School Year Calendar and Tier Criteria


The highest level Admin has two important tasks to complete prior to the start of the school year to ensure a great User experience. These are:

School Year Calendar Settings is a pop-up shown to the Highest Level Admin prior to the start of the school year. It is required so that data can flow into the correct time period within the school year. School Year Calendar Settings has a generous time period for completion: however, it will become mandatory to establish the following before the school year begins:

  • the first day of school

  • the label for the Time Periods

    • options include: Semesters, Trimesters, Quarters, Seasons, Grading Periods, Marking Periods

  • the number of Time Periods

  • the start and end date ranges for each Period

Future iteration: School Year Calendar Setting allowing for editing of dates so long as the data has not yet occurred.

School Year Calendar Settings applies to one school year.


Dashboard > Set Up > Account Settings > School Year Calendar (side navigation)

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Tier Criteria

Determining Tier Criteria is completed by the highest level admin in the Admin Settings. Tier Criteria is necessary for all integrated and non-integrated assessments and/or data collection vehicles for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL and Attendance. Many of Setting have editable criteria so that districts have the ability to customize. The Tier Criteria populates throughout all schools within that district so data collection is uniform. Settings are for one school year.

Integrated Settings are especially time sensitive. They need to be completed prior to the start of school (Attendance) or before the first data sync (Content Specific, Integrated Behavior).

For non-integrated items (Behavior: Incident Product, and SEL: Student Self Assessments) the Settings are locked when the first data point is entered. Example: first Incident is approved and first student takes their SEL Self-Assessment.


Our MTSS Dashboard currently supports the following:

  • Content Specific: ELA and Math

    • Integrated Only

      • Renaissance: Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math

      • Curriculum Associates: iReady Reading, iReady Math

      • Hughton Mifflin Harcourt: NWEA Map Reading, NWEA Map Math

  • Behavior

    • Integrated (multiple providers)

    • Non-integrated (Our Incident Product)

  • SEL (multiple varieties)

    • Non-integrated (Our SEL Product: Student Self-Assessment)

  • Attendance

    • Integrated (multiple providers)

      • Admin Users select one of two tracking methods:

        • Days Based

        • Percentage Based