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  • The line graph should show number of unique team members accessing lesson/behavior resources. The resources are:
    • View video (lesson videos from library or learning plan, behavior tutorial videos)
    • View materials (any printable material from library, learning plan, behavior support, or my resources)
    • View plan (lesson plans from library or learning plan, or print behavior plan from behavior support)
  • There should be a separate colored line for each resource.
  • There should be a toggle for cumulative vs. non-cumulative.
  • The cumulative & non-cumulative logic is the same as unique logins

Business Rules

  • The graph will show all resource data for all unique team members based on filter selections
  • The cumulative & non-cumulative logic is the same as unique logins.

Teaching Resources Details


Report options are:

  • Users
  • Activities
  • List

Business Rules

  • Default view will be Users



  • Line graph showing number of unique users accessing the resources

Business Rules

  • Default will show all user/activity data for all platforms
  • Filter by Platform (multi-select)
    • Skills
    • Behavior
    • Social Emotional Learning

  • Option to select one or multiple platforms
  • Only platforms allocated/assigned will be visible in the menu
    • Skills = Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, and/or Academic
    • Behavior = Behavior Tracking
    • Social Emotional Learning = SEL any grade band
  • Selecting a platform will display user/activity data specific to the selected platform
    • Skills refers to abilities, inclusion, transition, and academic videos, materials, and lesson plans. It also includes any material from My Resources except for those from SEL and Behavior categories.
    • Behavior refers to behavior tutorial videos, behavior materials (in behavior support or My Resources), and printing a behavior plan.
    • Social Emotional Learning refers to viewing SEL Lesson videos, SEL lesson materials (Tier 1 Materials, Tier 2 Materials, Tier 3 Materials, Academic Connections, Home Connections, any material under SEL General Education or SEL Special Education in My Resources), and SEL lesson plans.
  • Any platform active for an account within the specified date range will show. Meaning, if an account adds/removed Behavior during Month 2 of the selected date range, behavior activities will show. The same is true of users. If a user has access to the Skills Library only during Month 2 of the selected date range, this user will still show in the report.
  • Filter by type
    • Videos
    • Materials
    • Plans
  • Clicking on one of the above types adds/removes it from the graph
  • When 2 or more types are selected, we display one line with a combined total

  • Filter by type
    • Videos
      • Skills: Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, or Academic Lesson videos played from library or Learning Plan
      • Behavior: Behavior tutorial videos played from Behavior Support
      • SEL: SEL lesson videos played from library or learning plan
    • Materials
      • Skills: Materials from Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, or Academic Lesson Libraries, Learning Plan (except sel), or My Resources (all resources categories except behavior & SEL)
      • Behavior: Materials from Behavior Support or Behavior Category of My Resources
      • SEL: Materials from SEL Library (Tier 1 Materials, Tier 2 Materials, Tier 3 Materials, Academic Connections, Home Connections), Learning Plan (sel lessons only), or SEL categories (SEL General Education or SEL Special Education) of My Resources
    • Plans
      • Skills: Lesson Plan from Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, or Academic Libraries, or from Learning Plan (except sel)
      • Behavior: Behavior Plan from Behavior Support
      • SEL: Lesson Plan from SEL library or from learning plan (sel lessons only)
    • Can select one type, multiple types, or all types (all will be the default).
  • Filter by:
    • District
    • Region
    • Building
    • Role
    • Team Member

  • District View
    • Users Report and Activities Report
      • Display one line on the graph

  • District View
    • Includes components allocated to the district. For example, if the district has not been allocated SEL, SEL will not show on the graph.
    • Users Report
      • Displays the number of unique users who have accessed the selected activities from the selected platforms during the specified date range.
      • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user will still show on the report.
        • If a user only has access to a platform during one month of the selected date range, this user will still show on the report.
    • Activities Report
      • Displays the number of activities for the selected activities from the selected platforms during the specified date range
      • If a user was active and accessed activities during one month of the selected date range, these activities will show on the report

  • Region View
    • Users Report and Activities Report
      • Each region will be represented by a different colored line on the graph
      • A district total line will show on the graph as well
      • There will be a key by the graph

  • Region View
    • Includes components allocated to the regions selected.
    • Users Report
      • Displays the number of unique users who have accessed the selected activities from the selected platforms during the specified date range.
      • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user will still show on the report.
        • If a user only has access to a platform during one month of the selected date range, this user will still show on the report.
      • If a user belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the user will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2
      • If a user belongs to more than one region (multi-account user), this user will be calculated under each region they belong to
    • Activities Report
      • Displays the number of activities for the selected activities from the selected platforms during the specified date range
      • If a user was active and accessed activities during one month of the selected date range, these activities will show on the report
      • If a user belongs to Region 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Region 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the activities for this user will be calculated under Region 1 for Month 1 and Region 2 for Month 2
      • If a user belongs to more than one region (multi-account user), the activities of this user will be calculated under each region they belong to

  • Building View
    • Each building will be represented by a different colored line on the graph
    • There will be a district/region total line on the graph
    • There will be a key below the graph

  • Building View
    • Includes components allocated to the buildings selected
    • If buildings from only 1 region are selected, show the region total line on the graph. If buildings from multiple regions are selected, show the district total line on the graph.
    • Users Report
      • Displays the number of unique users who have accessed the selected activities from the selected platforms during the specified date range.
        • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user will still show on the report.
          • If a user only has access to a platform during one month of the selected date range, this user will still show on the report.
        • If a user belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the user will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2
        • If a user belongs to more than one building (multi-account user), this user will be calculated under each building they belong to
      • Activities Report
        • Displays the number of activities for the selected activities from the selected platforms during the specified date range
        • If a user was active and accessed activities during one month of the selected date range, these activities will show on the report
        • If a user belongs to Building 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Building 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the activities for this user will be calculated under Building 1 for Month 1 and Building 2 for Month 2
        • If a user belongs to more than one building (multi-account user), the activities of this user will be calculated under each building they belong to

  • Role View
    • Each role will be represented by a different colored line on the graph

  • Role View
    • Includes components assigned to team members with the selected roles. For example, if we select the role Para and no users with this role have been assigned SEL, SEL will not show.
    • If roles from only 1 region are selected, show the region total line on the graph. If roles from multiple regions are selected, show the district total line on the graph.
    • Users Report
      • Displays the number of unique users who have accessed the selected activities from the selected platforms during the specified date range.
        • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user will still show on the report.
          • If a user only has access to a platform during one month of the selected date range, this user will still show on the report.
        • If a user belongs to Role 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Role 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the user will be calculated under Role 1 for Month 1 and Role 2 for Month 2
      • Activities Report
        • Displays the number of activities for the selected activities from the selected platforms during the specified date range
        • If a user was active and accessed activities during one month of the selected date range, these activities will show on the report
        • If a user belongs to Role 1 during Month 1 of our date range and Role 2 during Month 2 of our date range, the activities for this user will be calculated under Role 1 for Month 1 and Role 2 for Month 2

  • Team Member View
    • Each team member will be represented by a different colored line on the graph
    • A district average/building average line will show on the graph as well
    • There will be a key below the graph

  • Team Member View
    • Includes components assigned to the selected team members
    • If team members from only 1 building are selected, show the building total line on the graph. If team members from multiple buildings are selected, show the district total line on the graph.
    • Users Report
      • Displays the number of unique users accessing the selected activities from the selected platforms during the specified date range.
      • If team members from only 1 building are selected, show the building total line on the graph. If team members from only 1 region are selected, show the region total line on the graph. If team members from multiple regions are selected, show the district total line on the graph.
      • If a user was active during Month 2 of the selected date range but not Month 3, this user will still show on the report.
    • Activities Report
      • Displays the number of activities for the selected activities from the selected platforms for the selected team members during the specified date range
      • If a user was active and accessed activities during one month of the selected date range, these activities will show on the report



  • Report Options are:
    • Utilized
    • Not Utilized

Business Rules

  • By default, we will show a report of all team members who have accessed the lesson/behavior activities (any platform) within the specified date range (unless filters were previously changed)

  • Utilized Report
    • Displays the following fields:
      • Name
      • Videos
      • Materials
      • Webinars
      • Plans
      • Total Activities
      • Last Activity Date

  • Utilized Report
    • List of all users who have accessed lesson/behavior activities within the specified date range
    • This list includes any user who was active within the specified date range. Meaning, if a user accessed activities during Month 1 of our specified date range, but has since been deleted, this user will show on the report.
    • Users should be ranked in order of total activities, with the user with the highest # of activities appearing first. If two or more users have the same number of activities, the users with the most recent activity date should appear first. If two or more users have the same last activity date, these users should be ranked alphabetically by last name.
    • Name is Team Member's full name
    • Videos is # of lesson and behavior videos viewed by the team member. We will not display training videos watched.
    • Materials is # of materials (lesson & behavior) opened by the team member
    • Webinars is # of archived webinars played by the team member
    • Plans is # of lesson/behavior plans printed
    • Total activities is the total number of all combined activities
    • Last activity date is the date the team member last accessed any activity

  • Not Utilized Report
    • Displays the following fields:
      • Name
      • Last Activity Date
      • Last Login Date

  • Not Utilized Report
    • List of all users with access to any Lesson Libraries or Behavior Support, and who have not accessed lesson/behavior activities within the specified date range
    • This list includes any user who was active within the specified date range. Meaning, if a user accessed activities during Month 1 of our specified date range, but has since been deleted, this user will show on the report.
    • Users should be listed in order of last resource accessed date, with the user who has accessed the resources most recently showing at first. If two or more users have the same last resource accessed date, the user with the most recent login will appear first. If two or more users have the same login date, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.

  • Run report by
    • District
    • Region
    • Building
    • Role
    • Team Member

  • District View
    • One list for whole district

  • District View
    • Displays usage results for any user with access to Skills, SEL Lessons, or Behavior within the specified date range

  • Region View
    • There will be a separate tab for each region selected

  • Region View
    • Displays usage results for any user with access to Skills, SEL Lessons, or Behavior in the specified regions within the specified date range

  • Building View
    • There will be a separate tab for each building selected

  • Building View
    • Displays usage results for any user with access to Skills, SEL Lessons, or Behavior in the specified buildings within the specified date range
  • Role View
    • There will be a separate tab for each role selected
  • Role View
    • Displays usage results for any user with access to Skills, SEL Lessons, or Behavior in the specified buildings within the specified date range

  • Team Member View
    • All selected team members will appear on the same page

  • Team Member View
    • If only one team member is selected, and that team member has not accessed activities within the specified date range, default to Not Utilized Report.


  • Role 7 will have access to all resource information across the entire account (all sub-accounts & parent account)
  • Role 6 will have access to all resource information across the sub-accounts they are linked to
  • Role 5 will have access to all resource information for the sub-account they are linked to
  • Custom roles may have access to resource information if admin reports were selected during customization. These roles will have access to all resource information for the sub-accounts they are linked to.
  • No other roles will have access to this report.
  • Accounts with Skills, Behavior, or SEL Platforms allocated will have access to this report. If an account (or sub-account) does not have access to either the skills, behavior, or sel platform, this report will not appear.
  • All sub-accounts with the aforementioned platforms allocated will appear in this report. If a sub-account does not have of these platforms allocated, they will not appear in the report.
  • Only the platforms allocated to a given account (or sub-account) will appear in the report.
  • All users assigned to the skills, behavior, or sel platform will appear in this report. If a user does not have one of the aforementioned platforms assigned, they will not appear in the report. 
  • No labels