At this time, there is only one option for SEL (all varieties).
Non-Integrated (Student Self-Assessment)
We do not yet support SEL data Integration.
The Tiers are based on the results of the Student Self-Assessment which is offered twice during the school year according to RethinkEd’s date ranges (Fall: August 1- January 31 and Spring: February 1 - July 31) and not Define School Year.
Settings are locked when the first student completes their Fall Self-Assessment.
The younger students (Grade 2 and below) do not yet take the Student Self-Assessment so those student WILL NOT see the results of the SEL Settings within the Student Dashboard. This means that there WILL NOT be a Tab for SEL if the student is in Grade 2 or below.
Dashboard > Set Up (top navigation) > MTSS Dashboard > SEL (Varieties) Tab
Non-Integrated Settings
Recommended Settings
Benchmark | Scores: Gr. 3-5 | Scores: Gr. 6-8 | Scores: Gr. 9-12 | Tier Selection |
Very High | Range: 61 + At Risk: 46/47 | Range: 61 + At Risk: 46/47 | Range: 61 + At Risk: 46/47 | Tier 1 |
High | Range: 56-60 At Risk: 46/47 | Range: 56-60 At Risk: 46/47 | Range: 56-60 At Risk: 46/47 | Tier 1 |
Average | Range: 46-55 At Risk: 46/47 | Range: 46-55 At Risk: 46/47 | Range: 46-55 At Risk: 46/47 | Tier 1 |
Low | Range: 33-45 Approach: 44/45 At Risk: 33/34 | Range: 35-45 Approach: 44/45 At Risk: 35/36 | Range: 33-45 Approach: 44/45 At Risk: 33/34 | Tier 2 |
Very Low | Range: 0-32 Approach: 31/32 | Range: 0-34 Approach: 33/34 | Range: 0-32 Approach: 31/32 | Tier 3 |
Columns in red (Scores Gr. 3-5, Scores Gr. 6-8, Scores: Gr 9-12) are not shown in the settings.
The ranges for each benchmark category are included in the Key for the graph in the Student Dashboard. (See: Student Dashboard for SEL)
Approach (Approaching Indicator) is shown when the student’s score is at the cut-off/within 1 of the cut-off for the higher Tier
Applies to Tier 3 and Tier 2
At Risk (At Risk Indicator) is shown when the student’s score is at the cut-off/ within 1 of the cut off for the lower Tier
Applies to Tier 1 and Tier 2
At Risk / Approaching Indicators are triggered by Tier Selection and NOT Benchmark
The benchmarks are not editable. They are the benchmarks established within our SEL Product
The Tier Selection is editable with the following restrictions:
Very High: Tier 1 is locked
Very Low: Tier 3 is locked
There must be a Tier 2 .
The remaining Tier Selections are editable although thy must be in order from the least intensive (Tier 1) to the most intensive (Tier 3)
Once the first student completes their Student Self-Assessment in the Fall, then the Settings are locked and remain in place for the school year.