Admin Settings SEL Tab


At this time, there is only one option for SEL (all varieties).

  • Non-Integrated (Student Self-Assessment)

We do not yet support SEL data Integration.

The Tiers are based on the results of the Student Self-Assessment which is offered twice during the school year according to RethinkEd’s date ranges (Fall: August 1- January 31 and Spring: February 1 - July 31) and not Define School Year.

Settings are locked when the first student completes their Fall Self-Assessment.

The younger students (Grade 2 and below) do not yet take the Student Self-Assessment so those student WILL NOT see the results of the SEL Settings within the Student Dashboard. This means that there WILL NOT be a Tab for SEL if the student is in Grade 2 or below.


Dashboard > Set Up (top navigation) > MTSS Dashboard > SEL (Varieties) Tab

Slice 1 - 2024-05-21T084502.531-20240521-124502.png
SEL Settings


Non-Integrated Settings

Recommended Settings


Scores: Gr. 3-5

Scores: Gr. 6-8

Scores: Gr. 9-12

Tier Selection


Scores: Gr. 3-5

Scores: Gr. 6-8

Scores: Gr. 9-12

Tier Selection

Very High

Range: 61 +

At Risk: 46/47

Range: 61 +

At Risk: 46/47

Range: 61 +

At Risk: 46/47

Tier 1


Range: 56-60

At Risk: 46/47

Range: 56-60

At Risk: 46/47

Range: 56-60

At Risk: 46/47

Tier 1


Range: 46-55

At Risk: 46/47

Range: 46-55

At Risk: 46/47

Range: 46-55

At Risk: 46/47

Tier 1


Range: 33-45

Approach: 44/45

At Risk: 33/34

Range: 35-45

Approach: 44/45

At Risk: 35/36

Range: 33-45

Approach: 44/45

At Risk: 33/34

Tier 2

Very Low

Range: 0-32

Approach: 31/32

Range: 0-34

Approach: 33/34

Range: 0-32

Approach: 31/32

Tier 3


  • Columns in red (Scores Gr. 3-5, Scores Gr. 6-8, Scores: Gr 9-12) are not shown in the settings.

    • The ranges for each benchmark category are included in the Key for the graph in the Student Dashboard. (See: Student Dashboard for SEL)

    • Approach (Approaching Indicator) is shown when the student’s score is at the cut-off/within 1 of the cut-off for the higher Tier

      • Applies to Tier 3 and Tier 2

    • At Risk (At Risk Indicator) is shown when the student’s score is at the cut-off/ within 1 of the cut off for the lower Tier

      • Applies to Tier 1 and Tier 2

    • At Risk / Approaching Indicators are triggered by Tier Selection and NOT Benchmark

  • The benchmarks are not editable. They are the benchmarks established within our SEL Product

  • The Tier Selection is editable with the following restrictions:

    • Very High: Tier 1 is locked

    • Very Low: Tier 3 is locked

    • There must be a Tier 2 .

      • The remaining Tier Selections are editable although thy must be in order from the least intensive (Tier 1) to the most intensive (Tier 3)

  • Once the first student completes their Student Self-Assessment in the Fall, then the Settings are locked and remain in place for the school year.