or shorted than anticipated.
Rethink Ed Field Name: ScreeningWindowStartDate
NWEA Field Name: TBD; nothing so eliminate it
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: start date for the given ScreeningPeriodWindowName
Acceptance Criteria:
Optional field
Rethink Ed Field Name: ScreeningWindowEndDate
NWEA Field Name: TBD; nothing so eliminate it
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: end date for the given ScreeningPeriodWindowName
Acceptance Criteria:
Optional field
Rethink Ed Field Name: SubjectArea
NWEA Field Name: TBD; Exam or Test
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: subject area for assessments (e.g. “ELA”, “Math”) if not evident from data file name
Acceptance Criteria:
Essential field if not evident from data file name (e.g. “ELA assessment results”)
Rethink Ed Field Name: StateIdentifier
NWEA Field Name: TBD: State ID
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: child/student state identifier
Acceptance Criteria:
Important note: Either this sate identifier or the Student ID for this file must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform.
Rethink Ed Field Name: StudentNumber
NWEA Field Name: TBD: ?
Data Area: Academic Assessments
Field Description: child/student identifier
Acceptance Criteria:
Important note: Either this student identifer or the StateIDNumber for this file must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform.