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We need to show an overview of the student’s progress which includes student profile information, and past / present assessment results from the state and district level. . This report suggests/anticipates what the student needs and guides the user through selecting appropriate tools/resources for the student in the areas of Reading, Math, Behavior, and Social/Emotional (Well being).


Risk Report Overview

User Story

As a teacher viewing the risk report, I need to see the overall picture of a specific student’s background information including the Student Details, Academic Needs and Other Details so that I can quickly “get to know” the student before responding to the needs in each of the categories.


  • To access the student’s risk report, users click on (TBD location).

Acceptance Criteria

  • Path to Risk Report (TBD)

Top of Page

  • Student details, Academic Needs and Other Details comes from Student Information

    • Student details contains:

      • student Student ID

      • Birthday

      • Gender

      • Grade

      • Ethnicity

    • Academic Needs contains:

    • Other Details contains:

User Story

As a teacher viewing the risk report, I need to see a complete picture of the student, their progress, and their specific needs so that I can create interventions and supports to help the student meet their potential.


Acceptance Criteria