Versions Compared


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  • At Risk (Down Arrow)

    • If the student has reached the upper cut-off limit for the number of incidents within a Tier group (established in Admin Settings), then an At Risk Indicator is shown

      • Shown for Tier 1 and Tier 2 statuses

  • There are no Approaching Indicators (Up Arrow) for Behavior


Note: Cut off for each of the Tiers are established in Admin Settings SEL Tab. Cut-offs apply to an overall score (not SEL subsets) within the Tiers established in Admin Settings.

  • At Risk (Down Arrow)

    • If the student has scored at the lower Cut-off / within 1 of the lower Cut-off for for Tier 1 and Tier 2

  • Approaching (Up Arrow)

    • If the student has scored at the higher Cut-off / within 1 of the higher Cut-off for Tier 3 or Tier 2


Note: There are two methods for calculation Attendance: Percentage Based (Default) and Days Based. Percentage Based has both At Risk (Down Arrow) and Approaching (Up Arrow) Indicators. Days Based has only At Risk Indicators. (See: Admin Settings: Attendance Tab)

There are two lines for Attendance shown in the chart below the Donut graphs: Absences and Tardy. Both Absence and Tardy have calculations for determining Tiers.

It is possible for a student to have different Tier Levels for Absences and Tardies.

The At Risk Indicator (both Percentage Based and Days Based) and Approaching Indicator (Percentage Based only) are shown for both Absences and Tardies.

  • At Risk (Down Arrow)

    • For Percentage Based: The At Risk Indicator is shown when the student’s Attendance (Absences / Tardies) reaches within 1% of the maximum cut-off for Tier 1 and Tier 2.

    • For Days Based: The At Risk Indicator is shown when the student’s Attendance (Absences / Tardies) reaches within 1 day of the maximum cut off for Tier 1 and Tier 2.

  • Approaching (Up Arrow)

    • For Percentage Based: The Approaching Indicator is shown when the student’s Attendance (Absences / Tardies) reaches within