Students (Account Setup)

We will modify the existing Manage Students area to fit the new design of account setup.



  • Users may click in the search bar to search for a student by name
  • Grade filter allows the user to filter the list of students by grade
  • Status filter allows the user to filter the list of students by status (active, archived, deleted)
  • Account filter allows the user to filter the list of students by district/region/building
  • Team Member filter allows the user to filter the list of students by team member they are assigned to

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Add/edit students will have access to the students area
  • We will show all grades in the filter as well as all active team members and active buildings
  • Users will be able to search across all accounts they have access to
  • Users will be able to filter to any team member in any account they have access to

Add Student


  • Users will click Add Student to add a student to the platform

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Add/edit students will have access to add students


  • By default, we will show a face for the student photo
  • If a user clicks Choose an avatar, they can select a different face or upload a photo from their computer. This will be the new photo for the student.

Business Rules

Student Info


  • Required fields are labeled
  • First Name is a text box (required)
  • Last Name is a text box (required)
  • Birthday allows users to type in a date or select from a calendar (required)
  • Gender shows a drop-down for Male, Female, Non-Binary (required)
  • Ethnicity shows a drop down for
    • American Indian or Alaska Native
    • Asian
    • Black or African American
    • Hispanic or Latino
    • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    • Two or More Races
    • White
  • Grade shows a drop-down for (required)
    • Early Intervention
    • Pre-K
    • Kindergarten
    • Grade 1
    • Grade 2
    • Grade 3
    • Grade 4
    • Grade 5
    • Grade 6
    • Grade 7
    • Grade 8
    • Grade 9
    • Grade 10
    • Grade 11
    • Grade 12
    • Not Applicable
  • State Test Number is a text box
  • Education Classification shows options for
    • Non-Classified (General Education)
    • Autism
    • Blindness
    • Deafness
    • Developmental Delay
    • Emotional Disturbance
    • Hearing Impairment
    • Intellectual Disability
    • Multiple Disabilities
    • Orthopedic Impairment
    • Other Hearing Impaired
    • Specific Learning Disability
    • Speech or Language Impairment
    • Traumatic Brain Injury
    • Visual Impairment, Including Blindness
    • Other
  • Overall Language Ability is a drop-down menu for:
    • Verbal
    • Limited Verbal
    • Non-Verbal
    • Other
  • Biggest Area of Concern is a drop-down menu for:
    • Academics
    • Activities of Daily Living
    • Language
    • Motor Skills
    • Other
    • Play/Leisure
    • Problem Behavior
    • Social/Emotional

Business Rules

  • Required fields are
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Birthday
    • Gender
    • Grade
  • Education Classification will default to Non-Classified. Students labeled non-classified will be counted as non-classified students in the admin reports (demographics for incidents)
  • Language ability and biggest area of concern will not be required
Assign to Building


  • Users may search for a building by name
  • We will show a list of buildings with a slider
  • When the slider is to the right, the building is selected

Business Rules

  • Users will see all buildings they have access to
  • If the user is only assigned to 1 building, that building will be auto-selected
  • Students can only be assigned to 1 building (for now - this may change in the future, but much to think through first)
  • Buildings will be listed alphabetically
Assign Classrooms


  • The user will see a list of all available classrooms
  • When the slider is to the right, the student is assigned to the classroom
  • Users may search for a classroom by name
  • If no classrooms exist, what?
  • If no classroom is appropriate, what?


Business Rules

  • Classrooms associated with the selected buildings will show
  • Classrooms will be listed alphabetically
  • Selecting a classroom is not required
  • Students may be assigned to multiple classrooms
Assign Team Members


  • If the user has not yet selected a building, they will see a message that states "Select a building first"

  • Once a user has selected a building, they will see a list of all team members with a slider
  • When the slider is to the right, the team member is selected and assigned to the student
  • We will show the number of team members selected


Business Rules

  • A building must be selected before team members will show
  • All team members assigned to the selected building will show, including multi-account users
  • Team members will be listed alphabetically by last name
  • No cap on number of team members selected
  • By default, we will auto-select the user creating the student (if user creating student is non-admin role)
  • Users may search for team member by name. Results will show team members assigned to the building selected.
Create their login credentials


  • Username is a required field and a text box
  • Password and confirm password are required fields and are text boxes
  • Hovering on password will display password requirements (same as we do now)
  • User will click save to save the student and return to the students page
  • User clicks cancel and student will not be saved. User will return to students page.

Business Rules

  • Username must be unique
  • Passwords must have
    • Minimum of 8 characters
    • Use a combination of upper and lower case letters
    • Use at least 1 numeric and/or special character

Main Display Area


  • We will display student name, grade, number of team members assigned, status, and an arrow
  • Hovering on the number of team members field will show a pop-up with names of team members currently assigned to the student
  • The status field is a drop-down allowing the user to change the status (active, archived, deleted)
  • Clicking the arrow reveals side-panel with view student info

Business Rules

  • By default, we will show all active students in all buildings the user has access to (unless filters are applied)
  • Students will be listed alphabetically by last name
View Student Panel


  • When the side panel is open, we will show
    • Student avatar/photo
    • Name
    • Username
    • Ethnicity
    • Birthday
    • Gender
    • Building
    • Classrooms (list of classrooms student is assigned to)
    • Assigned team members (number of team members student is assigned to)
      • Clicking the number triggers pop-up listing all assigned team member names
    • Grade
    • State Test Number
    • Education Classification
    • Biggest Area of Concern
    • Overall Language Ability
    • Edit
      • Clicking this will take the user to the edit student screen (same as create student screen above)

Business Rules

  • Clicking edit takes the user to the create student screen, but retains all current information on the student (i.e. student first name, last name, grade, gender, etc)