Vizzle Feature Value Analysis


1. Import Teachers Button

  • Feature Description: Allows admins to upload a CSV or Excel file containing teacher information, streamlining the process of adding multiple teachers at once.

  • Value to Customers: This feature is particularly valuable during the start of the school year or when new teachers are hired. It reduces the administrative burden and ensures that large-scale updates can be made efficiently.

  • Competitive Edge: Bulk import features are essential in large educational institutions. Ensuring that this process is seamless and error-free can make the platform more attractive to district administrators, who often face tight deadlines and need reliable tools.


Import Button.png


2. Give Access to Other School Rosters Button

  • Feature Description: Allows admins to give selected teachers access to rosters from other schools within the district.

  • Value to Customers: This feature is useful for situations where teachers need to collaborate across schools or when a student is transferring between schools. It ensures continuity of education and reduces the administrative work required to grant access.

  • Competitive Edge: Facilitating cross-school collaboration through easy access to relevant data can enhance the appeal of the platform. Competitors may have access control features, but this specific functionality caters directly to district-wide educational strategies.

3. Deactivate Teacher, Edit Teacher and Add Teacher Buttons/Ability to Search Students assigned to teacher

  • Feature Description: These features allow admins to deactivate users, ensuring that only current personnel and have access to the platform. Edit teachers ensures all up to date information is saved for individual teacher and roles/permissions are managed within Teacher Management. Admin have access to ALL students assigned to teacher in one view.

  • Value to Customers: Maintaining up-to-date records is essential for security and compliance. This feature ensures that former employees or students no longer have access to sensitive information.

  • Competitive Edge: Security and compliance are major concerns for educational institutions. Offering robust and user-friendly tools for managing access rights can differentiate the product by emphasizing its security features.


Edit Teacher .png



Overall Strategy:

  • Focus on Usability: Admin-level features should be intuitive and reduce the time needed for routine tasks. Streamlining complex processes (like bulk uploads and cross-school access management) can make the product stand out.

  • Integration with Reporting: Linking these management features with reporting tools to provide insights into how changes (like teacher or student deactivations) impact school performance could add further value.




1. Create Student Button & Add Student Button

  • Value to Customers: These features make it easy for teachers to manage student rosters, whether by creating new student accounts or adding existing ones from the school database.

  • Competitive Edge: Ease of use and efficiency in roster management are critical. The ability to quickly and effectively manage student lists with minimal effort can be a significant selling point.



2. Classroom - Student Groups (Add Student Group Button & Student Group List)

  • Value to Customers: The ability to create and manage student groups is essential for differentiated instruction and small group activities. Teachers can easily group students based on specific needs or goals, facilitating targeted instruction.

  • Competitive Edge: Customizability and flexibility in grouping students are attractive features, especially in settings where personalized learning is emphasized. This feature can be a strong differentiator, particularly if it’s paired with robust data tracking and reporting tools.







3. Class Report Filters

  • Value to Customers: This feature allows teachers to generate specific reports based on various criteria (e.g., date range, student performance metrics). Having detailed and customizable reports can significantly aid in tracking student progress and making data-driven decisions.

  • Competitive Edge: The ability to generate customized reports is a must-have in modern educational platforms. Offering advanced filtering options can position the product as a more powerful tool for data-driven instruction compared to competitors.

4. Teacher Settings: Celebrations and Reinforcers

  • Value to Customers: Vizzle Celebrations/Reinforcers provide immediate, visually appealing feedback to students, which can significantly boost motivation and engagement. Transferring this feature to EDU platform will allow students to receive positive reinforcement across a broader range of activities, making learning more enjoyable and encouraging continued effort.

  • Competitive Edge: Increased Adoption and Usage - Fun and engaging reinforcers can lead to higher usage rates among both students and teachers, fostering a positive association with the platform. This, in turn, can lead to better overall educational outcomes and satisfaction, which strengthens customer loyalty and potentially drives further adoption of the Rethink Ed platform across districts.




1. Aggregate Reporting for Classrooms - showing Mastery/Growth Over Time


  1. Goal/Objective Tracking:

    • Filters and Controls:

      • Dropdown menu for filtering by "Goals/Objectives" and a button for generating a "Detailed Report."

    • Tracking Panels:

      • The screen is divided into two main sections: "In Progress" and "Archived."

  2. In Progress Section:

    • This section contains several panels, each representing a different goal or objective.

    • Each panel includes the following details:

      • Title: Name of the objective (ex. "Life Skills 6-8, 1 - Personal Care, 1 - Healthy Eating…").

      • Activities: Number of activities associated with that goal (ex. "7 Activities").

      • Target Score: The target score for three consecutive activities (ex. "80%").

      • Graph: A placeholder graph area showing "No Activities Played" for each objective, meaning that no progress data is currently available.

  3. Archived Section:

    • This section similarly contains panels for different goals/objectives that have been archived.

    • Each panel shows:

      • Last Played Date: The last date an activity was played (ex. "Last Played on 04/13/2022").

      • Graph: A graph showing progress over time for the activities associated with that objective. Some graphs have progress lines, while others may have very little data (ex. "1%" progress).


Value to Customers:

  1. Real-Time Progress Monitoring: Educators can instantly see which students are struggling with specific goals and objectives, allowing for timely interventions. This helps teachers tailor their instruction to meet individual student needs, enhancing the effectiveness of educational programs.

  2. Data-Driven Decision Making: The ability to track progress over time and analyze performance data empowers teachers to make informed decisions about curriculum adjustments, resource allocation, and instructional strategies. Schools and districts can improve overall student outcomes by making data-driven decisions.

  3. Easy Reporting

Competitive Edge:

  1. Comprehensive Tracking and Reporting:

    • Differentiator: Not all educational platforms provide as granular and easy-to-access progress tracking as shown in this interface. The ability to filter by goals/objectives and view both in-progress and archived data gives a holistic view of student performance.

    • Advantage: This feature could be a significant selling point when competing against platforms that offer less intuitive or less detailed tracking capabilities.


  2. User-Friendly Interface:

  • Differentiator: The clean, intuitive layout makes it easy for educators to quickly understand and use the system, reducing the learning curve and increasing adoption rates.

  • Advantage: A user-friendly UI ensures that the platform can be easily integrated into daily routines without extensive training, making it more appealing to schools and districts.

2. Integration of Vizzle in Intervention Plan

Value to Customers:

  • Personalized Learning: Vizzle offers a standards-based curriculum that allows educators to tailor lessons to meet individual student needs. Integrating Vizzle into the Intervention Plan will enhance personalized instruction, ensuring that interventions are closely aligned with each student's learning goals, particularly for Special Education (SPED) students.

  • Streamlined Workflow: By integrating Vizzle, educators can easily track IEP Goals and assign tiered activities and track student progress directly within the Intervention Plan. This reduces the need for multiple platforms, simplifying the process for educators and ensuring consistency in monitoring student growth.

Competitive Edge:

  • Unified Platform/Interoperability : The integration positions Rethink Ed as a one-stop solution for both curriculum delivery and intervention tracking. This comprehensive approach differentiates Rethink Ed from competitors who may offer either curriculum or intervention tools separately, but not a fully integrated solution.

  • Enhanced Data Insights: Seamless connection between Vizzle's curriculum tools and Goal Tracking and Analytics feature will provide richer data insights, enabling more informed decision-making for users. This is a unique selling point that can attract districts looking for advanced data-driven instruction tools.