Integration Fields | NWEA-MAP (Measure of Academic Progress)

Question: Could this be the beginnings of mapping to dashboards?

We need to document fields used to integrate student (West Windsor specific) and assessment information (NWEA for all future NWEA clients) from secondary sources to our MTSS Platform.

  • West Windsor has NWEA for reading and math grades K-12, Attendance, Behavior and uses Genesis for everything.



Field Name: School Year

Data Areas: All

Locations in MTSS Dashboard: All

Description: Contains school year,

Value: shown as YYYY-YY. Example: 2023-24



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in all areas to contain data sets to a specific school year within the year drop down.


Field Name: Enrollment Status

Data Areas: All

Locations in MTSS Dashboard: All

Description: confirms student is enrolled,

Values: Active


  • No UI.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in all areas to denote if student is Enrolled.

  • Used in conjunction with other fields to tie to student to correct information.

  • Question: Is this field used to eliminate a student from counts in graphs so that proper counts of students are included with no duplicates


Field Names: First Name, Last name

Data Areas: All

Locations in MTSS Dashboard: Classroom, Student

Description: Student’s first name, Student’s last name

Values: Text varies



(Classroom Dashboard)



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in conjunction with other fields to identify student and tie to student to correct information.


Field Name: Grade Level

Data Areas: All

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Student’s grade level

Values: Integer

  • No UI

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in conjunction with other areas to place student within the correct grade level and correct school year.


Field Name: State IDNumber

Data Areas: All

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Unique Student Identifier for the state in which the student lives

Values: Integer

  • No UI


Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in conjunction with other fields identify the correct student and tie student to correct information


Field Name: Spec Ed, Gender, Ethnicity Primary, Date of Birth

Data Areas: All

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Demographic information


Spec Ed = No, Yes

Gender: Male, Female, Non-binary, Not specified

Ethnicity Primary: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Two or More Races, White

Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY

  • Shows up within Student Profile and in filters




Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in conjunction with other fields identify the correct student and tie student to correct information

  • Values used to fill filters in all areas of the dashboard.



Field Name: School Year

Data Areas: All

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Names the school year

Values: shown as YYYY-YY, Example 2023-24



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in all areas to contain data sets to a specific school year within the year drop down. (Not sure which we follow as school year is shown in multiple data sets)


Field Name: Enrollment Status

Data Areas: All

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Tells if student is Active

Values: shown as Active



  • No UI

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in all areas to denote if student is Enrolled.

  • Used in conjunction with other fields to tie to student to correct information. (Not sure which we follow for Enrollment Status since it is shown in multiple data sets)


Field Name: Student ID

Data Areas: All

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Unique student identifier

Values: Integer



  • Student ID is shown in Student Dashboard


Acceptance Criteria

  • The unique student identifier must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform

  • Used in conjunction with other fields to tie to student to correct information. (Not sure which we follow for Student ID since it is shown in multiple data sets)


Field Name: Current Entry in District

Data Areas: All

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Tells the date student entered the district

Values: Date, shown as MM/DD/YYYY


  • No UI

Acceptance Criteria

  • This field could be used to keep graphs up to date.


Field Name: Current Withdrawal Date

Data Areas: All

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Tells the date student left the district

Values: unknown; no entries are in the data set


  • No UI

Acceptance Criteria

  • This field could be used to keep graphs up to date, it could also help to ensure that students are not counted multiple times.


ReThinkEdBehavior_Export.csv---Genesis Data?

Field Name: School Year

Data Areas: Behavior

Location in MTSS Dashboard: Behavior

Field Description: Tells the school year the behavior occurred

Values: shown as YYYY-YY, Example 2023-24


Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Behavior Section to contain data within a specific year.

  • (Not sure which we follow as school year is shown in multiple data sets)


Field Name: Student ID

Data Areas: Behavior

Location in MTSS Dashboard: Behavior

Field Description: Unique student identifier

Values: Integer


  • No UI

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Behavior Section to match student to Infraction Date

  • The unique student identifier must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform


Field Name: Infraction Date

Data Areas: Behavior

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All Graphs at all levels (District, Classroom, Student)

Field Description: Date the infraction

Values: shown as MM/DD/YYYY








Acceptance Criteria

  • This shows without the use of our Behavior Incidents

Student View (Behavior Tab)

  • Show the infraction date in the chart

  • Used in conjunction with Student Id to match student with infraction

  • Used to calculate the number of infractions for determining Tiers

  • Used to calculate the number of infractions for determining when to send Tier Notices when no intervention plan exists.

  • Used to calculate the number of infractions for determining At Risk indicators.

  • Used to calculate the span of time between infractions as determined in Setting for when a student is returned to Tier 1.

Student View (Overview Tab)

  • Used to determine a count of students within the grade level for each of the tiers within the graph

Classroom Dashboard (Overview Tab)

  • Used to determine the counts for each tier level shown in the graph for the selected classroom

Classroom Dashboard (Behavior Tab)

  • Used in conjunction with Define School year to determine placement in the appropriate graph for the classroom


District View (Overview Tab)

  • Used to determine the counts for each tier level shown in the graph for the entire district

District View (Behavior Tab Selected)

  • Used in conjunction with Define School year to determine placement in the appropriate graph for the entire district



ReThinkEdAttendance_Export.csv---Genesis Data?

Field Name: School Year

Data Areas: Attendance

Location in MTSS Dashboard: Attendance Graphs in overview and Tabs in all areas: District, Classroom, Student

Field Description: Tells the school year of the Attendance records

Values: shown as YYYY-YY, Example 2023-24


Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in all areas to contain data sets to a specific school year within the year drop down. (Not sure which we follow as school year is shown in multiple data sets)


Field Name: Student ID

Data Areas: Attendance

Location in MTSS Dashboard: Attendance Graphs in overview and Tabs in all areas: District, Classroom, Student

Field Description: Unique student identifier

Values: Integer


  • No UI

Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Attendance Section to match student to the date an Absence or Tardy occurred

  • The unique student identifier must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform


Field Name: Date

Data Areas: Attendance

Location in MTSS Dashboard: Attendance Graphs in overview and Tabs in all areas: District, Classroom, Student

Field Description: Date the Absence or Tardy occurred

Values: show as MM/DD/YYYY



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Attendance Section to match student to the date an Absence or Tardy occurred

  • Used in conjunction with the Attendance Code to determine if an Absence or a Tardy is to be recorded for that date.


Field Name: Attendance Code

Data Areas: Attendance

Location in MTSS Dashboard: Attendance Graphs in overview and Tabs in all areas: District, Classroom, Student

Field Description: Code to determine if the date shown is an absence or a tardy

Values: show as MM/DD/YYYY



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Attendance Section to match student to the date an Absence or Tardy occurred

  • 1 or A or ABU = absence, U or T = tardy, exclude SRE and 6 and other values not listed here from attendance metrics


Assessment Fields (NWEA-Map specific)

  • We do not have a reliable field for date the test was given. West Windsor provided a second set of data that includes the field: Administered but that date appears to be the same for all students and does not agree with the field: Month . Suggest waiting on another data set or get a list of fields and descriptions from NWEA before including the field Administered into our product.

  • We do not have a field for Extra Time or Duration like Renaissance or iReady in the data set provided by West Windsor but such field exists in NWEA. Suggest waiting on another data set or get list of fields/descriptions for NWEA.

Multiple data sets for Reading and Math in grade ranges K-12.

Field Name: Test

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: names the test

Values: show as Mapp



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Student View Math Tab and becomes part of data collection for Classroom and District reports

  • Essential field if not evident from data file name (e.g. “ELA assessment results”)


Field Name: Exam

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Names the test

Values show as: Math K-12



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Student View Math Tab and becomes part of data collection for Classroom and District reports

  • Essential field if not evident from data file name (e.g. “ELA assessment results”)


Field Name: Month

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Shows the month a test was taken

Values show as: various months



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Student View Math Tab and becomes part of data collection for Classroom and District reports


Field Name: Year

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Shows the year the test was taken

Values show as: 2023



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Student View Math Tab and becomes part of data collection for Classroom and District reports

  • Used in conjunction with the field: Month to place data into the correct year.


Field Name: State ID

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Unique identifier for the student

Values show as: integer



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Student View Math Tab and becomes part of data collection for Classroom and District reports

  • Important note: Either this sate identifier or the Student ID for this file must be the same across the different types of data so that RethinkEd can link all data types back to the same student in our platform.


Field Name: Enrollment

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All

Field Description: Tells if the student is enrolled

Values show as: Active, Inactive



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Student View Math Tab and becomes part of data collection for Classroom and District reports

  • Value of Inactive could be used to remove a student from a list of students qualifying for a Tier 2 or Tier 3 Intervention plan and not receiving one.

  • Value of Inactive could remove the student’s results from graphs showing the Tier levels.


Field Names: First Name, Last name

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Locations in MTSS Dashboard: Classroom, Student

Description: Student’s first name, Student’s last name

Values: Text varies



Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Student View Math Tab and becomes part of data collection for Classroom and District reports

  • Repeats from other data sources, not sure which data source is used as the “Source of Truth”


Field Name: Gender, Ethnicity, Low Income, LEP, SpecEd, Migrant, Military Connected, Homeless, 504, Gifted and Talented

Data Areas: Math, All

Location in MTSS Dashboard: All in the filters

Field Description: Demographic information


Gender: Female, Male

Ethnicity: Varies-Asian, White, Multiple Categories Reported, Hispanic or Latino, Black or African American,

Low Income: FI, DC, FT, FE, R, or left blank

LEP: F3, F2, 2, F1, 1, F4, <, left blank

Spec Ed: 1, 2 or left blank

Migrant: left blank

Military Connected: Left blank

Homeless: Left blank

504: Y or left blank

Gifted and Talented: Y or left blank,




Acceptance Criteria

  • Used in Student View Math Tab and becomes part of data collection for Classroom and District reports

  • Used in filters

  • Repeats from other data sources, not sure which data source is used as the “Source of Truth”

  • The categories and values differ from other data sets.


Field Names: Current Grade

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Locations in MTSS Dashboard: Classroom, Student

Description: Student’s current grade for the data set

Values: integer


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Tells the current grade of the data set, used to place the data into the correct year.



Field Names: Assessment Grade

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Locations in MTSS Dashboard: Student Dashboard, Content Tab in the chart

Description: ?

Values: integer




Acceptance Criteria:

  • This is included in the Student View within the content tab (Reading and Math) in the chart. (See heading in chart labeled: Assessment Grade)

  • Need to find out more about this field; suspect that it is indicating an overall test result that is NOT the same as the student’s chronological (current) grade. Some of the data sets for Reading and Math leave it blank and others have filled in a value.



Field Names: OverallRITScore

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Locations in MTSS Dashboard: Student View

Description: scale or raw score for the assessment

Values: integer


  • See image above

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Essential field

  • See image above for heading: Overall RIT Score



Field Names: Test Percentile

Data Areas: Academic Assessments

Locations in MTSS Dashboard: Student View

Description: percentile rank

Values: integer


  • See image above

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Essential field

  • See image above for heading: Overall RIT Score