Roles (Account Setup)

We need to update the design of the manage roles page to fit the new account setup design and to improve user experience.



  • Users may search for a role by name
  • Users may filter roles by the accounts they belong to.

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Roles Add/Edit/Delete will have access to this area
  • Users may search for roles that exist in any account the user currently has access to
  • By default, the filter will show all roles in all accounts the user has access to

Add Role


  • When the user clicks "Add Role," the add role pop-up will show
  • The user will type in a name for the role
  • The user will type in a description for the role. This step is optional.
  • The user will select if the role is an admin role (yes or no). Users with admin roles will be auto-assigned all products and students for the accounts they belong to.
  • The user will select which accounts the role belongs to.
  • The user will then see a heading for each permission area:
    • Account Setup
    • Active Treatment Goals
    • Student Center (change Activity Center to Student Center)
    • Analyze Data
    • Behavior Support
    • Data Express
    • File Cabinet
    • Goal Library
    • Incident Tracking
    • My Students
    • My Training
    • Reports
    • Resources
    • Rethink Assessment
    • Staff Permissions
    • View Content
  • For each permission area, the user may turn all permissions on or off
  • Under each permission area, the user will see a list of permission settings.
  • When the user slides the button to the right, the permission setting is selected for that role
  • If the user clicks Cancel, the screen closes and the role is not created
  • If the user clicks Save, the screen closes and the role is created.

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Roles Add/Edit/Delete will have access to this area
  • The role must have a name
  • The default setting for admin role will be No
  • Users may assign the role to multiple buildings/accounts. By default, we will select all accounts the user has access to.
  • Remove Classroom Schedule from permissions

Main Display Area


  • The user will see a screen displaying the name of each role, whether the role is an admin role, and the buildings/accounts the role belongs to
  • If the user clicks the arrow, a side panel will appear so the user may view the details of the role

Business Rules

  • Roles will be displayed based on filter selections
View Role Panel


  • The user will see a panel showing:
    • Name of role
    • Description of the role
    • Permission settings that are active for the role for each permission area
  • If the user clicks Edit, they will be taken to the edit role screen (same as add role screen except current permissions are selected)
  • If the user clicks the X, the panel is closed.

Business Rules

  • We will only show the permissions that are selected for the role. For example, if a role does not have permission to Add/Edit Students, this permission setting will not show