Life Skills and Wellness | SEL Versions



My Training

User Story

As an admin user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I want to access the Life Skills and Wellness trainings so that I can learn how to implement these practices in my school.






  • The user will click the My Training program tool.

  • The user will see the updated Life Skills and Wellness training center card.


  • The categories SEL and Equity and Implementing SEL will be turned off for the Life Skills and Wellness product.

  • The title for the screen will be Life Skills and Wellness Professional Development Series.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user that has the Life Skills and Wellness product, the Training Center card title will be Life Skills and Wellness Training Series.

    • The title Life Skills and Wellness Training Series will replace the title SEL Training Series on the My Training Center card.

  • Content has provided updated generic certificates for each module.


  • The generic certificates will be for individual module completion only, NOT series completions.

  • Given I am a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I will see the updated Life Skills and Wellness title on the training center card and the updated description.

  • Training center card summary

    • LIFE SKILLS AND WELLNESS - This course provides training on the development of life and wellness skills to promote the well-being and success for students and adult learners.

  • Given I am a user with the Life Skills and Wellness product, I will not see the categories SEL and Equity or Implementing SEL in the My Training area.

  • The My Training categories SEL and Equity and Implementing SEL will be turned off for the Life Skills and Wellness product for back to school.

    • The two categories will turned off by default for the Life Skills and Wellness product.


Lesson Library

User Story

  • As a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I want to actively teach Life Skills and Wellness strategies so that my students gain an understanding of their Life Skills and Wellness needs.



  • The user will click Lesson Library in the Program Tools.

  • need an abbreviation - Life Skills and Wellness will replace SEL Social and Emotional Learning in the top left key.

  • Life Skills and Wellness will replace SEL in the Lesson Type dropdown selection.

  • Life Skills and Wellness title will replace SEL title for Lesson Type selection.



  • The Lesson Overview description will be updated with the Lesson Management tool.

  • There will be no change to the content in student-facing documents.

  • There will be no change to the Teach lesson section.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Program Tools > Lesson Library > Lesson Type

  • Given I am a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I will see need an abbreviation and the label Life Skills and Wellness.

    • need an abbreviation - Life Skills and Wellness will replace SEL - Social and Emotional Learning in the Lesson Library key in the top left corner.

  • Given I am a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, Life Skills and Wellness will replace SEL in the Lesson Type dropdown menu.

  • Given I am a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, all SEL titles will be replaced by Life Skills and Wellness.

  • There will be no change to the content in student-facing documents (Lesson Library documents).

  • The footer in the lesson document materials will be changed to be generic for all three SEL versions: SEL, Wellness, and Life Skills and Wellness

  • There is no change to the Teach Lesson sections.

    • Lesson Library > Prep and Preview

  • The Lesson Prep and Preview Overview description will be generic.

  • The Lesson Prep and Preview Overview description will be rewritten and updated by Content on the Lesson Management tool.

  • Given I am a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I will see updated lesson documents that are generic.

  • Content will provide replacement/updated lesson documents for the Life Skills and Wellness product to development.


My Resources

User Story

As a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I want to view My Resources to learn more about the topics and how to implement the materials and print materials as needed for use in my classroom.



  • The user clicks My Resources.

  • The default view is now Implementation.

  • SEL will be removed from the Resource Type title and all resource titles.



  • The user clicks Printable Materials.

  • The user clicks dropdown menu under Category.

  • All categories titled SEL need to change to Life Skills and Wellness.

    • Life Skills and Wellness Tiers 1 & 2

    • Life Skills and Wellness Tier 3

    • Life Skills and Wellness Training

    • SEL and Equity will be turned off for the Life Skills and Wellness product and removed from the Category dropdown selection.

  • The user clicks Virtual Supports

  • All Resource titles with SEL need to be changed to Life Skills and Wellness.



Acceptance Criteria

  • There will be three versions of My Resources to address the SEL Versions: SEL, Wellness, Life Skills and Wellness.

  • Given I am a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I will see the title Implementation in My Resources.

  • Given I am a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I will not see the title SEL Implementation in My Resources.

  • We will replace all SEL titles with Life Skills and Wellness titles in Resource Types: Implementation, Printable Materials, and Visual Supports.

  • Content will provide a My Resources Spreadsheet and will add a column to the spreadsheet to identify where the resources will be shown.

  • The new SEL version (Life Skills and Wellness) will not be mapped or linked to the original SEL document.

  • Given I am a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product and I am viewing My Resources > Printable Materials, all categories titled SEL need to change to Life Skills and Wellness.

    • Life Skills and Wellness Tiers 1 & 2

    • Life Skills and Wellness Tier 3

    • Life Skills and Wellness Training

    • SEL and Equity will be turned off for the Life Skills and Wellness product and removed from the Category dropdown selection.

  • Given I am a user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product and I am viewing My Resources > Virtual Supports, all resources in both categories (Webinar and On Demand Training) with SEL titles need to change to Life Skills and Wellness.






Admin Reports

User Story

  • As an admin user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I want to be able to filter the Life Skills and Wellness Assessment information so that I can see data involving one to two assessments and I can better understand the differences in the data.



  • The user will click Self-Assessment in the navigation side bar menu.

  • The default view is the Student Self-Assessment tab.



  • The user clicks All Grades to select a specific grade level from the drop down menu.



  • The user clicks up to two student self-assessments to view in the graph from the drop down menu.




  • The user clicks Total Score to select view by Total Score or a specific subscore category.

  • Resilience is added to the drop down menu.




  • The user clicks List to view by Students Assessed and Students Not Assessed.

  • The default view will be Students Assessed.



  • The user clicks the carrot next to the student name and assessment information to view the scores.

  • Resilience subscore will be added to the Assessment score charts.




  • The user clicks Students Not Assessed in the dropdown to view students not assessed by the Life Skills and Wellness Assessment.





Acceptance Criteria

  • Classroom Rating Scale will be turned off for Life Skills and Wellness product.

  • Self-Assessment will replace SEL Assessment in the navigation menu.

  • Given I am an admin user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I will not see the Classroom Rating Scale tab in the Admin Reports for Life Skills and Wellness.

  • Given I am an admin user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product, I will only see the Student Self-Assessment tab and the List tab in the Admin Reports for Life Skills and Wellness.


Student Self-Assessment Tab

  • Resilience is added to the dropdown selection for Total Score/Subscore.

  • The Total Score and Subscore dropdown menu is single select.

  • The Grade is a single-select dropdown menu.

List Tab

  • Given I am an admin user in Florida viewing the List tab, I will only see Students Assessed and Students Not Assessed for the Life Skills and Wellness Assessment.

  • Given I am an admin user who has the Life Skills and Wellness product and I am viewing the List tab, I will not see the drop down menu to select an assessment type.


Program Tools & Assessment

User Story

As an admin user, I want to view the Life Skills and Wellness Assessment Group Score Report so that I can evaluate the assessment results by district, region, building, or classroom.



  • The title for the assessment card will be changed to Life Skills and Wellness Student Self-Assessment.

  • SEL Rating Scale will be turned off because it is part of the Classroom Rating Scale.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Give the user has the Wellness product, they will see in Program Tools > Assessment, the title Wellness Student Self-Assessment.

  • The Classroom Rating Scale will be turned off for Wellness product.

    • This is located in Program Tools > Assessments and Student Dashboard > View Progress > SEL Rating Scale.

  • See ERB Life Skills and Wellness Assessment for all assessment updates and changes.