Admin Settings Behavior Tab


There are currently two options for including Behavior within MTSS Dashboard:

  • Integrated

    • Current providers for Integrated Behavior include: PowerSchool, eSchool Data, Genesis, Infinite Campus

    • Additional providers can be added by the Integrations team

  • Non-Integrated (Incident Product)

Settings also require a “Re-set” number. The Re-set number is the number of weeks that a student must maintain WITHOUT any incidents to be returned to Tier 1 Status. The default Re-set number is 9 weeks for both integrated and non-integrated Behavior and it can be edited.


For integrated Behavior, the highest level District Admin selects the ranges in number of incidents and assigned each range a Tier Level.

From a data collection focus, the minimum criteria needed is a unique student identifier and an incident date. With this information, we calculate Tiers based on the number of incidents established in Admin Settings.

Integrated Behavior also has optional custom fields that can be included. Custom fields capture additional information about the incidents and are shown to the Users in the Student Dashboard. At this time, there is no functionality associated with any custom fields. They are simply “plucked and dropped” from the data set into the Behavior Tab of the Student Dashboard.

Behavior is an evolving area: stay tuned for more updates about Behavior integration.

For non-integrated Behavior, we use our Incident Product. The highest level District Admin selects ranges in number of incidents for both MAJOR and MINOR and assigns a Tier level. Because the data is within our product, we provide additional information contained within the Incident report. That is similar to the custom entry fields that the integrated option provides.

At this time, a non-integrated Behavior does not include any custom fields.

Behavior is an evolving area: stay tuned for mor updates about non-integrated Behavior.


Dashboard > Set Up (top navigation) > MTSS Dashboard > Behavior Tab

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Integrated Behavior Settings

Recommended Settings

Number of Incidents

At Risk Indicator

Tier Level

Number of Incidents

At Risk Indicator

Tier Level

0 to 1

Shown with 1 incident

Tier 1

2 to 5

Shown with 5 incidents

Tier 2

6 or more


Tier 3


  • At Risk Indicators are NOT shown in Settings.

    • The example above is the default setting. If the number of incidents is changed, then the At Risk Indicators also change. At Risk Indicators show when the top limit for the number of incidents is reached for Tier 1 and Tier 2

  • 0 is locked as the minimum value for Tier 1.

  • The ranges are editable but values selected must lowest for Tier 1, followed by Tier 2 and then Tier 3

  • All values from the maximum value for Tier 1 to the minimum value for Tier 3 must be included with no gaps or overlaps.

  • Once the data for the first incident is integrated, then the settings are locked for the current school year.


Non-Integrated Behavior Settings

Recommended Settings

Number of Incidents

At Risk Indicators

Tier Level

Number of Incidents

At Risk Indicators

Tier Level

0 - 1 Major OR 0 - 3 Minor

Shown with 1 Major OR 3 Minor

Tier 1

2 - 5 Major OR 4 - 10 Minor

Shown with 5 Major OR 10 Minor

Tier 2

6 or more Major OR 11 or more Minor


Tier 3


  • At Risk Indicators are NOT shown in Settings

    • The example above is the default setting. If the number of incidents is changed, then the At Risk Indicators also change. At Risk Indicators show when the top limit for the number of incidents is reached for Tier 1 and Tier 2.

  • Notice “OR” in the chart for Recommended Settings

    • To trigger a Tier Level change, the criteria is one or the other.

      • Example: Having 2 Major incidents and 1 Minor incident means the student is Tier 2.

      • Example: Having 1 Major incident and 11 Minor incidents means the student is Tier 3.

  • Only incident reports that have an APPROVED STATUS are counted in MTSS Dashboard.

    • Example: If school principal does not approve an incident report, then it does not show up in MTSS Dashboard.